The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Virocati [vi+rocati] to shine (forth), to be brilliant Vin ii. 296 (tapati, bh!sati, v.); Sn 378, 550; It 64<br />

(virocare); J i.18, 89; iv.233; Pv i.114; ii.962; iii.35 (=vir!jati PvA 189); DhA i.446; iv.143; DhsA 14; PvA<br />

110 (˚am!na =sobham!na), 136 sq., 157. Cp. verocana. Caus. viroceti to illumine Miln 336.<br />

Virodha<br />

Virodha [vi+rodha1] obstruction, hindrance, opposition, enmity S i.111; iv.71, 210; Sn 362; Pug 18, 22;<br />

Kvu 485; Miln 394; DhsA 39. -- avirodha absence of obstruction, gentleness M ii.105=Th 1, 875; Pv iii.73.<br />

Virodhana<br />

Virodhana (adj. nt.) [fr. virodheti] opposing, obstruction, opposition, contradiction, only neg. a˚ absence of<br />

opposition, J iii.274, 320, 412; v.378.<br />

Virodhita<br />

Virodhita [pp. of virodheti] obstructed, rendered hostile Pgdp 90 (or is it vir!dhita?).<br />

Virodheti<br />

Virodheti [Caus. of virundhati] to cause obstruction, to render hostile, to be in disharmony, to exasperate S<br />

iv.379=A v.320 (which latter passage reads vigga*hati instead); Sdhp 45, 496. -- pp. virodhita.<br />

Virosan!<br />

Virosan! (f.) [vi+rosan!] causing anger Vbh 86; VbhA 75.<br />

Vilakkha*a<br />

Vilakkha*a (adj. -- nt.) [vi+lakkha*a] wrong or false characteristic; (adj.) discharacteristic, i. e. inconsistent<br />

with characteristics, discrepant (opp. sa˚ in accordance with ch.) Miln 405; Nett 78; VbhA 250 sq.<br />

Vilagga<br />

Vilagga (adj.) [vi+lagga] 1. stuck Vin i.138; M i.393. - 2. slender (of waist) J v.96 (see vir!gita), 216 (see<br />

vil!ka).<br />

Vilaggita<br />

Vilaggita (adj.) [vi+laggita] stretched or bending (?), slender J iv.20 (see under vil!ka).<br />

Vilanga<br />

Vilanga (nt.) [*Sk. vi.anga] the plant Erycibe paniculata Vin i.201 (v. l. vi)˚). -- ˚th!lik! at Nd1 154 read as<br />

bilanga˚ (q. v.).<br />

Vilanghaka<br />

Vilanghaka [fr. vilangheti] in hattha˚ jerking of the hand beckoning (as a mode of making signs) Vin i.157=<br />

M i.207 (has g for gh, cp. p. 547). -- Cp. hattha -- vik!ra.

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