The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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iv.120 (k!)as!ma dark blue [?]); D i.193; M i.246 (different from k!)a); J vi.187 (˚a' mukha' dark, i. e. on<br />

account of bad spirits); Vism 422 (opp. to od!ta in colour of skin). -- 2. yellow, of a golden colour,<br />

beautiful J ii.44, 45 (mig"); v.215 (suva**a -- s!m!), 366 (suva**a -- va**a). -- f. s!m!, q. v. -- See sabala.<br />

S!ma<br />

S!ma2 (nt.) [perhaps=Vedic s!man] song, sacred song, devotion, worship, propitiation D ii.288.<br />

S!ma'<br />

S!ma' [on etymology, see Andersen P!li Gloss., p. 268 (contracted from sayama', Trenckner), cp.<br />

Michelson, Indog. Forsch., vol. xxiii, p. 235, n. 3 (=avest., h!m0; slav., samz)] self, of oneself Vin i.16, 33,<br />

211 (s. p!ka); iv.121; D i.165; M i.383; ii.211; iii.253 (s!ma' kanta' s!ma' v!yita' dussayuga'); S ii.40;<br />

iv.230 sq.; v.390; Sn 270 (as!ma -- p!ka not cooking for oneself), 889; J i.150; s!maññeva, i. e. s!ma' yeva<br />

Sn p. 101.<br />

S!maggiya<br />

S!maggiya (nt.) [fr. samagga] completeness, concord Sn 810; s!maggiya -- rasa J iii.21 ("the sweets of<br />

concord"); adj. as!maggiya, unpleasant J vi.517 (C. on asammodiya).<br />

S!magg"<br />

S!magg" (f.) [abstr. fr. samagga] completeness, a quorum Vin i.105, 106; meeting, communion Vin i.132<br />

sq.; ii.243; unanimity, concord Vin i.97, 136, 357; ii.204; D iii.245 sq.; A iii.289; Nd1 131; J i.328; It 12.<br />

S!macca<br />

S!macca (adj.) [sa2+amacca] together with the ministers D i.110.<br />

S!mañña<br />

S!mañña1 (nt.) [abstr. fr. sam!na] generality; equality, conformity; unity, company Miln 163; SnA 449<br />

(j!ti˚ identity of descent), 449 (generality, contrasted to visesa detail), 548 (id.); VvA 233 (di&&hi˚, s"la˚,<br />

equality). ˚ -- gata united D ii.80; ˚ -- n!ma a name given by general assent DhsA 390.<br />

S!mañña<br />

S!mañña2 (nt.) [abstr. fr. sama*a] Sama*aship D i.51 sq.; iii.72, 245; M i.281 sq.; S v.25; A ii.27=It 103;<br />

Dh 19 sq., 311; DA i.158; Vism 132; adj., in accordance with true Sama*aship, striving to be a sama*a<br />

Miln 18; Sama*aship A i.142 sq.; Pv ii.718 (expld at PvA 104 as "honouring the sama*as"). -- attha the aim<br />

of Sama*aship D i.230; A iv.366; M i.271; S ii.15; iii.93; J i.482; -- phala advantage resulting from<br />

Sama*aship, fruit of the life of the recluse D i.51 sq.; Vism 215, 512; VvA 71; VbhA 317; more especially<br />

the fruition of the four stages of the Path, sot!patti -- , sakad!g!mi -- , an!g!mi -- , and arahattaphala S<br />

v.25; D iii.227, 277; Dhs 1016; DhsA 423; Miln 344, 358; DA i.158; three samaññaphalas Kvu 112.<br />

S!maññat!<br />

S!maññat!1=s!mañña1 (identity, congruity etc.) J vi.371 (va**a˚); Vism 234 (mara*a˚).<br />


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