The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Suci<br />

Suci (adj.) [Vedic $uci] pure, clean, white D i.4; A i.293; Sn 226, 410. -- opp. asuci impure A iii.226; v.109,<br />

266. -- (nt.) purity, pure things J i.22; goodness, merit Dp 245; a tree used for making foot -- boards VvA 8.<br />

-- kamma whose actions are pure Dh 24. -- gandha having a sweet perfume Dh 58; DhA i.445. -- gavesin<br />

longing for purity S i.205; DhA iii.354. -- gha&ika read s(cigha&ik! at Vin ii.237. -- ghara Vin ii.301 sq.; see<br />

s(cighara. -- j!tika of clean descent J ii.11. -- bhojana pure food Sn 128. -- mhita having a pleasant, serene<br />

smile Vv 1810; 5025; 6412; VvA 96, 280 (also explained as a name); J iv.107. -- vasana wearing clean,<br />

bright clothes Sn 679.<br />

Sucimant<br />

Sucimant (adj.) [suci+mant] pure, an epithet of the Buddha A iv.340.<br />

Suj!<br />

Suj! (f.) [Vedic sruc, f.] a sacrificial ladle D i.120, 138; S i.169; DA i.289, 299.<br />

Sujjhati<br />

Sujjhati [$udh which the Dhtp (417) defines as "soceyye," i. e. from cleansing] to become clean or pure M<br />

i.39; S i.34, 166; Nd1 85; Vism 3; cp. pari˚. -- pp. suddha. -- Caus. sodheti (q. v.).<br />

Sujjhana<br />

Sujjhana (nt.) [fr. sujjhati] purification Vism 44.<br />

Suñña<br />

Suñña (adj.) [cp. Sk. $(nya, fr. Vedic $(na, nt., void] 1. empty, uninhabited D i.17; ii.202; S i.180; iv.173;<br />

DA i.110; Miln 5. -- 2. empty, devoid of reality, unsubstantial, phenomenal M i.435; S iii.167; iv.54, 296;<br />

Sn 1119; Nd1 439 (loka). -- 3. empty, void, useless M i.483; S iv.54, 297; D!vs v.17; Miln 96; Vism 594<br />

sq. (of n!mar(pa, in simile with suñña d!ruyanta). suññasuñña empty of permanent substance Ps ii.178;<br />

asuñña not empty Miln 130. -- nt. suñña' emptiness, annihilation, Nibb!na Vism 513 (three nirodha --<br />

suññ!ni); abl. ˚to from the point of view of the "Empty" Nd2 680 (long exegesis of suññato at Sn 1119);<br />

Vism 512; VbhA 89, 261; KhA 74. -- !g!ra an empty place, an uninhabited spot, solitude Vin i.97, 228;<br />

ii.158, 183; iii.70, 91 sq.; D i.175; ii.86; 291, M i.33; S iv.133, 359 sq.; A iii.353; iv.139, 392, 437; v.109,<br />

207, 323 sq.; It 39; J iii.191; Miln 344; Vism 270; Nd2 94. -- g!ma an empty (deserted) village (in similes)<br />

Vism 484; VbhA 48; Dhs 597; DhsA 309; ˚tth!na Vism 353; VbhA 57.<br />

Suññata<br />

Suññata (adj.) [i. e. the abl. suññato used as adj. nom.] void, empty, devoid of lusts, evil dispositions, and<br />

karma, but especially of soul, ego Th 2, 46; ThA 50; Dhs 344; Mhvs 37, 7; nibb!na DhsA 221; phassa S<br />

iv.295; vimokkha Dh 92; DhA ii.172; Miln 413; vimokkha sam!dhi, and sam!patti Vin iii.92 sq.; iv.25 sq.;<br />

sam!dhi (contemplation of emptiness, see Cpd. 216) D iii.219 (one of. three sam!dhis); S iv.360, 363; Miln<br />

337; anupassan! Ps ii.43 sq.<br />

Suññat!<br />

Suññat! (f.) [abstr. fr. suñña] emptiness, "void," unsub- stantiality, phenomenality; freedom from lust, ill --<br />

will, and dullness, Nibb!na M iii.111; Kvu 232; DhsA 221; Nett 118 sq., 123 sq., 126; Miln 16; Vism 333

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