The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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well covered Dh 14. -- cchavi having a lovely skin, pleasant to the skin D iii.159; J v.215; vi.269. -- jana a<br />

good man Mhvs 1, 85. -- j!ta well born, of noble birth D i.93; Sn 548 sq. -- j!ti of noble family Mhvs 24,<br />

50. -- j"va easy to live Dh 244. -- tanu having a slender waist Vv 6412 (=sundara -- sar"ra VvA 280). --<br />

danta well subdued, tamed D ii.254; Dh 94; A iv.376. -- dassa easily seen Dh 252; (m.) a kind of gods,<br />

found in the fourteenth r(pa -- brahmaloka D ii.52; Pug 17; Kvu 207. -- di&&ha well seen Sn 178; p. 143. --<br />

divasa a lucky day J iv.209. -- dujjaya difficult to win Mhvs 26, 3. -- duttara very difficult to escape from A<br />

v.232 sq., 253 sq.; Dh 86; Sn 358. -- dukkara very difficult to do J v.31. -- duccaja very hard to give up J<br />

vi.473. -- duddasa very difficult to see Vin i.5; Th 1, 1098; Dh 36; DhA i.300; used as an epithet of<br />

Nibb!na S iv.369. -- duppadha'siya very difficult to overwhelm D iii.176. -- dubbala very weak Sn 4. --<br />

dullabha very difficult to obtain Sn 138; Vv 4419; Vism 2; VvA 20. -- desika a good guide Miln 354; DhsA<br />

123; Vism 465. -- desita well preached Dh 44; Sn 88, 230. -- ddi&&ha [= su+uddi&&ha] well set out Vin i.129;<br />

J iv.192. -- ddhanta well blown M iii.243; DhsA 326;=sa'dhanta A i.253; Vin ii.59. -- dhammat! good<br />

nature, good character, goodness, virtue J ii.159; v.357; vi.527. -- dhota well washed, thoroughly clean J<br />

i.331. -- nand" (scil. vedan!) pleasing, pleasurable S i.53. -- naya easily deducted, clearly understood A<br />

iii.179=sunnaya A ii.148; iii. 179 (v. l.). -- nah!ta well bathed, well groomed D i.104; as sunh!ta at S i.79. -<br />

- nimmadaya easily overcome D 243 and sq. -- nisita well whetted or sharpened J iv.118; as ˚nissita at J<br />

vi.248. -- nisit -- agga with a very sharp point VvA 227. -- n"ta well understood A i.59. -- pakka thoroughly<br />

ripe Mhvs 15, 38. -- pa**as!l! a beautiful hut J i.7. -- patittha having beautiful banks D ii.129; Ud<br />

83=s(patittha M i.76. See also under s(patittha. -- parikammakata well prepared, well polished D i.76; A<br />

ii.201; DA i.221. -- pariccaja easy to give away J iii.68. -- parima*.ala well rounded, complete Mhvs 37,<br />

225. -- parih"na thoroughly bereft, quite done for It 35. -- p!pa -- kammin very wicked J v.143. -- p!pa --<br />

dhamma very wicked Vv 521. -- p!pika very sinful, wicked A ii.203. -- p!yita well saturated, i. e. hardened<br />

(of a sword) J iv.118. Cp. suthita. -- p!siya easily threaded (of a needle)<br />

-- 715 --<br />

J iii.282. -- picchita well polished, shiny, slippery J v.197 (cp. Sk. picchala?). Dutoit "fest gepresst" (p")?),<br />

so also Kern, Toev. ii.85. C. expls as suphassita. -- pipi good to drink J vi.526. -- p"ta see suthita. --<br />

pubba*ha a good morning A i.294. -- posat! good nature Vin i.45. -- ppa&ik!ra easy requital A i.123. --<br />

ppa&ipanna well conducted A ii.56; Pug 48; -- t!, good conduct Nett 50. -- ppa&ippat!)ita well played on D<br />

ii.171; A iv.263. -- ppa&ividdha thoroughly understood A ii.185. -- ppati&&hita firmly established It 77; Sn<br />

