The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vipaccanaka<br />

Vipaccanaka (adj.) [fr. vipaccati, cp. paccana] bearing fruit, ripening (fully) Miln 421 (Notes); PvA 190.<br />

Vipaccan"ka<br />

Vipaccan"ka (adj.) [vi+paccan"ka] hostile M i.402; A iv.95; J iv.108; Pug 20; Vbh 351, 359, 371; VbhA<br />

478; PvA 87.<br />

Vipajjati<br />

Vipajjati [vi+pajjati] to go wrong, to fail, to perish (opp. sampajjati) DhA iii.357; PvA 34. -- pp. vipanna.<br />

Vipañcan! & Vipañciyati<br />

Vipañcan! & Vipañciyati: see under vipañcita.<br />

Vipañcita<br />

Vipañcita [fr. vi+pañc, cp. papañcita] only in phrase ˚ññ( either: knowing diffuseness or detail, or: of<br />

unillusioned understanding, clear -- minded, unprejudiced, combd with uggha&ita -- ññ( at A ii.135=Pug 41<br />

(trsld by B. C. Law as "learning by exposition"; PugA 223 expls as "vitth!rita' attha' j!n!ti," i. e. one who<br />

knows a matter expld in detail. <strong>The</strong> spelling at A ii.135 is vipacita˚; at Pug 41 vipaccita˚ & at PugA<br />

vipaccita˚, with v. l. vipañcita˚); Nett 7 sq., 125; SnA 163 (where uggha&ita -- ññ( is applied to those who<br />

understand by condensed instruction, sankhepa -- desan!ya, and vipañcita -- ññ( to those who need a<br />

detailed one, vitth!radesan!; thus "learning by diffuseness"). -- At Nett 9 we have the var. terms vipañcan!,<br />

vipañcayati & vipañciyati (Denom.) used in the description of var. ways of parsing and grammatical<br />

analysis. Here vipañcan! (resting clearly on Sk. papañca expansion) means "expanding" (by letters &<br />

vowels) and stands midway between uggha&an! & vitth!ra*! "condensing & detailing." <strong>The</strong> term<br />

vipañcayati (=vipañciyati) is used in the same way. -- Note. <strong>The</strong> term is not sufficiently cleared up. It<br />

occurs in BSk. as vipañcika (e. g. Divy 319, 391, 475, where it is appld to "br!hma*! naimittik!" & trsld by<br />

Cowell as "sooth -- sayer"), and vipañcanaka (Divy 548?), with which cp. vipañcit!jña at Lal. Vist. 520.<br />

See remark on vejjañjanika.<br />

Vipa*eti<br />

Vipa*eti [vi+Caus. of pa*ati] to sell, to trade (with) J iv.363 (=vikki*ati C.).<br />

Vipatati<br />

Vipatati see vip!&eti 2.<br />

Vipatti<br />

Vipatti (f.) [vi+patti2] wrong state, false manifestation, failure, misfortune (opp. sampatti) Vin i.171 (!c!ra˚<br />

failure of morality); A i.270 (!j"va˚); iv.26, 160 (atta˚, para˚); Ps i.122; J vi.292; Nett 126 (the 3 vipattiyo:<br />

s"la˚, di&&hi˚, !c!ra˚); DhA i.16 (s"la˚) DA i.235. Often in pair di&&hi˚ wrong view, heresy, & s"la˚ moral<br />

failure: D ii.213; A i.95, 268, 270; Vin v.98; Vbh 361; Dhs 1361. -- payoga˚ wrong application PvA 117,<br />

136 (opp. ˚sampatti).<br />


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