The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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J ii.13; iii.541; vi.277, 559; S v.170; DA i.84; DhA iv.59; DhsA 255. -- On character and history of the<br />

festival see Hardy, Album Kern pp. 61 -- 66. -- gir -- aggasamajja' mountain fair Vin ii.107, 150; iv.85,<br />

267, 360; DhA i.89, 113. samajja' karoti or k!reti to hold high revel J vi.383. -- âbhicara*a visiting fairs D<br />

iii.183. -- &&h!na the place of the festival, the arena, Vin ii.150; J i.394; -- d!na giving festivals Miln 278; --<br />

majjhe on the arena S iv.306 sq.; J iii.541; -- ma*.ala the circle of the assembly J i.283 sq.<br />

Samajjhaga'<br />

Samajjhaga' (B ˚ -- gu') aor. from sam -- adhi -- g!. (See samadhigacchati.)<br />

Samañcati<br />

Samañcati [sam+añc] to bend together Vin iv.171, 363.<br />

Samañcara<br />

Samañcara [sama1+cara] pacified, calm S i.236.<br />

Samañcinteti<br />

Samañcinteti to think S i.124; see sañcinteti.<br />

Samaññ!<br />

Samaññ! (f.) [sa'+aññ!] designation, name D i.202; ii.20; M iii.68; S ii.191; Sn 611, 648; J ii.65; Dhs §<br />

1306; loka˚ a common appellation, a popular expression D i.202.<br />

Samaññ!ta<br />

Samaññ!ta [sa'+aññ!ta] designated, known, notorious S i.65; Sn 118, 820; Nd1 153; Vin ii.203.<br />

Sama*a<br />

Sama*a [BSk. $rama*a, fr. $ram, but mixed in meaning with $am] a wanderer, recluse, religieux A i.67; D<br />

iii.16, 95 sq., 130 sq.; S i.45; Dh 184; of a non -- Buddhist (t!pasa) J iii.390; an edifying etymology of the<br />

word DhA iii.84: "samita -- p!patt! s.," cp. Dh 265 "samitatt! p!p!na' 2 sama*o 3 ti pavuccati"; four grades<br />

mentioned D ii.151; M i.63; compare Sn 84 sq.; the state of a Sama*a is attended by eight sukhas J i.7; the<br />

Buddha is often mentioned and addressed by nonBuddhists as Sama*a: thus D i.4, 87; Sn p. 91, 99; Vin i.8<br />

350; Sama*as often opposed to Br!hma*as: thus, D i.13; It 58, 60; Sn, p. 90; Vin i.12; ii.110;<br />

sama*abr!hma*!, Sama*as and Br!hma*as quite generally: "leaders in religious life" (cp. Dial. ii.165) D<br />

i.5; ii.150; A i.110, -- 173 sq.; It 64; Sn 189; Vin ii.295; sama*adhamma' the duties of a sama*a A iii.371;<br />

J i.106, 107, 138; pure -- sama*a a junior who walks before a Bhikkhu Vin ii.32; pacch!sama*a one who<br />

walks behind Vin i.186; ii.32; A iii.137. -- sama*" a female recluse S i.133; ThA 18; J v.424, 427; Vin<br />

iv.235. -- assama*a not a true sama*a Vin i.96. -- uddesa a novice, a s!ma*era D i.151; M iii.128; S v.161;<br />

Vin iv.139; A ii.78; iii.343. Cp. BSk. $rama*odde$a Divy 160. -- kuttaka (m.) who wears the dress of a<br />

Sama*a Vin iii.68 sq. (=sama*a -- vesa -- dh!rako, Bdhgh ib. p. 271).<br />

Sama*aka<br />

Sama*aka [sama*a+ka] a contemptible (little) ascetic, "some sort of sama*a" D i.90; M ii.47, 210; Sn p.<br />

21; Miln 222; DA i.254. At A ii.48 sama*aka is a slip for sasanaka. Cp. mu*.aka in form & meaning.

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