The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Samp!ta [sa'+p!ta] falling together, concurrence, collision It 68; kukku&asamp!ta neighbouring, closely<br />

adjoining (yasm! g!m! nikkhamitv! kukku&o padas! va añña' g!ma' gacchati, aya' kukku&asamp!to ti<br />

vuccati) Vin iv.63, 358; kukku&asamp!taka lying close together (lit. like a flock of poultry) A i.159. Cp. the<br />

similar sannip!ta.<br />

Samp!daka<br />

Samp!daka [fr. samp!deti] one who obtains Miln 349.<br />

Samp!dana<br />

Samp!dana (nt.) [fr. samp!deti] effecting, accomplishment Nett 44; preparing, obtaining J i.80.<br />

Samp!deti<br />

Samp!deti [Caus. of sampajjati] 1. to procure, obtain Vin i.217; ii.214; ekavacana' s. to be able to utter a<br />

single word J ii.164; katha' s. to be able to talk J ii.165; doha)e s. to satisfy the longing Mhvs 22, 51. -- 2.<br />

to strive, to try to accomplish one's aim D ii.120; S ii.29<br />

Samp!paka<br />

Samp!paka (adj.) [fr. samp!peti] causing to obtain, leading to, bringing J iii.348; vi.235.<br />

Samp!pana<br />

Samp!pana (nt.) [fr. samp!pu*!ti] reaching, getting to Miln 355, 356 (t"ra˚).<br />

Samp!pu*!ti<br />

Samp!pu*!ti [sa'+p!pu*!ti] to reach, attain; to come to, meet with; aor. samp!pu*i J i.67; ii.20; pp.<br />

sampatta. -- Caus. samp!peti to bring, to make attain Vism 303.<br />

Samp!yati<br />

Samp!yati [dern not clear; Kern, Toev. i.62=samp!da- yati; but more likely= samp!y!ti, i. e.<br />

sam+pa+!+y!] to be able to explain (DA i.117: samp!detv! kathetu' sakku*oti), to agree, to come to terms,<br />

succeed D i.26; ii.284; M i.85, 96, 472; ii.157; A v.50; S iv.15, 67; v.109; Vin ii.249 (cp. p. 364); aor.<br />

samp!y!si M i.239. Cp. sampay!ti.<br />

Samp!ruta<br />

Samp!ruta [sa'+p!ruta] (quite) covered M i.281.<br />

Samp!leti<br />

Samp!leti [sa'+p!leti] to protect J iv.127.<br />

Sampi*.ana<br />

Sampi*.ana (nt.) [fr. sa'+pi*.˚] combining, connection, addition Vism 159 (of "ca"); KhA 228 (id.); DhsA<br />


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