The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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country J iv.37; se&&hi gahapati Vin i.273; S i.92; there were families of se&&his Vin i.18; J iv.62; ˚ -- &&h!na<br />

the position of a se&&hi J ii.122, 231; hereditary J i.231, 243; ii.64; iii.475; iv.62 etc.; se&&hânuse&&h"<br />

treasurers and under -- treasurers Vin i.18; see Vinaya <strong>Text</strong>s i.102.<br />

Se&&hitta<br />

Se&&hitta (nt.) [abstr. fr. se&&hi] the office of treasurer or (wholesale) merchant S i.92.<br />

Se*i<br />

Se*i (f.) [Class. Sk. $re*i in meaning "guild"; Vedic= row] 1. a guild Vin iv.226; J i.267, 314; iv.43; D!vs<br />

ii.124; their number was eighteen J vi.22, 427; VbhA 466. ˚ -- pamukha the head of a guild J ii.12 (text seni<br />

-- ). -- 2. a division of an army J vi.583; ratha -- ˚ J vi.81, 49; se*imokkha the chief of an army J vi.371 (cp.<br />

sen! and seniya).<br />

Seta<br />

Seta (adj.) [Vedic $veta & $vitra; cp. Av. spa/ta white; Lith. szaitVti to make light; Ohg. hw"z=E. white]<br />

white D ii.297=M i.58; Sn 689; A iii.241; VbhA 63 (opp. k!)a); J i.175; PvA 157, 215. name of a mountain<br />

in the Him!layas S i.67= Miln 242; an elephant of King Pasenadi A iii.345. -- anga white bodied Mhvs 10,<br />

54. -- a&&hika lit. (having) white bones, (suffering from) famine [cp. BSk. $vet!sthi Divy 131] Vin iii.6;<br />

iv.23; S iv.323; A i.160; iv.279. f. mildew Vin ii.256; J v.401. -- odaka clear (transparent) water Pv<br />

ii.120. -- kambala white blanket J iv.353. -- kamma whitewashing J vi.432. -- ku&&ha white leprosy J v.69;<br />

vi.196. -- geru N. of a plant J vi.535. -- cchatta a white parasol, an emblem of royalty D ii.19; A i.145; J<br />

i.177, 267; PvA 74; DhA i.167; iii.120. -- pacch!da with white covering S iv.292=Ud 76=DhsA 397. --<br />

puppha "white -- flowered," N. of a tree (Vitex trifolia?) J v.422 (=piyaka). -- v!r" (& ˚v!risa) names of<br />

plants or trees J vi.535, 536.<br />

Setaka<br />

Setaka (adj.) [seta+ka] white, transparent D ii.129; M i.76, 167, 283.<br />

Setaccha<br />

Setaccha a tree J vi.535; setacchak(&a adj. J vi.539 (saku*a).<br />

Setapa**i<br />

Setapa**i (f. [?]) a tree J vi.335.<br />

Seti & sayati<br />

Seti & sayati [$", Vedic $ete & $ayate; cp. Av. sa/te=Gr. kei_tai to lie, w) -- keano/s ("ocean")=Sk. ! --<br />

$ay!nah, koima/w to put to sleep; Ags. h!/man to marry; also Lat. c"vis=citizen. -- <strong>The</strong> Dhtp simply defines<br />

as saya (374)] to lie down, to sleep; (applied) to be in a condition, to dwell, behave etc. -- Pres. seti S i.41,<br />

47, 198 (ki' sesi why do you lie asleep? Cp. Pv ii.61); J i.141; Dh 79, 168; Sn 200; VvA 42; sayati Vin<br />

i.57; J ii.53; DA i.261. Pot. sayeyya Pv ii.3,9 & saye It 120. ppr. saya' It 82, 117; Sn 193; say!na (med.) D<br />

i.90; ii.292; M i.57; It 117; Sn 1145; & sem!na D ii.24; M i.88; S i.121; J i.180; also sayam!na Th 1, 95. --<br />

Fut. sessati S i.83; Sn 970; DhA i.320. -- Aor. sesi J v.70; settha Sn 970; sayi J vi.197, asayittha J i.335. --<br />

Inf. sayitu' PvA 157; ger. sayitv! J ii.77. -- pp. sayita (q. v.). -- Caus. II. say!peti to make lie down, to bed<br />

on a couch etc. J i.245; v.461; Mhvs 31, 35; PvA 104. -- pp. say!pita. -- sukha' seti to be at ease or happy S<br />

i.212; J v.242 (ra&&ha' i. e. is prosperous); opp. dukkha' s. to be miserable A i.137.

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