The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Viva&&eti<br />

Viva&&eti [vi+va&&eti] to turn down or away (perhaps in dogmatic sense to turn away from sa's!ra), to<br />

divert, destroy: only in phrase viva&&ayi sa'yojana' (in standard setting with acchecchi ta*ha'), where the<br />

usual v. l. is v!vattayi (see v!vatteti). Thus at M i.12, 122; S i.127; iv.105, 205, 207, 399; A i.134; iii.246,<br />

444 sq.; iv.8 sq.; It 47 (T. vivattayi).<br />

Viva**a<br />

Viva**a (adj.) [vi+va**a] discoloured, pale, wan Sn 585; Th 2, 79; J ii.418.<br />

Viva**aka<br />

Viva**aka (nt.) [fr. viva**eti] dispraise, reviling Vin iv.143.<br />

Viva**eti<br />

Viva**eti [vi+va**eti] to dispraise, defame Pv iii.106 (th(pa -- p(ja'); PvA 212.<br />

Vivattacchada<br />

Vivatta -- cchada (adj.) having the cover removed, with the veil lifted; one who draws away the veil (cp.<br />

vivara*a) or reveals (the Universe etc.); or one who is freed of all (mental & spiritual) coverings (thus<br />

Bdhgh), Ep. of the Buddha. -- Spelling sometimes chadda˚ (see chada). -- D i.89; ii.16; iii.142 (dd; samm! -<br />

- sambuddha loke vivatta -- chadda; trsln "rolling back the veil from the world"), 177 (dd); A ii.44 (v. l.<br />

dd); Sn 372 (expld as "viva&a -- r!ga -- dosa -- moha -- chadana SnA 365), 378, 1003 (ed. Sn prefers dd as<br />

T. reading); Nd2 593 (with allegorical interpretation); J i.51; iii.349; iv.271 (dd); DhA i.201 (v. l. dd);<br />

iii.195; DA i.250. -- It occurs either as vivatta˚ or viva&a˚. In the first case (vivatta˚) the expln presents<br />

difficulties, as it is neither the opp. of vatta ("duty"), nor the same as viva&&a ("moving back" intrs.), nor a<br />

direct pp. of vivattati (like Sk. viv%tta) in which meaning it would come nearer to "stopped, reverted,<br />

ceased." vivattati has not been found in P!li. <strong>The</strong> only plausible expln would be taking it as an abs. pp.<br />

formation fr. v%t in Caus. sense (vatteti), thus "moved back, stopped, discarded" [cp. BSk. vivartayati to<br />

cast off a garment, Divy 39). In the second case (viva&a˚) it is pp. of vivarati [vi+v%: see vu*!ti], in meaning<br />

"uncovered, lifted, off," referring to the covering (chada) as uncovered instead of the uncovered object. See<br />

viva&a. It is difficult to decide between the two meanings. On the principle of the "lectio difficilior" vivatta<br />

would have the preference, whereas from a natural & simple point of view viva&a seems more intelligible &<br />

more fitting. It is evidently an old phrase. Note. -- vivatta -- kkhandha at S i.121 is a curious expression<br />

("with his shoulders twisted round"?). Is it an old misreading for pattakkhandha? Cp. however, S.A. quoted<br />

K.S. i.151, n. 5, explaining it as a dying monk's effort to gain an orthodox posture.<br />

Vivattati<br />

Vivattati at Pug 32 is to be read as viva&&ati.<br />

Vivadati<br />

Vivadati [vi+vadati] 1. to dispute, quarrel Sn 842, 884; J i.209; Miln 47. -- 2. (intrs.) to be quarrelled with S<br />

iii.138.<br />

Vivadana<br />

Vivadana (nt.) [fr. vivadati] causing separation, making discord D i.11; DA i.96.

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