The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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V!canaka (nt.) [fr. v!ceti] talk, recitation, disputation; invitation (?), in br!hma*a˚ J i.318 (karoti); iii.171;<br />

iv.391 (karoti); regarded as a kind of festival. At J iii.238 v!canaka is used by itself (two brahmins<br />

receiving it). It refers to the treating of br!hma*as (br. teachers) on special occasions (on behalf of their<br />

pupils: a sort of farewell -- dinner?). -- It is not quite sure how we have to interpret v!canaka. Under<br />

br!hma*a (cpds.) we have trsld it as "elocution show" (cp. our "speech day"). <strong>The</strong> E. trsln gives "brahmin<br />

feast"; Prof. Dutoit "Brahmanen -- backwerk" (i. e. special cakes for br.). v!cana may be a distortion of<br />

v!jana, although the latter is never found as v. l. It is at all events a singular expression. BR give v!canaka<br />

as a(/pac legome/non in meaning of "sweetmeat," with the only ref. H!r!val" 152 (Calc. ed.), where it is<br />

expld as "prahelaka" (see P. pahe*aka). On the subject see also Fick, Soc. Glied. 137, 205.<br />

V!can!<br />

V!can! (f.) [fr. v!ceti] recitation, reading; ˚magga way of recitation, help for reading, division of text (into<br />

chapters or paragraphs) Tikp 239; KhA 12, 14, 24.<br />

V!capeyya<br />

V!capeyya (1) amiable speech (v!c!+peyya=piya) J vi.575 (=piyavacana C.). -- (2) spelling for v!japeyya<br />

(q. v.).<br />

-- 607 --<br />

V!casika<br />

V!casika (adj.) [fr. v!c!] connected with speech, verbal (contrasted with k!yika & cetasika) Vin iv.2; Pug<br />

21; Miln 91; Vism 18; DhsA 324. -- As nt. noun at Miln 352 in meaning "behaviour in speech."<br />

V!c!<br />

V!c! (f.) [vac, vakti & vivakti; cp. vaca1 (P. vaco); Vedic v!k (v!c˚) voice, word, v!kya; Av. vacah & vaxs<br />

word; Gr. e)/pos word, o)/y voice, Lat. vox= voice, voco to call; Ohg. gi -- wahan to mention etc. <strong>The</strong> P.<br />

form v!c! is a remodelling of the nom. v!c after the oblique cases, thus transforming it from the cons. decl.<br />

to a vowel (˚!) decl. Of the old inflexion we only find the instr. v!c! Sn 130, 232. <strong>The</strong> compn forms are<br />

both v!c!˚ and vac"˚] word, saying, speech; also as adj. ( -- ˚) vaca speaking, of such a speech (e. g. du&&ha˚<br />

Pv i.32, so to be read for dukkha˚). -- D iii.69 sq., 96 sq., 171 sq.; S iv.132 (in triad k!yena v!c!ya manas!:<br />

see k!ya iii., and mano ii.3); Sn 232 (k!yena v!c! uda cetas! v!), 397, 451 sq., 660, 973, 1061 (=vacana<br />

Nd2 560); Nd1 504; DhsA 324 (vuccat" ti v!c!). -- In sequence v!c! gir! byappatha vac"bheda v!casik!<br />

viññatti, as a defn of speech Vin iv.2, expld at DhsA 324: see byappatha. -- v!ca' bhindati: (1) to modify<br />

the speech or expression SnA 216 (cp. v!kya -- bheda DhsA 324). -- (2) to use a word, so say something<br />

Vin i.157; M i.207 (Neumann, "das Schweigen brechen"); Miln 231 (i. e. to break silence? So Rh. D. trsln).<br />

Cp. the <strong>English</strong> expression "to break the news." -- v!c! is mostly applied with some moral characterization,<br />

as the foll., frequently found: atthasa'hit! A iii.244; kaly!*a˚ A iii.195, 261; iv.296; v.155; pisu*! &<br />

pharus! A i.128, 174, 268 sq.; iii.433; iv.247 sq.; DA i.74, 75; Nd1 220, and passim; rakkhita˚ S iv.112;<br />

viki**a˚ S i.61, 204; A i.70; iii.199, 391 sq.; sacca˚ A ii.141, 228; sa*h! A ii.141, 228; iii.244; iv.172; see<br />

also vac" -- sucarita; samm!˚ Vbh 105, 106, 235; VbhA 119; see also magga; h"n! etc. S ii.54. --<br />

ânurakkhin guarding one's speech Dh 281 (cp. v!c!ya sa'vara DhA iv.86). -- âbhil!pa "speechjabbering,"<br />

forbidden talk Sn 49 (i. e. the 32 tiracch!nakath! Nd2 561). -- uggata with well intoned speech Miln 10. --<br />

yata restrained in speech Sn 850 (=yatta gutta rakkhita Nd1 221). -- vikkhepa confusion of speech,<br />

equivocation D i.24 sq.; DA i.115.<br />

V!cetar<br />

V!cetar [n. ag. fr. v!ceti] one who teaches or instructs D i.123.

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