The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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and passim. To these were added another 5, so as to make the whole list (the dasasikkh!pada' or ˚pad!ni)<br />

one of 10 (which are not the 10 s"las!). <strong>The</strong>se are (6) vik!la -- bhojan! ( -- verama*") not eating at the<br />

wrong hour; (7) nacca -- g"tav!dita -- vis(ka -- dassan!˚ to avoid worldly amusements; (8) m!l! -- gandha -<br />

- vilepana -- dh!ra*a -- ma*.ana -- vibh(sana&&h!n!˚ to use neither unguents nor ornaments; (9) ucc! --<br />

sayana -- mah! -- sayan!˚ not to sleep on a high, big bed; (10) j!tar(pa rajata -- pa&iggaha*!˚ not to accept<br />

any gold or silver: Vin i.83=Kh ii.; A i.211, and frequently. -- dasa -- sikkh!padik! (f.) conforming to the<br />

10 obligations (of a nun) Vin iv.343 (=s!ma*er"). <strong>The</strong>re is nowhere any mention of the 8 sikkh!padas as<br />

such, but they are called a&&hangika uposatha (see s"la 2b), e. g. Mhvs 37, 202. -- diya..ha -- sikkh!pada --<br />

sata the 150 precepts, i. e. the P!&imokkha A i.230, 234; Miln 243.<br />

Sikkh!paka<br />

Sikkh!paka (adj.) [fr. sikkh!peti] teaching PvA 252; Miln 164.<br />

Sikkh!pana<br />

Sikkh!pana (nt.) [fr. sikkh!peti] teaching Miln 163.<br />

Sikkh!panaka<br />

Sikkh!panaka teaching J i.432.<br />

Sikkhita<br />

Sikkhita [pp. of sikkhati] trained, taught Vin iv.343 (˚sikkha, adj., trained in . . .; chasu dhammesu); Miln<br />

40; PvA 263 (˚sippa).<br />

Sikha*.in<br />

Sikha*.in (adj. -- n.) [Sk. $ikha*.in] 1. tufted, crested (as birds); J v.406; vi.539; Th 1, 1103 (may(ra);<br />

with tonsured hair (as ascetics) J iii.311. -- 2. a peacock J v.406; VvA 163.<br />

Sikhara<br />

Sikhara [cp. Sk. $ikhara] the top, summit of a mountain J vi.519; Miln 2; a peak DhA iii.364 (˚th(piyo or<br />

˚th(pik!yo peaked domes); the point or edge of a sword M i.243; S iv.56; crest, tuft J ii.99; (this is a very<br />

difficult reading; it is explained by the C. by sundara (elegant); Trenckner suggests sing!ra, cp. ii.98); a bud<br />

Th 2, 382.<br />

Sikhari*"<br />

Sikhari*" (f.) [fr. last] a kind of woman (with certain defects of the pudendum) Vin ii.271; iii.129 (text,<br />

˚a*").<br />

Sikh!<br />

Sikh! (f.) [Vedic $ikh!] point, edge M i.104; crest, top- knot DA i.89; J v.406; of a flame Dh 308; DhsA<br />

124; of fire (aggi˚) Sn 703; J v.213; (dh(ma˚) J vi.206; of a ray of light J i.88; in the corn trade, the pyramid<br />

of corn at the top of the measuring vessel DA i.79; ˚ -- bandha top -- knot D i.7; v!tasikh! (tikkh! a raging<br />

blast) J iii.484; susikha (adj.) with a beautiful crest Th 1, 211 (mora), 1136.<br />


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