444. -- ppat"ta well pleased Mhvs 24, 64. -- ppadha'siya easily assaulted or overwhelmed D iii.176; S<br />

ii.264. Cp. ˚duppadha'siya. -- ppadhota thoroughly cleansed D ii.324. -- ppabh!ta a good daybreak Sn 178.<br />

-- ppameyya easily fathomed D i.266; Pug 35. -- ppav!dita (music) well played Vv 39. -- ppav!yita well<br />

woven, evenly woven Vin iii.259. -- ppavedita well preached It 78; Th 2, 341; ThA 240. -- ppasanna<br />

thoroughly full of faith Mhvs 34, 74. -- ppah!ra a good blow J iii.83. -- phassita agreeable to touch, very<br />

soft J i.220; v.197 (C. for supicchita); smooth VvA 275. -- bahu very much, very many Mhvs 20, 9; 30, 18;<br />

34, 15; 37, 48. -- b!)hika see b!)hika. -- bbata virtuous, devout D i.52; S i.236; Sn 220; Dh 95; J vi.493;<br />

DhA ii.177; iii.99; PvA 226; VvA 151. -- bbin!ya easy to understand Nd 326. -- bbu&&hi abundant rainfall<br />

Mhvs 15, 97; DhA i.52; -- k! the same D i.11. -- brah! very big J iv.111. -- bhara easily supported, frugal; -<br />

- t! frugality Vin i.45; ii.2; M i.13. -- bhikkha having plenty of food (nt.) plenty D i.11. -- ˚v!ca called<br />

plenty, renowned for great liberality It 66. -- bh(mi good soil M i.124. -- majja well polished J iii.282. --<br />

majjhantika a good noon A i.294. -- mati wise Mhvs 15, 214. -- matikata well harrowed A i.239. -- mada<br />

very joyful J v.328. -- mana glad, happy D i.3; iii.269; A ii.198; Sn 222, 1028; Dh 68; Vism 174. kind,<br />

friendly J iv.217 (opp. disa). -- manohara very charming Mhvs 26, 17. -- manta well-advised, careful Miln<br />

318. -- m!nasa joyful Vin i.25; Mhvs 1, 76. -- m!pita well built J i.7. -- mutta happily released D ii.162. --<br />

medha wise Vin i.5; M i.142; A ii.49 and sq.; Dh 208; Sn 117, 211 etc.; It 33; Nd1 453. -- medhasa wise D<br />

ii.267; A ii.70; Dh 29. -- yi&&ha well sacrificed A ii.44. -- yutta well suited, suitable J i.296. -- ratta very red<br />

J i.119; DhA i.249. -- rabhi fragrant S iv.71; Vv 8432; J i.119; A iii.238; Vv 4412, 538, 716; Pv ii.123;<br />

Vism 195 (˚vilepana); VvA 237; PvA 77; Davs iv.40; Miln 358. -- ˚kara*.aka fragrance box, a fragrant box<br />

Th 2, 253; ThA 209. -- ruci resplendent Sn 548. -- ruddha very fierce J v.425, 431 (read ˚rudda). -- r(pin<br />

handsome Mhvs 22, 20. -- rosita nicely anointed J v.173. -- laddha well taken; (nt.) a good gain, bliss Vin<br />

i.17; It 77. -- labha easy to be obtained It 102; J i.66; vi.125; PvA 87. -- vaca of nice speech, compliant M<br />

i.43, 126; Sn 143; A iii.78; J i.224. Often with padakkhi*agg!hin (q. v.). See also subbaca & abstr. der.<br />

sovacassa. -- vatthi [i. e. su+asti] hail, well -- being Cp. 100=J iv.31; cp. sotthi. -- vammita well harnessed J

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