The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sambahulika (adj.) in ˚' karoti=sambahula' karoti J ii.197.<br />

Samb!dha<br />

Samb!dha [cp. Sk. samb!dha] 1. crowding, pressure, in- convenience from crowding, obstruction Vism<br />

119. janasamb!dharahita free from crowding Miln 409; ki&&hasamb!dha crowding of corn, the time when<br />

the corn is growing thick M i.115; J i.143, 388. -- yassa samb!dho bhavissati he who finds it too crowded<br />

Vin iv.43; asamb!dha unobstructed Sn 150; atisamb!dhat! (q. v.) the state of being too narrow J i.7;<br />

puttad!rasamb!dhasayana a bed encumbered with child and wife Miln 243; cp. S i.78; (in fig. sense)<br />

difficulty, trouble S i.7, 48; J iv.488; samb!dhapa&ipanna of the eclipsed moon S i.50. As adjective<br />

"crowded, dense" samb!dho gharav!so life in the family is confined, i. e. a narrow life, full of hindrances D<br />

i.63, 250; S ii.219; v.350; DA i.180; s. magga a crowded path J i.104; nijana˚ vana Vism 342; s. vy(ha S<br />

v.369. -- atisamb!dha too confined DhA i.310 (cakkav!)a). -- compar. samb!dhatara S v.350; asamb!dha'<br />

comfortably J i.80. 2. pudendum masculinum Vin i.216; ii.134; pudendum muliebre Vin iv.259; Sn<br />

609; samb!dha&&h!na (nt.) pudendum muliebre J i.61; iv.260.<br />

Samb!dheti<br />

Samb!dheti [sa'+b!dheti] to be crowded D ii.269 (read ˚b!dh!yanti).<br />

Samb!hati<br />

Samb!hati [sa'+b!hati; Kern, Toev. s. v. disputes rela- tion to vah, but connects it with b!h "press"] 1. to<br />

rub, shampoo J i.293; ii.16; iv.431; v.126; also samb!heti Miln 241; Caus. samb!h!peti to cause to<br />

shampoo Vin iv.342; ppr. samb!hanta J vi.77; aor. samb!hi J i.293 Cp. pari˚.<br />

Samb!hana<br />

Samb!hana (nt.) [fr. last] rubbing, shampooing D i.7 (as a kind of exercise for wrestlers DA i.88); A i.62;<br />

iv.54; Miln 241; J i.286.<br />

Sambuka<br />

Sambuka [cp. Sk. $ambuka] a shell D i.84=A i.9; iii.395 (sippi˚); J ii.100.<br />

Sambujjhati<br />

Sambujjhati [sa'+bujjhati] to understand, achieve, know DhsA 218; inf. sambuddhu' Sn 765 (v. l.<br />

sambuddha'); Caus. sambodheti to teach, instruct J i.142. Cp. samm!˚.<br />

Sambuddha<br />

Sambuddha [sa'+buddha] 1. well understood Sn 765 (various reading, sambuddhu'= to know); J v.77<br />

(sam˚ & a˚, taken by C. as ppr. "j!nanto" & "aj!nanto"); susambuddha easily understood Sn 764. -- 2. one<br />

who has thoroughly understood, being enlightened, a Buddha Sn 178 etc., 559; A ii.4; Dh 181; S i.4; It 35<br />

etc.<br />

Sambuddhi<br />

Sambuddhi (f.) [sa'+buddhi] complete understanding; adj. ˚vant wise J iii.361 (=buddhisampanna).<br />


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