The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vitacchita [pp. of vitaccheti] planed, smoothed; su˚ well carded (of a c"vara) Vin iii.259.<br />

Vitaccheti<br />

Vitaccheti [vi+taccheti] 1. tear, pluck, pick to pieces; in simile M i.364 (+vir!jeti)=S ii.255 (reads vibhajeti<br />

for vir!jeti)=Vin iii.105 (id.). -- 2. to smoothe: see pp. vitacchita.<br />

Vita*.!<br />

Vita*.! (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. vita*.!, e. g. Mbh 2, 1310; 7, 3022] tricky disputation, frivolous or captious<br />

discussion; in cpds. vita*.a˚: ˚v!da sophistry SnA 447; DA i.247; ˚v!din a sophist, arguer DhsA 3 (so read<br />

for vida..ha); VbhA 9, 51, 319, 459. See lok!yata.<br />

Vitata<br />

Vitata [pp. of vitanoti] stretched, extended, diffused S i.207; Sn 272, 669 (v. l. vitthata); J i.356 (tanta˚<br />

where the strings were stretched); Miln 102, 307; Mhvs 17, 31 (vall"hi v.) -- nt. vitata a drum (with leather<br />

on both sides) VvA 37.<br />

Vitatha<br />

Vitatha (adj.) [vi+tatha; cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vitatha] untrue; nt. untruth D ii.73 (na hi Tath!gat! vitatha'<br />

bha*anti); Sn 9 sq.; Vv 5315 (=atatha, mus! ti attho VvA 240); J v.112; vi.207; Ps 104; DA i.62. -- avitatha<br />

true S ii.26; v.430; Miln 184; Sdhp 530; DA i.65.<br />

Vitanoti<br />

Vitanoti (*vitanati) [vi+tanoti] to stretch out, spread out; poet. ger. vitanitv!na J vi.453. -- Pass. vitaniyyati<br />

ibid. -- pp. vitata. Cp. vit!na.<br />

Vitara*a<br />

Vitara*a (nt.) [fr. vitarati] overcoming, getting through M i.147 (kankh!˚); Miln 233 (id.), 351; Sdhp 569.<br />

Vitarati<br />

Vitarati [vi+tarati] 1. to go through, come through, over- come Sn 495, 779 (ger. ˚eyya, taken as Pot. at<br />

Nd1 57: ogha' samatikkameyya), 941, 1052; Pv iii.24 (vitaritv! =viti**o hutv! PvA 181, q. v. for detail). --<br />

2. to perform J ii.14 (bubhukkhito no vitar!si bhottu'; v. l. visah!mi). -- pp. viti**a.<br />

Vit!na<br />

Vit!na (m. & nt.) [fr. vi+tan] spread -- out, canopy, awning Vin iv.279; J i.40, 62, 83; DhA ii.42; SnA 447;<br />

VvA 32, 173; PvA 154. See also cela˚.<br />

Viti**a<br />

Viti**a [pp. of vitarati] 1. overcome or having overcome, gone through, conquered Dh 141 (˚kankha); Sn<br />

514 (id.), 746; PvA 181. -- 2. given up, rejected, abandoned Dh 176 (˚paraloka); J iv.447 (=pariccatta C.).<br />


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