The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vinaya [fr. vi+n", cp. vineti] 1. driving out, abolishing destruction, removal Vin i.3 (asmi -- m!nassa), 235=<br />

iii.3 (akusal!na' dhamm!na' vinay!ya dhamma' desemi); S i.40; Sn 921; A i.91 (kodha˚, upan!ha˚); ii.34<br />

(pip!sa˚); iv.15 (icch!˚); v.165 (id.); SnA 12; PvA 114 (atthassa m(la' nikati˚). Often in phrase r!ga˚,<br />

dosa˚, moha˚, e. g. S iv.7 sq.; v.137 sq., 241; A iv.175; Nett 22. -- 2. rule (in logic), way of saying or<br />

judging, sense, terminology (cp. imin! nayena) S iv.95 (ariyassa vinaye vuccati loko); A i.163 (ariyassa<br />

vinaye tevijjo one called a threefold wise in the nomenclature of the Buddhist); ii.166 (ariyassa v.); SnA<br />

403. -- 3. norm of conduct, ethics, morality, good behaviour Sn 916, 974; J iv.241 (=!c!ra -- vinaya C.); A<br />

ii.112; iii.353 sq. (ariya -- vinaye saddh! yassa pati&&hit! etc. faith established in Buddhist ethics). -- 4. code<br />

of ethics, monastic discipline, rule, rules of morality or of canon law. In this sense applied to the large<br />

collection of rules which grew up in the monastic life and habits of the bhikkhus and which form the<br />

ecclesiastical introduction to the "Dhamma," the "doctrine," or theoretical, philosophical part of the<br />

Buddhist Canon. <strong>The</strong> history & importance of the Vinaya Pi&aka will be dealt with under the title "Vinaya"<br />

in the <strong>Dictionary</strong> of Names. Only a few refs. must suffice here to give a general idea. See also under<br />

Dhamma C., and in detail Geiger, Dhamma pp. 55 -- 58. -- Often combd with dhamma: dhammato vinayato<br />

ca on the ground of Dh. and V. Vin i.337; cp. ii.247. -- dhammo ca vinayo ca Vin i.356; ii.285, 302; or (as<br />

(Dvandva) dhammavinaya (i. e. the teaching of the Buddha in its completeness) D i.229; Vin ii.237 sq.; M<br />

i.284; ii.181 sq.; A i.283; iii.297, 327; S i.9; iii.65; Ud 53; VvA 3. Often approaches the meaning of<br />

"Buddhist order," e. g. Vin i.69; D i.176; M i.68, 459, 480; iii.127; S ii.120; A i.185; ii.123; v.122. -- See<br />

further Vin ii.96 (vinaye cheko hoti); A ii.168 (aya' dhammo, aya' v., ida' Satthu -- s!sana'); Vism 522;<br />

VbhA 273; KhA 106, 151; SnA 4, 195, 310. -- a -- vinaya one who sins against the V. (like a -- dhamma<br />

one who neglects the Dh.) Vin ii.295 sq.; iii.174; A i.18; v.73 sq. -- <strong>The</strong> division of the books of the Vinaya<br />

is given at DhsA 18. Its character (as shown by its name) is given in the foll. verse at DhsA 19: "(vividha --<br />

visesa -- ) nayatt! vinayanato c' eva k!ya -- v!c!na' vinayy' attha -- vid(hi aya' vinayo Vinayo ti akkh!to,"<br />

i. e. "Because it shows precepts & principles, and governs both deed and word, therefore men call this<br />

scripture V., for so is V. interpreted" (Expos. i. 23). -- a&&hakath! the (old) commentary on the Vinaya Vism<br />

72, 272; VbhA 334; KhA 97. -- ânuggaha taking up (i. e. following the rules) of the Vinaya Vin iii.21; A<br />

i.98, 100; v.70. -- kath! exposition of the Vinaya Vin iv.142. -- dhara one who knows or masters the V. by<br />

heart, an expert in the V. Vin i.169; ii.299 (with dhamma -- dhara & m!tik! -- dhara); A i.25; ii.147; iii.78<br />

sq., 179, 361; iv.140 sq.; v.10 sq.; J iii.486; iv.219; Vism 41, 72; KhA 151; DhA ii.30 (with dhamma --<br />

kathika & dhuta -- v!da) [cp. BSk. vinayadhara Divy 21]. -- pi&aka the V. Pi&aka KhA1 2, 97; VbhA 431. --<br />

vatthu chapter of the V. Vin ii.307. -- v!din one who professes the V. (or "speaking in accordance with the<br />

rules of conduct"), a V. -- follower D i.4 (here expld by Bdhgh as "sa'vara -- vinaya -- pah!na -- vinaya<br />

sannissita' katv! vadat" ti" v. DA i.76, thus taking it as vinaya 3) =M iii.49=Pug 58 (trsln here: "speaking<br />

according to self -- control"); D iii.135, 175.<br />

Vinayati<br />

Vinayati see vineti.<br />

Vinayana<br />

Vinayana (nt.) [fr. vi+n"] 1. removing, removal Miln 318 (pip!s!˚); PvA 39 (soka˚). -- 2. instruction,<br />

discipline, setting an example J v.457 (conversion); Miln 220.<br />

Vina)"kata<br />

Vina)"kata (adj.) [vi+na)a+kata, with na)" for na)a in combn with k%] lit. "having the reed or stem removed,"<br />

rendered useless, destroyed M i.227; A ii.39; Sn 542 (=ucchinna SnA 435); Th 1, 216; J vi.60 (viddhasta+,<br />

as at Sn 542).<br />

Vinassati<br />

Vinassati [vi+nassati] to be lost; to perish, to be destroyed S iv.309; M ii.108 (imper. vinassa "away with<br />

you"); J iii.351; v.468; Pv iii.45; Vism 427. -- pp. vina&&ha. Caus. vin!seti.

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