The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Samanumaññati<br />

Samanumaññati [sa'+anumaññati] to approve; fut. 3 pl. ˚maññissanti M i.398; S iv.225; aor. 3 pl.<br />

˚maññi'su J iv.134.<br />

Samanumodati<br />

Samanumodati [sa'+anumodati] to rejoice at, to approve M i.398; S iv.225; Miln 89.<br />

Samanuyuñjati<br />

Samanuyuñjati [sa'+anuyuñjati] to cross -- question D i.26, 163; M i.130; A i.138; v.156; DA i.117.<br />

Samanussarati<br />

Samanussarati (sa'+anussarati] to recollect, call to mind S iv.196; Vin ii.183.<br />

Samanta<br />

Samanta (adj.) [sa'+anta "of complete ends"] all, entire Sn 672; Miln 3. occurs usually in oblique cases,<br />

used adverbially, e. g. acc. samanta' completely Sn 442; abl. samant! (D i.222; J ii.106; Vin i.32) &<br />

samantato (M i.168=Vin i.5; Mhvs 1, 29; Vism 185; and in definitions of prefix pari˚ DA i.217; VvA 236;<br />

PvA 32); instr. samantena (Th 2, 487) on all sides, everywhere, anywhere; also used as prepositions; thus,<br />

samant! Ves!li', everywhere in Ves!li D ii.98; samantato nagarassa all round the city Mhvs 34, 39;<br />

sam!samantato everywhere DA i.61. -- cakkhu all -- seeing, an epithet of the Buddha M i.168= Vin i.5; Sn<br />

345, etc.; Miln 111; Nd1 360. -- p!s!dika all -- pleasing, quite serene A i.24; ˚k! Buddhaghosa's<br />

commentary on the Vinaya Pi&aka DA i.84; -- bhaddakatta complete auspiciousness, perfect loveliness SnA<br />

444; VbhA 132. -- rahita entirely gone J i.29. -- veda one whose knowledge (of the Veda) is complete J<br />

vi.213.<br />

Samandhak!ra<br />

Samandhak!ra [sa'+andhak!ra] the dark of night Vin iv.54; DhA ii.94; S iii.60.<br />

Samann!gata<br />

Samann!gata (adj.) [sa'+anv!gata] followed by, pos- sessed of, endowed with (instr.) D i.50; 88 Vin i.54;<br />

Sn p. 78, 102, 104. SnA 177 (in expln of ending " -- in"), 216 (of " -- mant"); PvA 46, 73. -- nt. abstr.<br />

˚ann!gatatta PvA 49.<br />

Samann!neti<br />

Samann!neti [samanv!+n"] to lead, conduct properly, control, pres. sam -- anv -- !neti M iii.188; ppr.<br />

˚ann!nayam!na M i.477.<br />

Samann!hata<br />

Samann!hata [sa'+anv!hata] struck (together), played upon D ii.171.<br />


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