The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Ha&a<br />

Ha&a2 [cp. Sk. ha&ha & ha&a] a kind of water -- plant, Pistia stratiotes D i.166; M i.78, 156; Pug 55 (text s!ta<br />

-- ); A i.241, 295 (v. l. s!ta; cp. h!&aka).<br />

Ha&&ha<br />

Ha&&ha [pp. of ha'sati] 1. bristling, standing on end M i.83; D!vs v.64; lomaha&&haj!ta (cp. ˚loma) with<br />

bristling hairs, excited D ii.240; Sn p. 14. -- 2. joyful, happy Vin i.15; Sn 1017; J i.31, 335; ii.32; often<br />

combd with either tu&&ha (e. g. J vi.427; PvA 113), or paha&&ha (DhA iii.292).<br />

Ha&ha<br />

Ha&ha [only as lexicogr. word; Dhtp 101=balakk!ra] violence.<br />

Hata<br />

Hata [pp. of hanti] struck, killed D ii.131; destroyed, spoilt, injured Vin i.25; Dhs 264; J ii.175; re*uhata<br />

struck with dust, covered with dust Vin i.32; hatatta (nt.) the state of being destroyed Dh 390; hatâvak!sa<br />

who has cut off every occasion (for good and evil) Dh 97; DhA ii.188; hatâvasesaka surviving D i.135;<br />

pakkha˚ a cripple (q. v.); ˚vikkhittaka slain & cut up, killed & dismembered Vism 179, 194. -- hata is also<br />

used in sense of med., i. e. one who has destroyed or killed,<br />

-- 728 --<br />

e. g. n!ga˚ slayer of a n!ga Vin ii.195; ˚antar!ya one who removes an obstacle PvA 1. -- ahata unsoiled,<br />

clean, new D ii.160; J i.50; D!vs ii.39.<br />

Hati<br />

Hati (f.) [fr. han] destruction D!vs iv.17.<br />

Hattha<br />

Hattha [fr. h%, cp. Vedic hasta] 1. hand D i.124; A i.47; Sn 610; J vi.40. -- forearm Vin iv.221; of animals S<br />

v.148; J i.149; ˚p!da hand and foot M i.523; A i.47; J ii.117; PvA 241; DhA iv.7. sahassa˚ thousand --<br />

armed Mhvs 30, 75; pañca˚ having five hands J v.425; J v.431 (mukhassa ceva catunna' ca caran!*a'<br />

vasena eta' vutta'); kata˚ a practised hand, practised (of an archer) S i.62; A ii.48; J iv.211. -- hatthe karoti<br />

to bring under one's hand, to take possession of, to subdue J vi.490; hattha' gacchati to come under<br />

somebody's hand, to come under the sway of J i.179; hatthaga being in the power of; hatthagata fallen into<br />

the hand or possession of, hatthappatta what one can put one's hand on, i. e. "before his very eyes" Vin i.15.<br />

As ˚hattha in hand, -- handed; e. g. da*.a˚ stick in hand J i.59; ritta˚ empty -- handed Sdhp 309; v"*!˚ lute<br />

in hand Mhvs 30, 75. Cp. sa˚ with one's own hand. 2. the hand as measure, a cubit J i.34, 233 (as"ti˚, q.<br />

v.); Mhvs 38, 52; Vism 92 (nava˚ s!&aka). -- 3. a handful, a tuft (of hair) VvA 197. -- anguli finger PvA 124<br />

(+p!danguli toe). -- a&&hika hand -- bone KhA 49. -- antara a cubit Vism 124. -- âpalekhana licking the<br />

hands (to clean them after eating -- cp. the 52nd Sekhiya Vin iv.198) D i.166; iii.40; M i.77, 238, 307; A<br />

i.295 (v. l. ˚!va˚); Pug 55. -- !bhara*a bracelet Vin ii.106. -- âbhijappana (nt.) incantations to make a man<br />

throw up his hands D i.11; DA i.97. -- âlank!ra a (wrist) bracelet, wristlet VvA 167. -- kacchapaka making<br />

a hollow hand J iii.505. -- kamma manual work, craft, workmanship, labour J i.220; DhA i.98, 395; iv.64. -<br />

- gata received, come into the possession of J i.446; ii.94, 105; VvA 149; (nt.) possession J vi.392. --<br />

gaha*a seizing by the hand Vin iv.220. -- cchinna whose hand is cut off M i.523; Miln 5. -- ccheda cutting<br />

off the hand J i.155 (read sugatiy! va hatthacched!di). -- cchedana= ˚cheda J iv.192; DhA iii.482. -- tala<br />

palm of the hand VvA 7. -- ttha [cp. Sk. hasta -- stha, of sth!] lit. standing in the hand of somebody, being

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