The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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of the k!ya -- ganthas S v.59; Dhs 1139; DhsA 377. -- âbhisamaya comprehension of the truth Sn 758; Th<br />

1, 338; ThA 239. -- k!ra ratification, pledge, payment in advance as guarantee J i.121. -- kiriy! a solemn<br />

declaration, a declaration on oath J i.214, 294; iv.31, 142; v.94; Miln 120; Mhvs 18, 39 (see trsln p. 125 on<br />

term). -- ñ!*a knowledge of the truth Vism 510; DhA iv.152. -- n!ma doing justice to one's name, bearing a<br />

true name, Ep. of the Buddha A iii.346; iv.285, 289; PvA 231. -- nikkhama truthful Sn 542. -- pa&ivedha<br />

penetration of the truth Ps ii.57. -- vanka a certain kind of fish J v.405 (the Copenhagen MS. has [sa]sacca -<br />

- vanka, which has been given by Fausböll as sata -- vanka). -- vacana (1) veracity M i.403; Dh i.160;<br />

(2)=saccakiriy! KhA 169, 180. -- vajja truthfulness D i.53; S iv.349; J iv.320. -- v!c! id. A ii.228; iii.244; J<br />

i.201. -- v!din truthful, speaking the truth D i.4; iii.170; A ii.209; iv.249, 389; S i.66; Sn 59; Dh 217; Miln<br />

120; Nd2 623; DhA iii.288. -- viva&&a revelation of truth Ps i.11. -- sandha truthful, reliable D i.4; iii.170; A<br />

ii.209; iv.249; DA i.73. -- sammat! popular truth, maxim S iv.230.<br />

Sacc!peti<br />

Sacc!peti at A iv.346=Vin ii.19 is probably misreading or an old misspelling for sajj!peti fr. sajjeti, the<br />

confusion sac: saj being frequent. Meaning: to undertake, fulfil, realize.<br />

Saccika<br />

Saccika (adj.) [cp. Sk. satyaka] real, true Miln 226 (the same passage at Ps i.174 & Nd1 458 spells<br />

sacchika). saccik' a&&ha truth, reality, the highest truth Kvu 1 sq.; DhsA 4 (nearly=parama&&ha); KhA<br />

102. Kern in a phantastic interpretation (Toev. ii.49, 50) takes it as sacci -- ka&&ha (=Sk. s!ci -- k%+ta)<br />

"pulled sideways," i. e. "misunderstood."<br />

Sacceti<br />

Sacceti in fut. saccessati at A iv.343 is most likely an old mistake for gha&&essati is the same passage at A<br />

iii.343; the meaning is "to touch," or to approach, disturb. It is hardly=sa$c "to accompany."<br />

Sacchanda<br />

Sacchanda (adj.) [sa4+chanda] self -- willed, headstrong J i.421; as sacchandin ibid.<br />

Sacchav"ni<br />

Sacchav"ni (m(l!ni) at A iii.371 (opp. umm(la) means "roots taking to the soil again." It is doubtful<br />

whether it belongs to chavi "skin."<br />

Sacchikata<br />

Sacchikata [pp. of sacchikaroti cp. BSk. s!k+!tk%ta1 Av- i.210] seen with one's own eyes, realized,<br />

experienced D i.250; S v.422=Vin i.11; DhA iv.117.<br />

Sacchikara*"ya<br />

Sacchikara*"ya (adj.) [grd: of sacchikaroti] (able) to be realized S iii.223 sq.; D iii.230=A ii.182 (in four<br />

ways: by k!ya, sati, cakkhu, paññ!).<br />

Sacchikaroti<br />

Sacchikaroti [cp. Sk. s!k+!t k%; the P. form being *saccha˚ (=sa3+ak+, as in akkhi), with change of ˚a to ˚i<br />

before k%. See also sakkhi' karoti] to see with one's eyes, to realize, to experience for oneself. Pres. ˚karoti

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