The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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epithet of a cloud A iii.34=S i.100 (v. l. sattakatu) see J.P.T.S. 1891 -- 93 p. 5. -- patta the Indian crane (or<br />

woodpecker?) J ii.153; 388; Miln 404. -- pad" a centipede A ii.73; iii.101, 306; iv.320; v.290; Vin ii.110,<br />

148; Miln 272. -- pala (Th 1, 97) see pala. -- p!ka ( -- tela) oil mixture, worth 100 pieces J iv.281; DhA<br />

ii.48; iii.311; see also p!ka. -- puñña 100, i. e. innumerable merits Vism 211. -- pupph! Anethum sowa, a<br />

sort of dill or fennel J vi.537. -- porisa of the height of a hundred men, extremely high, attribute of a hell<br />

Vv 52, 12 sq.; name of a hell J v.269. -- m(l" Asparagus racemosus Abhp 585. -- ra'si "having 100 rays,"<br />

the sun Sdhp 590; J i.44. -- rasabhojana food of 100 flavours DhA iii.96 (v. l. all pass, satta˚) -- vanka a<br />

kind of fish Abhp 672. -- vallik! an under -- garment, arranged like a row of jewelry Vin ii.137. -- sahassa<br />

one hundred thousand J ii.20; Miln 88; 136; DhA ii.86. -- sahassima id. S ii.133.<br />

Sata<br />

Sata2 [pp. of sarati, of sm%, cp. BSk. sm%ta Av- i.228; ii.197] remembering, mindful, conscious D i.37;<br />

ii.94; iii.49, 107, 222, 269; M i.520 (su -- ssata & dus -- sata); S iv.211; A iii.169 (+sampaj!na), 325;<br />

iv.311; Sn 741; Dhs 163; DA i.211. -- satok!rin cultivator of sati Ps i.175.<br />

Sataka<br />

Sataka (nt.) [cp. BSk. $ataka] a hundred, collection of 100 J i.74.<br />

Satakkhattu'<br />

Satakkhattu' (adv.) [cp. dvi -- kkhattu', ti -- kkhattu' etc.] a hundred times.<br />

Satata<br />

Satata (adj.) [with satr! "completely" & sad! "always" to sa˚ "one": see sa'˚; lit. "in one (continuous)<br />

stretch"] continual, chronic. Only in nt. satata' (adv.) continually A iv.14; It 116; Sn 507; Miln 70; Pv<br />

ii.811 (=nirantara' PvA 110); iii.710 (=sabbak!la' PvA 207); PvA 177; and as ˚ -- in ˚vih!ra a chronic state<br />

of life, i. e. a behaviour remaining even & the same A ii.198=D iii.250, 281. Cp. s!tacca.<br />

Satadh!<br />

Satadh! (adv.) [sata+dh!, cp. ekadh!, dvidh! etc.] in 100 ways, into 100 pieces D ii.341.<br />

Sati<br />

Sati (f.) [Vedic sm%ti: see etym. under sarati2] memory, recognition, consciousness, D i.180; ii.292; Miln<br />

77 -- 80; intentness of mind, wakefulness of mind, mindfulness, alertness, lucidity of mind, self --<br />

possession, conscience, self -- consciousness D i.19; iii.31, 49, 213, 230, 270 sq.; A i.95; Dhs 14; Nd1 7;<br />

Tikp 61; VbhA 91; DhsA 121; Miln 37; upa&&hit! sati presence of mind D iii.252, 282, 287; S ii.231; A ii.6,<br />

218; iii.199; iv.232; It 120; parimukha' sati' upa&&h!petu' to surround oneself with watchfulness of mind<br />

M iii.89; Vin i.24, sati' paccupa&&h!petu' to preserve self -- possession J i.112; iv.215; k!yagat! sati<br />

intentness of mind on the body, realization of the impermanency of all things M iii.89; A i.43; S i.188; Miln<br />

248; 336; mu&&hasati forgetful, careless D iii.252, 282; mara*asati mindfulness as to death A iv.317 sq.; J<br />

iv.216; SnA 54; PvA 61, 66. asati not thinking of, forgetfulness DhsA 241; instr. asatiy! through<br />

forgetfulness, without thinking of it, not intentionally Vin ii.2892. sati (samm!˚) is one of the constituents<br />

of the 8 -- fold Ariyan Path (e g. A iii.141 sq.; VbhA 120): see magga 2. -- âdhipateyya (sat˚) dominant<br />

mindfulness A ii.243 sq.; It 40. -- indriya the sense, faculty, of mindfulness A ii.149; Dhs 14. -- upp!da<br />

arising, production of recollection J i.98; A ii.185; M i.124. -- ullapak!yika, a class of devas S i.16 sq. --<br />

pa&&h!na [BSk. sm%ty'upasth!na Divy 126, 182, 208] intent contemplation and mindfulness, earnest<br />

thought, application of mindfulness; there are four satipa&&h!nas, referring to the body, the sensations, the<br />

mind, and phenomena respectively, D ii.83, 290 sq.; iii.101 sq., 127, 221; M i.56, 339; ii.11 etc.; A ii.218;

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