The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sankh!<br />

Sankh! (f.) & Sankhy! (f.) [fr. sa'+khy!] 1. enumeration, calculation, estimating D ii.277; M i.109; Miln<br />

59 2. number D!vs i.25. -- 3. denomination, definition, word, name (cp. on term K.S. i.321) S iii.71 sq.;<br />

iv.376 sq.; Nd2 617 (=uddesa ga*an! paññatti); Dhs 1306; Miln 25. -- sankha' gacchati to be styled, called<br />

or defined; to be put into words D i.199, 201; Vin ii.239; M i.190, 487; A i.68, 244=ii.113; Pug 42; Nett 66<br />

sq.; Vism 212, 225, 235, 294 (khy); SnA 167 (khy); DhsA 11 (khy). sankha' gata (cp. sankh!ta) is called<br />

DA i.41 (uyy!na' Ambala&&hik! t'eva s. g.). sankha' na upeti (nopeti) cannot be called by a name, does not<br />

count, cannot be defined It 54; Sn 209, 749, 911, 1074; Nd1 327; Nd2 617.<br />

Sankh!ta<br />

Sankh!ta [pp. of sankh!yati] agreed on, reckoned; ( -- ˚) so -- called, named D i.163 (akusala˚ dhamm!);<br />

iii.65, 133=Vin iii.46 (theyya˚ what is called theft); DA i.313 (the sambodhi, by which is meant that of the<br />

three higher stages); DhsA 378 (khandha -- ttaya˚ k!ya, cp. Expos. ii.485); PvA 40 (medha˚ paññ!), 56<br />

(hattha˚ p!*i), 131 (paricc!ga˚ atid!na), 163 (cara*a˚ gu*a). -- dhamma one who has examined or<br />

recognized the dhamma ("they who have mastered well the truth of things" K.S. ii.36), an Ep. of the<br />

arahant S ii.47; iv.210; Sn 70 (˚dhammo, with expln Nd2 618b: "vuccati ñ!*a'" etc.; "sankh!ta -- dh.=ñ!ta<br />

-- dhammo," of the paccekabuddha), 1038 (˚dhamm!=vuccanti arahanto kh"*!sav! Nd2 618a), Dh 70 (T.<br />

sankhata˚, but DhA ii.63 sankh!ta˚).<br />

Sankh!dati<br />

Sankh!dati [sa'+kh!dati] to masticate Vin ii.201= S ii.269 (reads ˚kharitv!); A iii.304 sq.; J i.507. -- pp.<br />

˚kh!dita.<br />

Sankh!dita<br />

Sankh!dita [pp. of sankh!dati] chewed, masticated KhA 56, 257; VbhA 241 (where Vism 257 reads<br />

˚kh!yita).<br />

Sankh!na<br />

Sankh!na1 (nt.) & Sankhy!na (nt.) [fr. sa'+khy!, cp. sankh!] calculation, counting D i.11; M i.85; DA<br />

i.95; Dhtp 613 (khy).<br />

Sankh!na<br />

Sankh!na2 (nt.) [?] a strong leash ThA 292 (where Th 2, 509 reads sankhal!).<br />

Sankh!yaka<br />

Sankh!yaka [fr. sa'+khy!] a calculator S iv.376.<br />

Sankh!yati<br />

Sankh!yati & Sankh!ti [sa'+khy!] 1. to appear J v.203 (˚!ti). -- 2. to calculate Sn p. 126 (inf. ˚kh!tu'); Dh<br />

196. ger. sankh!ya having considered, discriminately, carefully, with open mind D ii.227; iii.224 (pa&isevati<br />

etc.: with ref. to the 4 apassen!ni); S i.182; Sn 209, 391, 749, 1048 (=j!nitv! etc. Nd2 619); Nd1 327; Dh<br />

267 (=ñ!*ena DhA iii.393); It 54. sankh! pi deliberately M i.105 sq.<br />


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