The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vil!pa<br />

Vil!pa [vi+l!pa] idle talk J i.496; v.24. Cp. sa'˚.<br />

Vil!panat!<br />

Vil!panat! (f.)=vil!pa Pug 21.<br />

Vil!sa<br />

Vil!sa [fr. vilasati] 1. charm, grace, beauty J i.470; vi.43; Miln 201; ThA 78; PvA 3. -- desan!˚ beauty of<br />

instruction DA i.67; Vism 524, 541; Tikp 21. -- 2. dalliance, sporting, coquetry J iii.408; v.436. vil!sa is<br />

often coupled with l"l! (q. v.).<br />

Vil!savant<br />

Vil!savant (adj.) [fr. vil!sa] having splendour, grace or beauty Mhvs 29, 25.<br />

Vil!sin<br />

Vil!sin (adj.) [fr. vil!sa] shining forth, unfolding splendour, possessing charm or grace, charming DA i.40<br />

(vy!mapabh! parikkhepa -- vil!sin" splendour shining over a radius of a vy!ma).<br />

Vilikhati<br />

Vilikhati [vi+likhati] 1. to scrape, scratch S i.124 (bh(- mi'); iv.198; DhsA 260 (fig. mana' v.; in expln of<br />

vilekha). -- 2. to scratch open Vin ii.175. -- pp. vilikhita.<br />

Vilikhita<br />

Vilikhita [pp. of vilikhati] scraped off SnA 207.<br />

Vilitta<br />

Vilitta [pp. of vilimpati] anointed D i.104 (su -- nah!ta su- vilitta kappita -- kesa -- massu); J iii.91; iv.442.<br />

Vilimpati<br />

Vilimpati [vi+limpati] to smear, anoint A iii.57; J i.265 (ger. ˚itv!); iii.277 (ppr. ˚anto): Pv i.106 (ger<br />

˚itv!na); PvA 62 (˚itv!). -- pp. vilitta. -- Caus. II. vilimp!peti to cause to be anointed J i.50 (gandhehi), 254<br />

(id.).<br />

-- 636 --<br />

Vilivili (kriy!)<br />

Vilivili ( -- kriy!) see bi)ibi)ik!.<br />


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