The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Saha1 (indecl.) [fr. sa3; cp. Vedic saha] prep. & prefix, meaning: in conjunction with, together,<br />

accompanied by; immediately after (with instr.) Vin i.38; Sn 49, 928; Th 2, 414=425; sah! Sn 231. --<br />

anukkama=sah!nukkama with the bridle Dh 398; DhA iv.161. -- !macca together with the ministers Mhvs<br />

5, 182. -- !vudha together with one's weapons J iv.416. -- indaka together with Indra D ii.208, 221; Vv 301.<br />

-- (daka together with water J v.407. -- o.ha together with the stolen goods; cora' ˚ -- a' gahetv! Vism<br />

180; Mhvs 23, 11 (thena); 35, 11. See o..ha. -- odaka containing water Mhvs 4, 13. -- orodha with his<br />

harem Mhvs 5, 182; -- kathin conversing with (instr.) M i.489. -- k!ra a sort of fragrant mango KhA 53. --<br />

gata accompanying, connected with, concomitant Vin i.10; D ii.186; S v.421; Kvu 337; DhsA 157. -- gga*a<br />

together with his companions Dpvs 14, 58. -- cetiya containing a Cetiya Mhvs 33, 10. -- ja born at the same<br />

time Vv 8115. -- j!ta 1. born at the same time, of equal age J i.54; vi.512. -- 2. arisen at the same time,<br />

-- 701 --<br />

coinciding with (instr.) Kvu 337, 620; VbhA 127. 3. (in ˚paccaya) the relation of co -- nascence,<br />

coincidence Dukp 17 sq., 52 sq., 113 sq., 129 sq., 145 sq., 225 sq., 334 sq. and passim; Tikp 36 sq., 62 sq.,<br />

107 sq., 243 sq.; Vism 535. -- j"vin (fem. -- ") living together with Vin iv.291, 325 sq. -- dhammika having<br />

the same Dhamma, co -- religionist M i.64; Nd1 485 (opp. para˚); regarding the Dhamma D i.94, 161; M<br />

i.368; Vin i.134; Nett 52; DA i.263 (=sahetuka, sak!ra*a); that which is in accordance with the dhamma<br />

Dhs 1327; M i.482; ˚' adv. in accordance with the dhamma Vin i.60, 69; iii.178; iv.141. -- dhammiya co --<br />

religionist Nett 169. -- dhenuka accompanied by a cow Mhvs 21, 18. -- nandin rejoicing with It 73. --<br />

pa'suk")ita a companion in play, a playfellow A ii.186: J i.364; iv.77; PvA 30. -- pesu*a together with<br />

slander Sn 862 f.; Nd1 257. -- bh!vin being at one's service J iii.181 (amacca). -- bh( arising together with<br />

Dhs 1197; Nett 16; a class of devas D ii.260. -- macchara with envy Sn 862. -- yoga=kara*a -- vacana SnA<br />

44. -- vatthu living together with Th 2, 414= 425; ThA 269. -- v!sa living together, associating Vin ii.34; It<br />

68. -- v!sin living together J v.352. -- sangha together with the Order Mhvs 1, 71. -- seyy! sharing the same<br />

couch, living together Vin iv.16; KhA 190. -- sevaka together with the servants Mhvs 36, 43. -- sokin<br />

sorrowful (?) S iv.180.<br />

Saha<br />

Saha2 (adj.) [fr. sah] submitting to, enduring M i.33; Th 1, 659; J vi.379; sabbasaha J v.425, 431. -- dussaha<br />

hard to endure Sdhp 95, 118, 196<br />

Sahati<br />

Sahati [sah to prevail] 1. to conquer, defeat, overcome M i.33; S iv.157; Sn 942; Dh 335; It 84; J i.74;<br />

ii.386 (avam!na'); iii.423 (id.). -- 2. to bear, endure Sn 20; Pug 68. -- 3. to be able D ii.342 (sayh!mi); Pot.<br />

sahe Sn 942; Pot. saheyya M i.33; saha (imper. excuse, forgive, beg your pardon!) J iii.109; grd. sayha that<br />

which can be endured, able to be done Sn 253; D!vs ii.29; a -- sayha Miln 1148.<br />

Sahattha<br />

Sahattha [sa4+hattha] one's own hand J i.68; usually sahatth! (abl.) with one's own hand Vin i.18; A i.274;<br />

D i.109; Sn p. 107; J i.286; Pv ii.98; ii.954; Miln 15. instr. sahatthena id. PvA 110, 124, 135; J iii.267;<br />

vi.305. Cp. s!hatthika.<br />

Sahatthin<br />

Sahatthin (adj.) [sa3+hatthin] together with the elephant Mhvs 25, 70.<br />


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