The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sinehaniya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. sinehana] softening, oily; ˚!ni bhesajj!ni softening medicines Miln 172<br />

(opp. lekhaniy!ni).<br />

Sinehita<br />

Sinehita [pp. of sineheti] lustful, covetous Dh 341; DhA iv.49.<br />

Sinoti<br />

Sinoti [s! or si; Vedic syati & sin!ti; the Dhtp 505 gives si in meaning "bandhana"] to bind DhsA 219<br />

(sinoti bandhat" ti setu). pp. sita3.<br />

Sind"<br />

Sind" (f.) [etym.?] N. of a tree Vism 183, where KhA 49 in id. passage reads khajj(rik!. See also Abhp 603;<br />

De$"n viii.29.<br />

Sinduv!ra<br />

Sinduv!ra [Sk. sinduv!ra] the tree Vitex negundo DA i.252; DhsA 14, 317; also spelt sindhav!ra VvA 177;<br />

sinduv!rik! J vi.269; sindhuv!rit! (i. e. sinduv!rik!?) J vi.550=553; sinduv!rita J iv.440, 442 (v. l. ˚v!rak!).<br />

Sindhava<br />

Sindhava [Sk. saindhava] belonging to the Sindh, a Sindh horse J i.175; ii.96; iii.278; v.259; DhA iv.4<br />

(=Sindhava -- ra&&he jat! ass!); (nt.) rock salt Vin i.202; Sindhavara&&ha the Sindh country ThA 270; J<br />

v.260.<br />

Sindhav!ra<br />

Sindhav!ra see sinduv!ra.<br />

Sinna<br />

Sinna [pp. of sijjati; Vedic svinna] 1. wet with perspira- tion Vin i.46, 51; ii.223. -- 2. boiled (cp. siddha1)<br />

esp. in the comp. udaka -- sinna -- pa**a; it occurs in a series of passages J iii.142, 144; iv.236, 238, where<br />

Fausböll reads sitta, although the var. readings give also sinna. <strong>The</strong> <strong>English</strong> translation, p. 149, says<br />

"sprinkled with water," but the text, 238, speaks of leaves which are "sodden" (sedetv!).<br />

Sip!&ik!<br />

Sip!&ik! (f.) [cp. Sk. s%p!&ik!, beak, BR.] 1. pericarp M i.306; Vv 8433; VvA 344; hingu˚ a s. yielding gum<br />

Vin i.201. Also written sip!tik!; thus !di**asip!tik! with burst pod or fruit skin S iv.193. -- 2. a small case,<br />

receptacle; khura˚ a razor case Vin ii.134. On s. at Pv iii.229 the C. has ekapa&al! up!nah! PvA 186.<br />

Sippa<br />

Sippa (nt.) [cp. Sk. $ilpa] art, branch of knowledge, craft Sn 261; A iii.225; iv.281 sq., 322; D iii.156, 189; J<br />

i.239, 478; Miln 315; excludes the Vedas Miln 10; sabbasipp!ni J i.356, 463; ii.53; eight various kinds<br />

enumerated M i.85; twelve crafts Ud 31, cp. dv!dasavidha s. J i.58; eighteen sippas mentioned J ii.243;<br />

some sippas are h"na, others ukka&&ha Vin iv.6 sq.; VbhA 410. asippa untaught, unqualified J iv.177;<br />

vi.228=asippin Miln 250. -- sippa' ugga*h!ti to learn a craft VvA 138. -- !yatana object or branch of study,

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