The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Satta2 [cp, Vedic sattva living being, satvan "strong man, warrior," fr. sant] 1. (m.) a living being, creature,<br />

a sentient & rational being, a person D i.17, 34, 53, 82; ii.68; A i.35 sq., 55 sq.; S i.135; v.41; Vin i.5; Miln<br />

273; Vism 310 (defn: "r(p'!disu khandhesu chandar!gena satt! visatt! ti satt!," thus= satta1); Nett 161; DA<br />

i.51, 161; VbhA 144. -- naraka˚ a being in purgatory (cp. niraya˚) Vism 500. -- 2. (nt.) soul (=j"vita or<br />

viññ!*a) Pv i.81 (gata˚=vigata -- j"vita PvA 40). 3. (nt.) substance Vin i.287. nissatta non -- substantial,<br />

phenomenal DhsA 38. -- !v!sa abode of sentient beings (see nava1 2) D iii.263, 268; A v.53; Vism 552;<br />

VbhA 168. -- ussada (see ussada 4) teeming with life, full of people D i.87, 111, 131. -- loka the world of<br />

living creatures SnA 263, 442; Vism 205. See also sankh!ra -- loka. -- va*ijj! slave trade DA i.235=A<br />

iii.208 (C.: manussa -- vikkaya).<br />

Satta<br />

Satta3 [pp. of sapati to curse; Sk. $apta] cursed, sworn J iii.460; v.445.<br />

Satta<br />

Satta4 (num.) [cp. Vedic sapta, Gr. e(pta/; Av. hapta; Lat. septem, Goth. sibun =E. seven etc.] number<br />

seven. It is a collective and concluding (serial) number; its application has spread from the week of 7 days<br />

(or nights), and is based on astronomical conception (Babylon!), this science being regarded as mystic, it<br />

invests the number with a peculiar magic nimbus. From time -- expressions it was transferred to space, esp.<br />

when originally connected with time (like satta -- bh(maka the 7 -- storied palace; the Vim!nas with 700<br />

towers: see vim!na 2 & 6; or the 7 great lakes: see sara3; ˚yojana 7 miles, cp. the 7 league -- boots!).<br />

Extremely frequent in folklore and fairy tales (cp. 7 years of famine in Egypt, 7 days' festivals, dragon with<br />

7 heads, 7 ravens, 7 dwarfs, 7 little goats, 7 years enchantment, etc. etc.). For time expressions see in<br />

cpds.: ˚!ha, ˚m!sa, ˚ratta, ˚vassa. Cp. Sn 446 (vass!ni); J ii.91 (k!y!, thick masses); DA i.25 (of the Buddh.<br />

Scriptures: sattahi m!sehi sang"ta'); DhA ii.34 (dhan!ni), 101 (mangal!); the collective expression 7 years,<br />

7 months, 7 days at J v.48; the 7X70 ñ!*avatth(ni S ii.59; and the curious enumeration of heptads at D i.54.<br />

-- Cases: instr. sattahi D i.34; gen. sattanna' D i.56; loc. sattasu D ii.303=M i.61. -- anga a couch with 7<br />

members (i. e. four legs, head support, foot support, side) Vin ii.149. -- a&&ha seven or eight J ii.101. --<br />

!g!rika a "seven -- houser," one who turns back from his round, as soon as he has received alms at 7 houses<br />

D i.166. -- !lopika a "seven -- mouthful," one who does not eat more than 7 bits D i.166. -- !ha (nt.) seven<br />

days, a week of 7 days [cp. BSk. saptaka Divy 99] D ii.248; Vin i.1, 139; J i.78; ii.85; iv.360; v.472; vi.37;<br />

DhA i.109; VvA 63. satta˚ 7 weeks DhA i.86; cp. satta -- satta -- divas! J v.443. -- ussada (see ussada 2)<br />

having 7 prominences or protuberances (on the body), a sign of a Mah!purisa D ii.18; iii.144, 151 (i. e. on<br />

both hands, on both feet, on both shoulders, on the back). -- gu*a sevenfold Mhvs 25, 36. -- ja&a with seven<br />

plaits (of hair) J v.91 (of a hunter). -- tanti having 7 strings, a lute VvA 139. -- t!la ( -- matta) (as big as) 7<br />

palm trees DhA ii.62, 100. -- ti'sa 37 (see bodhipakkhiya -- dhamm!). -- dina a week Mhvs 11, 23. --<br />

pakara*ika mastering the 7 books of the Abhidhamma J i.312; DhA iii.223. -- pati&&ha sevenfold firm D<br />

ii.174; Miln 282. -- pada' for 7 steps J vi.351 (Kern, Toev. s. v. "unfailing"). -- bh(maka (p!s!da) (a<br />

palace) with 7 stories Mhvs 37, 11; J i.58; iv.378; DhA i.180, 239; iv.209. -- m!sa' (for) seven months PvA<br />

20. -- yojanika 7 miles in extent J v.484. -- ratana the 7 royal treasures D i.88; It 15; J v.484. -- ratta a week<br />

J vi.230 (dve˚= a fortnight), 304; Sn 570. -- vassika 7 years old Miln 9. 310; DhA ii.87, 89 (s!ma*era), 139;<br />

PvA 53 (Sankicca arahatta' patv!); DhA iii.98 (kum!ro arahatta' patto); J v.249. On the age of seven as<br />

that of child arahants see Mrs. Rh. D. in Brethren introd. xxx. -- v"sati twenty seven DhA i.4.<br />

Sattakkhattu'<br />

Sattakkhattu' (adv.) [cp. tikkhattu' etc.] seven times Vin i.3; It 18; sattakkhattuparama' seven times at the<br />

utmost; ˚parama one who will not be reborn more than seven times S ii.134 sq.; A i.233, 235; iv.381; Kvu<br />

104; Pug 15 sq.; Nett 189; KhA 187; J i.239; DhA iii.61, 63.<br />

Sattati<br />

Sattati [cp. Sk. saptati] seventy D ii.256; Ap 118, 126 & passim. As sattari at S ii.59; Ap 248 & passim.

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