The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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the J!taka commentary, when it means Agni, has the phrase Aggi Bhagav! the Lord Agni, e. g. at J i.285,<br />

494; ii.44. <strong>The</strong> ancient ceremony of kindling a holy fire on the day the child is born and keeping it up<br />

throughout his life, is also referred to by that commentary e. g. J i.285; ii.43. Aggi' paricarati (cp.<br />

˚paric!riy!) to serve the sacred fire Vin i.31 (ja&il!<br />

-- 5 --<br />

agg" paricarituk!m!); A v.263, 266; Th 2, 143 (= aggihutta' paric˚ ThA 136); Dh 107; J i.494; DhA ii.232.<br />

aggi' juhati (cp. ˚homa, ˚hutta) to sacrifice (in)to the fire A ii.207; often combd. with aggihutta' paricarati,<br />

e. g. S i.166; Sn p. 79. aggi' namati & santappeti to worship the fire A v.235. aggissa (gen.) paric!riko J<br />

yi.207 (cp. below ˚paric!rika); aggissa !dh!na' A iv.41. -- 3. (ethical, always -- ˚) the fire of burning,<br />

consuming, feverish sensations. Freq. in standard set of 3 fires, viz. r!g˚, dos˚, moh˚, or the fires of lust,<br />

anger and bewilderment. <strong>The</strong> number three may possibly have been chosen with reference to the three<br />

sacrificial fires of Vedic ritual. At S iv.19; A iv.41 sq. there are 7 fires, the 4 last of which are !huneyy˚,<br />

gahapat˚, dakkhi*eyy˚, ka&&h˚. But this trinity of cardinal sins lies at the basis of Buddhist ethics, & the fire<br />

simile was more probably suggested by the number. D iii.217; It 92, Vbh 368. In late books are found<br />

others: ind˚ the fire of the senses PvA 56; dukkh˚ the glow of suffering ib. 60; bhavadukkh˚ of the misery<br />

of becomings Sdhp. 552; vippa&is!r˚ burning remorse PvA 60; sok˚ burning grief ib. 41. Note. <strong>The</strong> form<br />

aggini occurs only at Sn 668 & 670 in the meaning of "pyre", and in combn. with sama "like", viz. aggini --<br />

sama' jalita' 668 (= samantato jali ta' aggi' Sn A 480); aggini -- sam!su 670 (= aggisam!su Sn A 481).<br />

<strong>The</strong> form aggin" in phrase niccaggin" can either be referred to gini (q. v.) or has to be taken as nom. of<br />

aggini (in adj. function with " metri causa; otherwise as adj. aggini'), meaning looking constantly after the<br />

fire, i. e. careful, observant, alert. -- ag!ra (agyâg!ra) a heated room or hut with a fire Vin i.24; iv.109; D<br />

i.101, 102 (as v. l. BB for ag!ra); M i.501; A v.234, 250. -- khandha a great mass of fire, a huge fire, fire --<br />

brand S ii.85; A iv. 128; Th 2, 351 (˚sam!k!m!); J iv.139; vi.330; Ps i.125; Dpvs vi.37; Miln 304. -- gata<br />

having become (like) fire Miln 302. -- ja fire -- born J v.404 (C; text aggij!ta). -- &&ha fire -- place J v.155. --<br />

&&h!na fire -- place Vin ii.120 (jant!ghare, in bathroom). -- da..ha consumed by fire Dh 136; Pv i.74. --<br />

d!ha (mah!˚) a holocaust A i.178. -- nik!sin like fire J iii.320 (suriya). -- nibb!na the extinction of fire J<br />

i.212. -- pajjota fire -- light A ii.140 (one of the 4 lights, viz. canda˚, suriya˚, a˚, paññ!˚). -- paricara*a ( --<br />

&&h!na) the place where the (sacrificial) fire is attended to DhA i.199. -- paricariy! fire -- worship DhA<br />

ii.232; Sn A 291 (p!ri˚) 456. -- paric!rika one who worship the fire a v.263 (br!hma*a). -- s!l! a heated hall<br />

or refectory Vin i.25, 49 = ii.210; i.139; ii.154. -- sikh! the crest of the fire, the flame, in simile ˚ûpama,<br />

like a flaming fire Sn 703; Dh 308 = It 43, 90 (ayogu)a). -- hutta (nt.) the sacrificial fire (see above 2), Vin<br />

i.33, 36 = J i.83; Vin i.246 = Sn 568 (˚mukha -- yañña); S i.166; Dh 392; Sn 249, p. 79; J iv.211; vi.525;<br />

ThA 136 (= aggi); DhA iv.151 (˚' br!hma*o namati). -- huttaka (nt.) fire -- offering J vi.522 (= aggi --<br />

j(hana C.). -- hotta = ˚hutta SnA 456 (v. l. BB ˚hutta). -- homa fire -- oblation (or perhaps sacrificing to<br />

Agni) D i.9 (= aggi -- j(hana DA i.93).<br />

Aggika<br />

Aggika (adj.) [aggi + ka] one who worships the fire Vin i.71 (ja&ilaka); D ii.339 sq. (ja&ila); S i.166<br />

(br!hma*a).<br />

Aggha<br />

Aggha [see agghati] 1. price, value, worth, Miln 244; Mhvs 26, 22; 30, 76; VvA 77. -- mahaggha (adj.) of<br />

great value J iv.138; v.414; vi.209; Pv ii.118. See also mahâraha. appaggha (adj.) of little value J. iv.139;<br />

v.414. -- anaggha (nt.) pricelessness, J v.484; cattari anaggh!ni the four priceless things, viz. setacchatta,<br />

nis"danapallanka, !dh!raka, p!dap"&hik! DhA iii.120, 186. (adj.) priceless, invaluable J v.414; Mhvs 26, 25;<br />

DhA iv.216. -- agghena (instr.) for the price of Vin ii.52, cp. Bdhgh on p. 311, 312. -- 2. an oblation made<br />

to a guest D ii.240; J iv.396 = 476. -- k!raka a valuator J i.124. -- pada valuableness J v.473 (˚lakkha*a'<br />

n!ma manta').<br />


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