The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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S!diyati<br />

S!diyati [cp. BSk. sv!d"yati: MVastu ii.145; Med. -- Pass fr. *s!deti, Caus. of svad] lit. to enjoy for oneself,<br />

to agree to, permit, let take place D i.166; Vin ii.294; A iv.54, 347; S i.78; iv.226 sq.; Pug 55; Miln 95 sq.;<br />

aor. s!diyi Vin iii.38 sq.; fut. s!diyissati J vi.158.<br />

S!diyan!<br />

S!diyan! (f.) [fr. s!diyati] appropriating, accepting Miln 95.<br />

S!disa<br />

S!disa [fr. sadisa] (fem. -- s") like, similar D ii.239; Sn 595; Th 2, 252 (sa˚ for s!˚); Ap 239; J iv.97; Miln<br />

217 (with instr.).<br />

S!du<br />

S!du (adj.) [Vedic sv!du, f. sv!dv"; fr. svad, cp. Gr. h(du/s, Lat. suavis, Goth. s(ts=E. sweet; also Sk. s(da<br />

cook; Gr. h(/domai to enjoy, h/donh/ pleasure] sweet, nice, pleasant Vin ii.196; M i.114; Th 2, 273; Sn 102;<br />

J iv.168; v.5; Dhs 629; as!du (ka) J iii.145; iv.509 (text, as!dhuka, com. on ka&uka); s!du -- karoti makes<br />

sweet J iii.319; Pot. a -- s!du -- kiyir! makes bitter, ibid. 319; s!du sweet things Vin ii.196; s!du -- phala<br />

see s!dhuphala; for ˚kamyat! see the latter.<br />

S!dut!<br />

S!dut! (f.) [fr. s!du] sweetness D!vs i.40.<br />

S!deti<br />

S!deti1 [Caus. of sad: see s"dati] to cause to sink, to throw down DhA i.75 (+vin!seti; v. l. p!teti).<br />

S!deti<br />

S!deti2 [Caus. of svad; given as root in meaning "ass!- dane" at Dhtp 147] to enjoy: see ucch!deti (where<br />

better referred to avad) and ch!deti2.<br />

S!dhaka<br />

S!dhaka (adj.) [fr. s!dh] accomplishing, effecting J i.86; SnA 394, 415; Sdhp 161; i*a˚ debt -- collector<br />

Miln 365; bali˚ tax -- collector J iv.366; v.103, 105, 106.<br />

S!dhakat!<br />

S!dhakat! (f.) [abstr. fr. s!dhaka] effectiveness, efficiency Sdhp 329.<br />

S!dhana<br />

S!dhana (adj. -- nt.) [fr. s!dh] 1. enforcing, proving J i.307; DA i.105. -- 2. settling, clearing (a debt) J<br />

ii.341 (uddh!ra˚). In this meaning mixed with sodheti; it is impossible to decide which of the two is to be<br />

preferred. See i*a & uddh!ra. -- 3. yielding, effecting, producing, resulting in ( -- ˚) A iii.156 (la*.a˚ dung -<br />

- producing); DA i.273; VvA 194; PvA 278 (hita˚). -- 4. materials, instrument VvA 349; PvA 199.

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