The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vyappatha (nt.) [perhaps a distortion of *vy!p%ta, for which the usual P. (der.) veyy!vacca (q. v.) in<br />

meaning "duty"] 1. duty, occupation, activity Sn 158 (kh"*a˚ of the Arahant: having no more duties, cp.<br />

vyappathi). -- 2. way of speaking, speech, utterance Sn 163, 164 (contrasted to citta & kamma; cp. k!ya,<br />

v!c!, mano in same use), expld at SnA 206 by vac"kamma; & in defn of "speech" at Vin iv.2 (see under<br />

byappatha); DhsA 324 (expld as v!kya -- bheda).<br />

Vyappathi<br />

Vyappathi (f.) [cp. Sk. vy!p%ti] activity, occupation, duty (?) Sn 961. See remarks on byappatha.<br />

Vyappan!<br />

Vyappan! (f.) [vi+appan!] application (of mind), focussing (of attention) Dhs 7.<br />

Vyamha<br />

Vyamha (nt.) [etym.?] palace; a celestial mansion, a vim!na, abode for fairies etc. J v. 454; vi.119, 251<br />

(=pura & r!ja -- nivesa C.); Vv 351 (=bhavana VvA 160). Cp. byamha.<br />

Vyamhita<br />

Vyamhita (adj.) [metric for vimhita] astounded, shocked, awed; dismayed, frightened J v.69 (=bh"ta C.);<br />

vi.243, 314.<br />

Vyaya<br />

Vyaya [vi+aya, of i; the assimilation form is vaya2] expense, loss, decay S iv.68, 140; Miln 393 (as<br />

abbaya). avyayena (instr.) safely D i.72. Cp. veyy!yika & vy!yika.<br />

Vyavay!ti<br />

Vyavay!ti [vi+ava(=apa)+i, cp. apeti & veti] to go away, disappear J v.82.<br />

Vyavas!na<br />

Vyavas!na (nt.) [somewhat doubtful. It has to be com- pared with vavassagga, although it should be<br />

derived fr. s! (cp. pp. vyavasita; or $ri?), thus mixture of s%j & s!. Cp. a similar difficulty of s! under<br />

os!peti] decision, resolution; only used to explain part. handa (exhortation) at SnA 200, 491 (v. l.<br />

vyavas!ya: cp. vavas!ya at DA i.237), for which otherwise vavassagga.<br />

Vyavasita<br />

Vyavasita (adj.) [pp. of vi+ava+s! (or $ri?), cp. vya- vas!na] decided, resolute SnA 200.<br />

Vyasana<br />

Vyasana (nt.) [fr. vy+as] misfortune, misery, ruin, destruc- tion, loss D i.248; S iii.137 (anaya˚); iv.159; A<br />

i.33; v.156 sq., 317 (several); Sn 694 (˚gata ruined); Pv i.64 (=dukkha PvA 33); iii.56 (=anattha PvA 199);<br />

Vbh 99 sq., 137; VbhA 102 (several); PvA 4, 103, 112; Sdhp 499. -- <strong>The</strong> 5 vyasanas are: ñ!ti˚, bhoga˚,<br />

roga˚, s"la˚, di&&hi˚ or misfortune concerning one's relations, wealth, health, character, views. Thus at D<br />

iii.235; A iii.147; Vin iv.277.

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