The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sampatti (f.) [sa'+patti2] 1. success, attainment; happi- ness, bliss, fortune (opp. vipatti) A iv.26, 160;<br />

Vism 58, 232; J iv.3 (dibba˚); DA i.126; three attainments J i.105; Miln 96; DhA iii.183 (manussa˚,<br />

devaloka˚, nibb!na˚); Nett 126 (s"la˚, sam!dhi˚, paññ!˚; cp. sampad!); four VbhA 439 sq. (gati˚, upadhi˚,<br />

k!la˚, payoga˚); six J i.105; nine Miln 341. -- 2. excellency, magnificence SnA 397; r(pasampatti beauty J<br />

iii.187; iv.333. -- 3. honour Mhvs 22, 48. -- 4. prosperity, splendour J iv.455; Mhvs 38, 92; s. bhavaloko Ps<br />

i.122. Cp. sam!patti & sampad!.<br />

Sampatthan!<br />

Sampatthan! (f.) [sa'+patthan!] entreating, imploring Dhs 1059.<br />

Sampad!<br />

Sampad! (f.) [fr. sa'+pad, cp. BSk. sampad! Divy 401 (devamanu+ya˚), also sampatti] 1. attainment,<br />

success, accomplishment; happiness, good fortune; blessing, bliss A i.38; Pv ii.947 (=sampatti PvA 132). --<br />

Sampad! in its pregnant meaning is applied to the accomplishments of the individual in the course of his<br />

religious development. Thus it is used with s"la, citta, & paññ! at D i.171 sq. and many other passages in an<br />

almost encyclopedic sense. Here with s"la˚ the whole of the s"lakkhandha (D i.63 sq.) is understood; citta˚<br />

means the cultivation of the heart & attainments of the mind relating to composure, concentration and<br />

religious meditation, otherwise called sam!dhikkhandha. It includes those stages of meditation which are<br />

enumd under sam!dhi. With paññ!˚ are meant the attainments of higher wisdom and spiritual<br />

emancipation, connected with supernormal faculties, culminating in Arahantship and extinction of all<br />

causes of rebirth, otherwise called vijj! (see the 8 items of this under vijj! b.). <strong>The</strong> same ground as by this 3<br />

fold division is covered by the enumeration of 5 sampad!s as s"la˚, sam!dhi˚, paññ!˚, vimutti˚, vimutti --<br />

ñ!*adassana˚ M i.145; Pug 54; cp. S i.139; A iii.12. <strong>The</strong> term sampad! is not restricted to a definite set of<br />

accomplishments. It is applied to various such sets besides the one mentioned above. Thus we find a set of<br />

3 sampad!s called s"la˚, citta˚ & di&&hi˚ at A i.269, where under s"la the Nos. 1 -- 7 of the 10 s"las are<br />

understood (see s"la 2 a), under citta Nos. 8 & 9, under di&&hi No. 10. s"la & di&&hi˚ also at D iii.213. --<br />

A set of 8 sampad!s is given at A iv.322 with u&&h!na˚, !rakkha˚, kaly!*amittat!, samm!j"vit!, saddh!˚,<br />

s"la˚, c!ga˚, paññ!˚; of which the first 4 are expld in detail at A iv.281=322 as bringing wordly happiness,<br />

viz. alertness, wariness, association with good friends, right livelihood; and the last 4 as leading to future<br />

bliss (viz. faith in the Buddha, keeping the 5 s"las, liberality, higher wisdom) at A iv.284=324. Another set<br />

of 5 frequently mentioned is: ñ!ti˚, bhoga˚, !rogya˚, s"la˚, di&&hi˚ (or the blessings, i. e. good fortune, of<br />

having relatives, possessions, health, good conduct, right views) representing the "summa bona" of popular<br />

choice, to which is opposed deficiency (vyasana, reverse) of the same items. Thus e. g. at A iii.147; D<br />

iii.235. Three sampad!s: kammanta˚, !j"va˚, di&&hi,˚ i. e. the 7 s"las, right living (samm! -- !j"va), right<br />

views A i.271. -- Another three as saddh!˚, s"la˚, paññ!˚ at A i.287. Bdhgh at DhA iii.93, 94 speaks of<br />

four sampad!s, viz. vatthu˚, paccaya˚, cetan!˚, gu*âtireka˚; of the blessings of a foundation (for merit),<br />

ofmeans (for salvation), of good intentions, of virtue (& merit). -- A (later) set of seven sampad!s is given<br />

at J iv.96 with !gama˚, adhigama˚, pubbahetu˚, attattha -- paripucch!˚, titthav!sa˚, yoniso -- manasik!ra˚,<br />

buddh'ûpanissaya˚. -- Cp. the following: atta˚ S v.30 sq.; !kappa˚ A i.38; !j"va˚ A i.271; DA i.235; kamma˚<br />

A iv.238 sq.; dassana˚ Sn 231; nibb!na˚ Vism 58; bhoga˚ (+pariv!ra˚) DhA i.78; y!ga˚ ThA 40 (Ap. v.7);<br />

vijj!cara*a˚ D i.99.<br />

-- 691 --<br />

2. execution, performance; result, consequence; thus yañña˚ successful performance of a sacrifice D i.128;<br />

Sn 505, 509; pi&aka -- sampad!ya "on the authority of the Pi&aka tradition," according to the P.; in exegesis<br />

of iti -- kira (hearsay) A i.189=ii.191=Nd2 151; and of itih"tiha M i.520=ii.169.<br />

Sampad!ti<br />

Sampad!ti [sa'+pad!ti] to hand on, give over J iv.204 (aor. ˚pad!si).

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