The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Hirivera (nt.) [cp. Sk. hr"vera] a kind of Andropogon (sort of perfume) J vi.537; DA i.81.<br />

Hil!dati<br />

Hil!dati [hl!d] to refresh oneself, to be glad Dhtp 152 (=sukha), 591 (id.).<br />

H"na<br />

H"na [pp. of jahati] 1. inferior, low; poor, miserable; vile, base, abject, contemptible, despicable Vin i.10; D<br />

i.82, 98; S ii.154 (h"na' dh!tu' pa&icca uppajjati h"n! saññ!); iii.47; iv.88, 309 (citta h. duggata); D iii.106,<br />

111 sq., 215 (dh!tu); A ii.154; iii.349 sq.; v.59 sq.; Sn 799, 903 sq.; Nd1 48, 103, 107, 146; J ii.6; Pv iv.127<br />

(opp. pa*"ta); Vv 2413 (=l!maka VvA 116); Dhs 1025; DhsA 45; Miln 288; Vism 13; DhA iii.163. -- Often<br />

opposed to ukka&&ha (exalted, decent, noble), e. g. Vin iv.6; J i.20, 22; iii.218; VbhA 410; or in graduated<br />

sequence h"na (>majjhima)>pa*"ta (i. e. low, medium, excellent), e. g. Vism 11, 85 sq., 424, 473. See<br />

majjhima. -- 2. deprived of, wanting, lacking Sn 725= It 106 (ceto -- vimutti˚); Pug 35. -- h"n!ya !vattati to<br />

turn to the lower, to give up orders, return to secular life Vin i.17; S ii.231; iv.191; Ud 21; A iii.393 sq.; M<br />

i.460; Sn p. 92; Pug 66; h"n!ya vattati id. J i.276; h"n!y'!vatta one who returns to the world M i.460, 462; S<br />

ii.50; iv.103; Nd1 147. -- âdhimutta having low inclinations J iii.87; Pug 26; ˚ika id. S ii.157; It 70. -- k!ya<br />

inferior assembly VvA 298 (here meaning Yamaloka); PvA 5. -- jacca low-born, low -- caste J ii.5; iii.452;<br />

v.19, 257. -- v!da one whose doctrine is defective Sn 827; Nd1 167. -- viriya lacking in energy It 116; DhA<br />

i.75; ii.260.<br />

H"yati<br />

H"yati is Pass. of jahati.<br />

H"ra<br />

H"ra [cp. late Sk. h"ra] 1. a necklace (?) VvA 176. -- 2. a small piece, splinter J iv.30 (sakalika˚); h"rah"ra'<br />

karoti to cut to pieces, to chop up J i.9; DhA i.224 (+kha*.âkha*.a').<br />

H"raka<br />

H"raka [h"ra+ka, cp. lexic. Sk. h"raka "diamond"] a splinter; t!la˚ "palm -- splinter," a name for a class of<br />

worms Vism 258.<br />

H"rati<br />

H"rati is Pass. of harati.<br />

H")ana<br />

H")ana (nt.) & ˚! (f.) [fr. h".] scorn(ing), disdain, contempt Miln 357; DA i.276 (of part. "re": h"lana --<br />

vasena !mantana'); as ˚! at Vbh 353 (+oh")an!); VbhA 486.<br />

H")ita<br />

H")ita [pp. of h")eti] despised, looked down upon, scorned Vin iv.6; Miln 227, 251; Vism 424 (+oh")ita<br />

oññ!ta etc.); DA i.256.<br />


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