The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sampi*.ita<br />

Sampi*.ita [pp. of sampi*.eti] brought together, restored J i.230; compact, firm J v.89.<br />

Sampi*.eti<br />

Sampi*.eti [sa'+pi*.eti] to knead or ball together, com- bine, unite Vism 159; KhA 125, 221, 230; DhsA<br />

177; pp. sampi*.ita.<br />

Sampiya<br />

Sampiya (adj.) [sa'+piya] friendly; sampiyena by mutual consent, in mutual love Sn 123, 290.<br />

Sampiy!yati<br />

Sampiy!yati [sa'+piy!yati] to receive with joy, to treat kindly, address with love J iii.482; ppr.<br />

sampiy!yanto J i.135; sampiy!yam!na (do.) fondling, being fond of D ii.223; J i.191, 297, 361; ii.85; DhA<br />

ii.65. aor. 3rd pl. sampiy!yi'su J vi.127.<br />

Sampiy!yan!<br />

Sampiy!yan! (f.) [sa'+piy!yan!] intimate relation, great fondness J iii.492.<br />

Samp"*eti<br />

Samp"*eti [sa'+p"*eti] to satisfy, gladden, please; aor. 2nd sg. sampesi J iii.253; ger. samp"*ayitv! D!vs<br />

iv.11.<br />

Samp")a<br />

Samp")a (nt.) [sa'+p")a, cp. p")!] trouble, pain; asam- p")a' free from trouble Miln 351.<br />

Samp")ita<br />

Samp")ita [pp. of samp")eti] troubled; as nt., worry, trouble Miln 368.<br />

Samp")eti<br />

Samp")eti [sa'+p")eti] to press, to pinch, to worry Vin iii.126; pp. samp")ita.<br />

Sampucchati<br />

Sampucchati [sa'+pucchati] to ask D i.116; ger. sam- puccha having made an appointment with S i.176.<br />

Sampu&a<br />

Sampu&a [cp. sa'+pu&a (lexicogr. Sk. sampu&a "round box") & BSk. sampu&a in meaning "añjali" at Divy<br />

380, in phrase k%ta -- kara -- sampu&ah] the hollow of the hand (in posture of veneration), in p!*i˚ Mhvs 37,<br />

192, i. e. C()ava'sa (ed. Geiger) p. 15.<br />

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