The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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71; Vbh 10; Nett 16, 28; Tikp 60, 63; Miln 36; Vism 160 (˚upekkh!), 462; KhA 96; SnA 489; DhA iv.231;<br />

DA i.63; DhsA 120; VvA 14; PvA 98, 129; Sdhp 343, 517. acc!raddha˚ too much exertion M iii.159;<br />

A iii.375; opp. atil"na˚ too little ibid; u&&h!na˚ initiative or rousing energy S i.21, 217; A iii.76; iv.282; ThA<br />

267; PvA 129; nara˚ manly strength J iv.478, 487. -- viriya' !ra(m) bhati to put forth energy, to make an<br />

effort S ii.28; iv.125; v.9, 244 sq.; A i.39, 282, 296; ii.15= iv.462. -- As adj. ( -- ˚) in al"na˚ alert, energetic J<br />

i.22; !raddha˚ full of energy, putting forth energy, strenuous S i.53, 166, 198; ii.29, 207 sq.; iv.224; v.225;<br />

A i.4, 12; ii.76, 228 sq.; iii.65, 127; iv.85, 229, 291, 357; v.93, 95, 153, 335; J i.110; ossa&&ha˚ one who has<br />

given up effort J i.110; h"na˚ lacking in energy It 34 (here as v"riya, in metre). -- v. is one of the indriyas,<br />

the balas & the sambojjhangas (q. v.). -- ârambha "putting forth of energy," application of exertion, will,<br />

energy, resolution D iii.252; S ii.202; iv.175; A i.12; iii.117; iv.15 sq., 280; v.123 sq.; Ps i.103 sq.; Vbh<br />

107, 194, 208; DhsA 145, 146. -- indriya the faculty of energy D iii.239, 278; S v.196 sq.; Dhs 13; Vbh<br />

123; Nett 7, 15, 19; VbhA 276. -- bala the power of energy D iii.229, 253; A iv.363; J i.109. -- sa'vara<br />

restraint by will Vism 7; SnA 8; DhsA 351.<br />

Viriyat!<br />

Viriyat! (f.) [abstr. fr. viriya] manliness, energy, strength M i.19; VvA 284.<br />

Viriyavant<br />

Viriyavant (adj.) [viriya+vant] energetic A i.236; Sn 528, 531 (four -- syllabic), 548 (three -- syllabic);<br />

Vism 3 (=!t!pin); Sdhp 475.<br />

Virujaka<br />

Virujaka (v"*!˚) lute -- player J vi.51 (=v"*! -- v!daka C.). See rujaka.<br />

Virujjhati<br />

Virujjhati [vi+rujjhati] to be obstructed Sn 73 (aviruj- jham!na unobstructed); J vi.12.<br />

Virujjhana<br />

Virujjhana (nt.) [fr. virujjhati] obstructing or being obstructed, obstruction, J vi.448.<br />

Viruta<br />

Viruta (nt.) [vi+ruta] noise, sound (of animals), cry Sn 927; expld as "viruda' [spelling with d, like ruda for<br />

ruta] vuccati -- miga -- cakka'; miga -- cakka -- p!thak! [i. e. experts in the ways of animals; knowers of<br />

auspices] migacakka' !disanti" at Nd1 382; and as "mig' !d"na' vassita'" at SnA 564. <strong>The</strong> passage is a<br />

little doubtful, when we compare the expression viru&añ ca gabbhakara*a' at Sn 927 with the passage<br />

viruddha -- gabbhakara*a' at D i.11 (cp. DA i.96), which seems more original.<br />

Viruddha<br />

Viruddha [pp. of virundhati] hindered, obstructed, dis- turbed S i.236; Sn 248, 630; Nd1 239; Miln 99, 310;<br />

-- 635 --<br />

J i.97. -- Often neg. a˚ unobstructed, free S i.236; iv.71; A iii.276 (˚ka); Dh 406; Sn 365, 704, 854; VbhA<br />

148=Vism 543. -- gabbha -- kara*a (using charms for) procuring abortion D i.11; DA i.96 (expld here as<br />

first trying to destroy the foetus and afterwards giving medicine for its preservation). See also viruta.

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