The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Santarati [sa'+tarati2] to be in haste, to be agitated; ppr. ˚am!na (˚r(pa) J iii.156, 172; vi.12, 451.<br />

Santavant<br />

Santavant (adj.) [fr. santa1] tranquil Dh 378.<br />

Santasati<br />

Santasati [sa'+tasati2] to be frightened or terrified, to fear, to be disturbed Miln 92. ppr. santasa' J vi.306<br />

(a˚), & santasanto J iv.101 (a˚); Pot. santase J iii.147; v.378; ger. santasitv! J ii.398. -- pp. santasita &<br />

santatta.<br />

Santasita<br />

Santasita [pp. of santasati] frightened Miln 92; PvA 260 (=su&&hu tasita).<br />

Sant!na<br />

Sant!na (nt.) [fr. sa'+tan] 1. spreading, ramification, tendril (valli˚) KhA 48. -- 2. one of the 5 celestial<br />

trees J vi.239 (˚maya made of its flowers). -- 3. (also m,) continuity, succession; lineage S iii.143; DA i.46;<br />

DhsA 63, 217, 297; Vism 555; VbhA 164. Cp. citta˚ continuity of consciousness Cpd. 1677.<br />

Sant!naka<br />

Sant!naka [santan!+ka] 1. (nt.)=sant!na 1; VvA 94, 162 (˚valli a sort of long creeper). m(la˚ a spreading<br />

root S iii.155; J i.277. -- 2.=sant!na 2 VvA 12. 3. (nt.) a cobweb Vin i.48. -- 4. offspring S i.8.<br />

Sant!pa<br />

Sant!pa (adj. -- n.) [fr. sa'+tap] burning; heat, fire; fig. torment, torture Sn 1123 (cp. Nd2 636); J i.502;<br />

Miln 97, 324; VbhA 70 (various), 245 (aggi˚, suriya˚); Sdhp 9, 572.<br />

Sant!pita<br />

Sant!pita [pp. of sant!peti] heated, aglow Th 2, 504.<br />

Sant!peti<br />

Sant!peti see santappati.<br />

Sant!yati<br />

Sant!yati [sa'+t!yati] to preserve (connect?) Vism 688 (better ˚dh!yati)=SnA 5 (reads ˚t!neti).<br />

Sant!ra*a<br />

Sant!ra*a (nt.) & ˚" (f.) [fr. sa'+t!reti1] conveying to the other shore S iv.174; M i.134. -- f. sant!ra*" Ap<br />

234 (scil. n!v!).<br />


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