The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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ii.52; M i.439, 477. -- anup!d! vimutta freed without any further clinging to the world M i.486; S ii.18;<br />

iii.59; iv.83 and passim. -- atta having an emancipated self S iii.46, 55, 58; A iv.428. -- !yatana point or<br />

occasion of emancipation, of which there are 5, viz. hearing the Dhamma taught by the Master, teaching it<br />

oneself, reciting it, pondering over it, understanding it A iii.21 sq.; D iii.241, 279; Ps i.5.<br />

Vimutti<br />

Vimutti (f.) [fr. vimuccati] release, deliverance, emanci- pation D i.174; iii.288; S v.206 sq. (abhij!n!ti),<br />

222 (ariya˚), 266, 356; A ii.247, iii.165 (yath!bh(ta' paj!n!ti), 242, Sn 54, 73, 725 sq.; J i.77, 78, 80; Ps<br />

i.22; ii.143 sq.; Nd1 21; Pug 27, 54 sq.; Vbh 86, 272 sq., 392 (micch!˚) Nett 29; Vism 410; Sdhp 614. --<br />

ceto˚ (& paññ!˚) emancipation of heart (and reason) D i.156; iii.78, 108, 247 sq., 273; S i.120; ii.214;<br />

iv.119 sq.; v.118 sq., 289 sq.; A i.123 sq., 220 sq.; 243; ii.36, 87, 214; iii.20, 131, 400; iv.83, 314 sq.; v.10<br />

sq.; Vbh 344; Nett 40, 43, 81 sq., 127. -- samm!˚ right or true emancipation A ii.222 sq.; v.327; Ps i.107;<br />

ii.173. -- See also arahatta, upekkh!, khandha ii.A, dassana, phala, mett!. -- rasa the essence of<br />

emancipation A i.36; iv.203; PvA 287. -- s!ra substance or essence of emancipation A ii.141, 243; iv.385.<br />

Vimokkha<br />

Vimokkha (& Vimokha) [fr. vi+muc, cp. mokkha1] deliverance, release, emancipation, dissociation from<br />

the things of the world, Arahantship D ii.70, 111); iii.34, 35, 230, 288; M i.196 (samaya˚ & asamaya˚); S<br />

i.159 (cetaso v.); ii.53, 123; iii.121; iv.33; A ii.87; iv.316; v.11; Vin v.164 (cittassa); Sn 1071 (which Nd2<br />

588 expls as "agga" etc., thus strangely taking it in meaning of mokkha2, perhaps as edifying etym.); Nd2<br />

466 (in expln of Bhagav!); Ps i.22; ii.35 (as 68!), 243; Pug 11 sq.; Vbh 342; Dhs 248; Nett 90, 100, 119,<br />

126; Vism 13, 668 sq.; Miln 159; PvA 98; Sdhp 34, 264. <strong>The</strong> three vimokkhas are: suññato v., animitto<br />

v., appa*ihito v. Ps ii.35; Vism 658. <strong>The</strong> eight vimokkhas or stages of emancipation, are: the condition of<br />

r(p", ar(pa -- saññ", recognition of subha, realization of !k!sânañc'!yatana, of viññ!*'ânañc'!yatana,<br />

!kiñcaññ'!yatana, neva -- saññ! -- n'âsaññ'!yatana, saññ!vedayita -- nirodha D iii.262 (cp. Dial. iii.242), A<br />

i.40; iv.306; Vbh 342; expld in detail at Ps ii.38 -- 40. [cp. BSk. a+&au vimok+!1, e. g. Av- ii.69, 153.] -- In<br />

sequence jh!na vimokkha sam!dhi sam!patti (magga phala) at Vin i.97, 104; iii.91; iv.25; A iii.417, 419;<br />

v.34, 38; Vbh 342. -- See also jh!na.<br />

Vimocana<br />

Vimocana (nt.) [vi+mocana] 1. letting loose, discharging Dhtm 216 (assu˚). -- 2. release from, doing away<br />

with Mhvs 35, 73 (antar!ya˚).<br />

Vimoceti<br />

Vimoceti see vimuccati.<br />

Vimohita<br />

Vimohita [pp. of vi+moheti] deluded, bewildered Sdhp 363.<br />

Vimba<br />

Vimba is another spelling for bimba at S v.217. Cp. BSk. vimbaka (form of face) Divy 172, 525.<br />

Vimhaya<br />

Vimhaya [cp. Sk. vismaya, vi+smi] astonishment, sur- prise, disappointment J v.69 (in expln of vyamhita);<br />

Mhvs 5, 92; SnA 42 (explaining "vata"), 256 (do. for "ve"=aho); DA i.43; VvA 234, 329.

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