The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vicaya [fr. vi+ci: see vicinati] search, investigation, examination S iii.96 (vicayaso, i. e. thoroughly); Pug<br />

25; Miln 340 (dhamma˚); Nett 1, 2, 10; DhsA 147; Sdhp 466. For dhamma˚ see sambojjhanga.<br />

Vicara*a<br />

Vicara*a (adj. -- nt.) [fr. vicarati] going about, circulating, moving, travelling J v.484 (˚bha*.a travelling<br />

merchandise).<br />

Vicarati<br />

Vicarati [vi+carati] to go or move about in (loc.), to walk (a road=acc.), to wander Sn 444 (ra&&h! ra&&ha'<br />

vicarissa', fut.), 696 (dhamma -- magga'); Nd1 201, 263; Pv iii.73 (aor. vicari); DhA i.66; PvA 4, 22, 33,<br />

69, 120, 185 (= !hi*.ati); Sdhp 133. -- In Sn often with loke (in this world), e. g. Sn 466, 501, 845, 846,<br />

864. Caus. vic!reti; pp. vicarita, vic!rita & vici**a. Cp. anu˚.<br />

Vicarita<br />

Vicarita [pp. of vicarati] occupied by ( -- ˚), haunted, fre- quented VvA 163.<br />

Vic!ra<br />

Vic!ra [vi+c!ra] investigation, examination, consideration, deliberation. -- Defd as "vicara*a' vic!ro,<br />

anusañcara*an ti vutta' hoti" Vism 142 (see in def. under vitakka). -- Hardly ever by itself (as at Th 1,<br />

1117 mano˚), usually in close connection or direct combn with vitakka (q. v.).<br />

Vic!raka<br />

Vic!raka (adj.) [fr. vic!reti] 1. looking after something; watching J i.364 (ghara˚). -- 2. investigating; (n.) a<br />

judge Mhvs 35, 18.<br />

Vic!ra*!<br />

Vic!ra*! (f.) & a˚ (nt.) [fr. vic!reti] 1. investigation, search, attention Sn 1108, 1109 (f. & nt.); J iii.73<br />

(˚paññ!). -- 2. arranging, planning, looking after; scheme J i.220; ii.404 (yuddha˚); vi.333 sq.<br />

Vic!rita<br />

Vic!rita [pp. of vic!reti] thought out, considered; thought D i.37 (vitakkita+, like vitakka -- vic!ra, cp. DA<br />

i.122), 213 (id.); SnA 385.<br />

Vic!reti<br />

Vic!reti [Caus. of vicarati] 1. to make go round, to pass round, to distribute PvA 272 (sal!ka'). -- 2. to<br />

think (over) S v.156 (vitakketi+). -- 3. to investigate, examine, test J ii.413; iii.258; VvA 336 (a˚ to omit<br />

examining). -- 4. to plan, consider, construct J ii.404; vi.333. -- 5. to go about (some business), to look<br />

after, administer, provide J ii.287; iii.378; Mhvs 35, 19 (rajja'); PvA 93 (kammante). -- pp. vic!rita &<br />

vici**a.<br />

Vic!liya<br />

Vic!liya (adj.) [grd. of vi+c!leti] in neg. a˚ not to be shaken, not wavering Sdhp 444.

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