The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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elements with space as a sixth element, and also where dh!tu is substituted for khandha (S iii.10). -- (c) In<br />

the chain of causation (Pa&icca -- samupp!da) v. is conditioned by the sankh!ras and is itself a necessary<br />

condition of n!ma -- r(pa (individuality). See e. g. S ii.4, 6, 8, 12 etc.; Vin i.1; Vism 545 sq.=VbhA 150;<br />

Vism 558 sq.; VbhA 169 sq.; 192. -- At S ii.4=iii.61 viññ!*a (in the Pa&icca -- samupp!da) is defined in a<br />

similar way to the defn under v. -- &&hiti (see c), viz. as a quality peculiar to (& underlying) each of the 6<br />

senses: "katama' viññ!*a'? cha -- y -- ime viññ!*a -- k!y! (groups of v.), viz. cakkhu˚ sota˚ etc.," which<br />

means that viññ!*a is the apperceptional or energizing principle, so to speak the soul or life (substratum,<br />

animator, lifepotency) of the sensory side of individuality. It arises through the mutual relation of sense and<br />

sense -- object (M iii.281, where also the 6 v. -- k!y!). As such it forms a factor of rebirth, as it is grouped<br />

under upadhi (q. v.). Translations of S ii.4: Mrs. Rh. D. (K.S. ii.4) "consciousness"; Geiger (in Z. f. B.<br />

iv.62) "Erkennen." (d) As one of the four !h!ras (q. v.) v. is considered as the material, food or cause,<br />

through which comes rebirth (S ii.13; cp. B.Psy. p. 62). As such it is likened to seed in the field of action<br />

(kamma) A i.223, and as entering (a body) at rebirth the phrase viññ!*assa avakkanti is used (D ii.63; S<br />

ii.91). In this connection the expression pa&isandhi -- viññ!*a first appears in Ps i.52, and then in the<br />

Commentaries (VbhA 192; cf. Vism 548, 659 pa&isandhicitta); in Vism 554=VbhA 163, the v., here said to<br />

be located in the heart, is made out, at bodily death, "to quit its former 2 support 3 and proceed (pavattati) to<br />

another by way of its mental object<br />

-- 619 --<br />

and other conditions." Another scholastic expression, both early and late, is abhisankh!ra -- v., or<br />

"endowment consciousness," viz. the individual transmigrant or transmitted function (viññ!*a) which<br />

supplies the next life with the accumulation of individual merit or demerit or indifference, as it is expressed<br />

at Nd2 569a in defn of v. (on Sn 1055: ya' kiñci sampaj!n!si . . . panujja viññ!*a' bhave na ti&&he): puññ'<br />

âbhisankh!ra -- sahagata -- viññ!*a', apuññ' . . ., !nejj' . . . -- Under the same heading at Nd2 569b we find<br />

abhisankh!ra v. with ref. to the sot!patti -- stage, i. e. the beginning of salvation, where it is said that by the<br />

gradual disappearance of abhis. -- v. there are still 7 existences left before n!ma -- r(pa (individuality)<br />

entirely disappears. <strong>The</strong> climax of this development is "anup!di -- sesa nibb!na -- dhatu," or the nibb!na<br />

stage without a remainder (parinibb!na), which is characterized not by an abhisankh!ra -- v., but by the<br />

carimaka -- v., or the final vital spark, which is now going to be extinct. This passage is referred to at DhsA<br />

357, where the first half is quoted literally. -- (e) As k!ya i. e. group, v. is considered psycho -- physically,<br />

as a factor in senseperception (D iii.243, M iii.281, etc.), namely, the contact between sense -- organ and<br />

object (medium, metazu/ was not taken into account) produces v. of sight, hearing etc. <strong>The</strong> three factors<br />

constitute the v. -- k!ya of the given sense. And the v. is thus bound to bodily process as a catseye is<br />

threaded on a string (D ii.76). Cp. above c. Other applications of the term v., both Canonical and<br />

mediaeval: on details as to attributes and functions, see Vin i.13 (as one of the khandhas in its quality of<br />

anatt!, cp. S iv.166 sq.); D iii.223 (as khandha); S ii.101 sq. (˚assa avakkanti); iii.53 sq. (˚assa gati, !gati,<br />

cuti etc.); A i.223 sq.; iii.40; Sn 734 (ya' kiñci dukkha' sambhoti, sabba' viññ!*a -- paccay!), 1037 (n!ma<br />

-- r(pa destroyed in consequence of v. destruction), 1073 (cavetha v. [so read for bhavetha]; v. at this<br />

passage expld as "punappa&isandhi -- v." at Nd2 569c); 1110 (uparujjhati); Ps i.53 sq., 153 sq.; ii.102; Vbh<br />

9 sq., 53 sq., 86; Nett 15 (n!ma -- r(pa v. -- sampayutta), 16 (v. -- hetuka n. -- r.), 17 (nirodha), 28, 79, 116<br />

(as khandha); Vism 529 (as simple, twofold, fourfold etc.), 545=VbhA 150 sq. (in detail as product of<br />

sankh!ras & in 32 groups); VbhA 172 (twofold: vip!ka & avip!ka); DhA iv.100. -- ânañc'!yatana<br />

infinitude ( -- sphere) of life -- force or mind -- matter D i.35, 184, 223; iii.224, 262, 265; Nett 26, 39. It is<br />

the second of the 4ruppa -- jh!nas; see jh!na. -- !h!ra consciousness (i. e. vital principle) sustenance: see<br />

above d and cp. Dhs 70, 126; Nett 114 sq.; Vism 341. -- k!ya: see above e. -- khandha life -- force as one of<br />

the aggregates of physical life D iii.233; Tikp 61; DhsA 141; VbhA 21, 42. -- &&hiti viññ!*a -- duration,<br />

phase of mental life. <strong>The</strong> emphasis is on duration or continuation rather than place, which would be &&h!na.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are (a) 4 v. -- durations with regard to their "storing" (abhisankh!ra) quality, viz. combinations of v.<br />

(as the governing, mind -- principle) with each of the 4 other khandhas or aggregates of material life (r(pa,<br />

vedan!, saññ!, sankh!r!), v. animating or bringing them to consciousness in any kind of life -- appearance;<br />

and (b) 7 v. -- durations with regard to their "regenerating" (new -- life combn or rebirth=pa&isandhi)<br />

quality, viz. the 4 planes of var. beings (from men to devas), followed by the 3 super -- dimensional stages<br />

(the !nañc' !yatanas) of !k!sa -- infinitude, viññ!*a -- infin. & !kiñ -- cañña -- infin. -- Passages in the<br />

Canon: (a) as 4: D 1 i.262 sq.; S iii.53 sq. ("standing for consciousness" & "platform," ˚pati&&h! S iii.54;

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