The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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V!ta [Vedic v!ta, of v!; cp. Sk. v!ti & v!yati to blow, v!yu wind; Lat. ventus, Goth. winds=wind; Ohg.<br />

w!jan to blow, Oir. feth air; Gr. a)/hmi to blow, a)h/ ths wind, Lith. áudra storm etc.] wind. <strong>The</strong>re exists a<br />

common distinction of winds into 2 groups: "internal" and "external" winds, or the ajjhattik! v!yo -- dh!tu<br />

(wind category), and the b!hir!. <strong>The</strong>y are discussed at Vbh 84, quoted at MA 30, 31, and expld in detail at<br />

VbhA 70 sq.; Vism 350. <strong>The</strong> b!hir! also at Nd2 562, and in poetical form at S iv.218. -- <strong>The</strong> internal winds<br />

(see below 2) comprise the foll.: uddhangam! v!t!, adhogam!, kucchisay!, ko&&h!sasay!, angam -- ang'<br />

ânus!rino, satthak!, khurak!, uppalak!, ass!so, pass!so, i. e. all kinds of winds (air) or drawing pains<br />

(rheumatic?) in the body, from hiccup, stitch and stomach -- ache up to breathing. <strong>The</strong>ir complement are<br />

the external winds (see below 1), viz. puratthim! v!t!, pacchim!, uttar!, dakkhi*! (from the 4 quarters of<br />

the sky), saraj! araj!, s"t! u*h!, paritt! adhimatt!, k!)!, verambha˚, pakkha˚, supa**a˚, t!lavanta˚,<br />

vidh(pana. ˚ <strong>The</strong>se are characterized according to direction, dust, temperature, force, height & other causes<br />

(like fanning etc.). -- 1. wind (of the air) S iv.218 (v!t! !k!se v!yanti); Sn 71, 348, 591 (v!to t(la' va<br />

dha'saye), 622, 1074; J i.72; Pug 32; Vism 31. adhimatta v. S iv.56; mah!˚ S ii.88; A i.136, 205; ii.199;<br />

iv.312; veramba˚ (winds blowing in high regions: upari !k!se S ii.231) A i.137; Th 1, 598; J vi.326. -- 2.<br />

"winds" of the body, i. e. pains caused by (bad) circulation, sometimes simply (uncontrolled) movements in<br />

the body, sometimes rheumatic pains, or sharp & dragging pains in var. parts of the body Nett. 74. Also<br />

applied to certain humours, supposed to be caused by derangements of the "winds" of the body (cp. Gr.<br />

qumo/s; or E. slang "get the wind up"), whereas normal "winds" condition normal health: Pv ii.61 (tassa<br />

v!t! bal"yanti: bad winds become strong, i. e. he is losing his senses, cp. PvA 94: umm!da -- v!t!). -- anga˚<br />

pain in the limbs (or joints), rheumatism Vin i.205; udara˚ belly ache J i.393, 433; DhA iv.129; kammaja˚<br />

birth -- pains Vism 500; kucchi˚ pains in the abdomen (stomach) VbhA 5; pi&&hi˚ pains in the back ibid. --<br />

3. (fig.) atmosphere, condition, state; or as pp. (of v!yati) scented (with), full of, pervaded (by), at Vin i.39<br />

(vijana˚ pervaded by loneliness, having an atmosphere of loneliness; Kern. Toev. s. v. v!ta wrongly "troop,<br />

crowd." <strong>The</strong> same passage occurs at D iii.38, where Rh. D., Dial. iii.35, trsls "where the breezes from the<br />

pastures blow"; with expln vijana= v%jana [see vajati], hardly justified. In same connection at A iv.88);<br />

Miln 19 (isi˚ -- pariv!ta scented with an atmosphere of Sages; Rh. D. differently: "bringing down the<br />

breezes from the heights where the Sages dwell"; forced). -- On v!ta in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 135. --<br />

!tapa (Dvandva) wind and heat. In this phrase Bdhgh. takes v!ta as wind (above 1) at Vism 31 (saraja &<br />

araja v.), but as (bodily) pain (above 2) at VbhA 5. See D iii.353; S ii.88; iii.54; v.379; A i.204; ii.117, 143,<br />

199; iii.394 sq., 404; v.15, 127; Sn 52; J i.93; Miln 259, 314, 416; DhA iii.112. -- !b!dha "wind disease,"<br />

internal pains (not rheumatism) Vin i.205;<br />

-- 608 --<br />

Miln 134; Vism 41. -- !yana air hole, window Mhvs 5, 37; D!va v.57. -- !hata struck by the wind Vism 63;<br />

DhA iii.328. -- erita moved by the wind (of trees) S v.123; A iii.232; VvA 175. -- kkhandha "wind bulk,"<br />

mass of wind, region of the wind J vi.326. -- gh!ta ("wind -- struck") the tree Cassia (or Cathartocarpus)<br />

fistula, a syn. of udd!la(ka) J iv.298; VvA 197; also as ˚ka at J v.199, 407; VvA 43. -- java swiftness of the<br />

wind J vi.274. -- dhuta shaken by the wind, swaying in the w. Vv 385, cp. VvA 174. -- passa the wind side<br />

DhA ii.17. -- p!na lattice, window Vin i.209; ii.148, 211; A i.101, 137; iv.231; J ii.325; v.214; vi.349 (read<br />

v!tap!n˚ for dv!rap!n˚); KhA 54; DhA i.211, 370; VvA 67; PvA 4, 216, 279. -- bhakkha living on air DhA<br />

ii.57. -- ma*.ala a whirlwind, gust of wind, storm, tornado [cp. BSk. v!yu -- ma*.ala at Av- i.256 with<br />

note] J i.72; SnA 224. -- ma*.alik! id. Vin ii.113; iv. 345; J iv.430. -- yoga direction of the wind J ii.11. --<br />

roga "wind disease," upset of the body, disturbance of the intestines, colic SnA 69; VvA 185. -- vass! (pl.)<br />

wind and rain PvA 55. -- vu&&hi id. SnA 34. -- vega force of the wind Sn 1074; PvA 47. -- saku*a a certain<br />

kind of bird ("wind -- bird") Nd1 87, where KhA 118 reads bh!sa˚.<br />

V!taka<br />

V!taka (adj.) ( -- ˚) [fr. v!ta 2] belonging to or connected with the winds (of the body) in ahi -- v!taka --<br />

roga a cert. (intestinal) disease (lit. "snake -- pain"), pestilence, plague; dysentery (caused by a famine and<br />

attacking men and beasts alike) DhA i.169, 187, 231; iii.437.<br />


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