The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Sa'vossajjati see samavossajjati.<br />

Sa'voh!ra<br />

Sa'voh!ra [sa'+voh!ra] business, traffic Vin iii.239; A ii.187=S i.78; A iii.77; SnA 471.<br />

Sa'voh!rati<br />

Sa'voh!rati [Denom. fr. sa'voh!ra] to trade (with); ppr. ˚voh!ram!na [cp. BSk. sa'vyavah!ram!na Divy<br />

259] A ii.188.<br />

Sa'sagga<br />

Sa'sagga [fr. sa'+s%j] contact, connection, association Vin iii.120; A iii.293 sq. (˚!r!mat!); iv.87 sq., 331;<br />

It 70; J i.376; iv.57; Miln 386; Nd2 137; VbhA 340 (an -- anulomika˚); PvA 5 (p!pamitta˚). -- Two kinds of<br />

contact at Nd2 659: by sight (dassana˚) and by hearing (sava*a˚). -- pada˚ contact of two words, "sandhi"<br />

Nd1 139; Nd2 137 (for iti); SnA 28. -- a˚ S ii.202; Miln 344. -- ˚j!ta one who has come into contact Sn 36.<br />

Sa'sa&&ha<br />

Sa'sa&&ha [pp. of sa'+s%j] 1. mixed with (instr.), asso- ciating with, joined M i.480 (opp. vi˚); A iii.109,<br />

116, 258 sq., 393; PvA 47. -- 2. living in society Vin i.200; ii.4; iv.239, 294; D ii.214; Kvu 337=DhsA 42;<br />

Dhs 1193; J ii.105; DhsA 49, 72. -- a˚ not given to society M i.214; S i.63; Miln 244; Vism 73.<br />

Sa'sati<br />

Sa'sati [Vedic $a'sati, cp. Av. sa'haiti to proclaim, Lat. censeo=censure; Obulg. qom to say] to proclaim,<br />

point out J v.77; vi.533; Pot. sa'se J vi.181; aor. asa'si J iii.420; iv.395; v.66; & as!s" (Sk. a$a's"t) J iii.484.<br />

Cp. abhi˚.<br />

Sa'satta<br />

Sa'satta [pp. of sa'+sañj] adhering, clinging D i.239 (parampar!˚).<br />

Sa'sad<br />

Sa'sad (f.) [fr. sa'+sad] session, assembly; loc. sa'sati J iii.493 (= parisamajjhe C.), 495<br />

Sa'saddati<br />

Sa'saddati [sa'+$abd] to sound, in def. of root kitt at Dhtp 579; Dhtm 812.<br />

Sa'sandati<br />

Sa'sandati [sa'+syand, cp. BSk. sa'syandati Av- ii.142 sq., 188] to run together, to associate D i.248;<br />

ii.223; S ii.158=It 70; S iv.379; Pug 32. -- Caus. sa'sandeti to put together; unite, combine J i.403; v.216;<br />

Miln 131; DhA ii.12; iv.51.<br />


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