The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Viseneti<br />

Viseneti to discard, dislike, get rid of (opp. usseneti) S iii.89; Ps ii.167. See usseneti.<br />

Viseyyati<br />

Viseyyati [vi+seyyati, cp. Sk. $"ryati, of $% to crush] to be broken, to fall to pieces J i.174. -- pp. visi**a.<br />

Visevita<br />

Visevita (nt.) [vi+sevita] 1. restlessness, trick, capers M i.446 (of a horse; combd with vis(k!yita). -- 2.<br />

disagreement S i.123 (=viruddha -- sevita K.S. i.320). Bdhgh at K.S. ii.203 reads ˚sedhita. Cp. vis(k!yita.<br />

Visesa<br />

Visesa [fr. vi+$i+, cp. Epic Sk. vi$e+a] 1. (mark of) dis- tinction, characteristic, discrimination A i.267; S<br />

iv.210; J ii.9; Miln 29; VvA 58, 131; PvA 50, 60. -- 2. elegance, splendour, excellence J v.151; DhA i.399.<br />

-- 3. distinction, peculiar merit or advantage, eminence, excellence, extraordinary state D i.233 (so for<br />

vivesa all through?); A iii.349 (opp. h!na); J i.435; VvA 157 (puñña˚); PvA 71 (id.), 147 (sukha˚). -- 4.<br />

difference, variety SnA 477, 504; VvA 2; PvA 37, 81, 135 (pl.= items). abl. visesato, distinctively,<br />

altogether PvA 1, 259. -- 5. specific idea (in meditation), attainment J vi.69: see & cp. Brethren 24, n. 1;<br />

110. -- Cp. pa&i˚. -- âdhigama specific attainment A iv.22; M ii.96; Nett 92; Miln 412; DhA i.100. [Cp.<br />

BSk. vi$e+adhigama Divy 174]. -- g!min reaching distinction, gaining merit A ii.185; iii.349 sq.; S v.108. --<br />

g( reaching a higher state or attainment J vi.573. -- paccaya ground for distinction VvA 20. -- bh!giya<br />

participating in, or leading to distinction or progress (spiritually) D iii.272 sq., 277, 282; Nett 77; Vism 11,<br />

88 (abstr. ˚bh!giyat!).<br />

Visesaka<br />

Visesaka (m. or nt.) [fr. visesa] 1. a (distinguishing) mark (on the forehead) Vin ii.267 (with apanga). -- 2.<br />

leading to distinction VvA 85.<br />

Visesat!=visesa<br />

Visesat!=visesa Sdhp 265.<br />

Visesana<br />

Visesana (nt.) [fr. viseseti] distinguishing, distinction, qualification, attribute Vv 1610; J iii.11; vi.63; SnA<br />

181, 365, 399; VvA 13. -- instr. avisesena (adv.) without distinction, at all events, anyhow PvA 116.<br />

Visesik!<br />

Visesik! (f.) [fr. visesa] the Vai$e+ika philosophy Miln 3.<br />

Visesita<br />

Visesita [pp. of viseseti] distinguished, differentiated Mhvs 11, 32; KhA 18; PvA 56.<br />


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