The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Vas"˚ is the composition form of vasa in combn with roots k% and bh(, e. g. ˚kata made dependent, brought<br />

into somebody's power, subject(ed) Th 2, 295 (= vasavattino katv!, pl.); Sn 154; cp. BSk. va$"k%ta Jtm 213.<br />

See also vasagata. -- ˚katv! having overcome or subjected Sn 561 (=attano vase vattetv! SnA 455).<br />

Metricausâ as vasi' karitv! at Sn 444. -- ˚bh!va state of having power, mastery Nd2 466 (balesu); Pug 14<br />

(in same passage, but reading phalesu), expld at PugA 189 (with v. l. SS balesu!) as "ci**a -- vas" --<br />

bh!va"; Kvu 608 (implies balesu); Miln 170. Cp. BSk. bala -- va$" -- bh!va MVastu iii.379. See also ci**a.<br />

-- ˚bh(ta having become a master (over), mastering S i.132; Miln 319; cp. MVastu i.47 & 399 va$"bh(ta. --<br />

<strong>The</strong> same change of vasa˚ to vas"˚ we find in combn vasippatta (vas"+ppatta), q. v. under vasi˚.<br />

Vasu<br />

Vasu (nt.) [Vedic vasu good, cp. Gr. e)u/s good, Oir. f"u worthy, Goth. iusiza better] wealth; only in cpds.<br />

˚deva the god of wealth, i. e. K%+*a (Ka*ha) Miln 191 (as ˚dev! followers of K.); J v.326 (here in T. as<br />

!dicco v!sudevo pabhankaro, expld in C. as vasudevo vasujotano, i. e. an Ep. of the sun); Vism 233<br />

(V!sudevo baladevo). -- ˚dhar! (f.) (as vasun -- dhar!) the bearer of wealth, i. e. the earth S i.100; A iii.34;<br />

J v.425; Vism 205, 366; DA i.61. -- ˚dh! id. J i.25; Ap 53; Vism 125.<br />

Vasumant<br />

Vasumant (adj.) [fr. vasu] having wealth, rich J vi.192.<br />

Vassa<br />

Vassa (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic var+a (nt.) rain. For etym. see vassati1] 1. rain, shower J iv.284; vi.486<br />

(kha*ika sudden rain); Miln 307; Mhvs 21, 31; DhA iii.163 (pokkhara˚ portentous); SnA 224 (mah!˚<br />

deluge of rain); PvA 55 (v!ta˚ wind & rain). -- fig. shower, downpour, fall M i.130=Vin ii.25 (kah!pa*a˚);<br />

DhA ii.83 (kusuma˚). -- Esp. the rainy season, lasting roughly from June to October (4s!)ha -- Kattika),<br />

often called "Lent," though the term does not strictly correspond. Usually in pl. vass! (A iv.138), also<br />

termed vass! -- ratta "time of rains" (J iv.74; v.38). Cp. BSk. var+!, e. g: Divy 401, 509. -- Keeping Lent (i.<br />

e. spending the rainy season) is expressed by vassa' vasati Vin iii.10; Mhvs 16, 8; or by vassa -- v!sa'<br />

(vass' !v!sa') vasati (see below), vassa' upeti S v.152, vassa' upagacchati S v.152; PvA 42. One who has<br />

kept Lent or finished the residence of the rains is a vuttha -- vassa J i.82; Mhvs 17, 1; or vassa' vuttha Vin<br />

iii.11; S i.199; v.405; PvA 43. Cp. BSk. var+' o+ita Divy 92, 489. -- Vassa -- residence is vassa -- v!sa (see<br />

below). -- vassa' vas!peti (Caus.) to induce someone to spend the rainy season PvA 20. -- anto -- vassa'<br />

during Lent; cp. antovass' eka -- divasa' one day during Lent Mhvs 18, 2; antara -- vassa' id. S iv.63. -- 2.<br />

(nt.) a year A iv.252 (m!nusak!ni paññ!sa vass!ni); Sn 289, 446, 1073. satta˚ (adj.) seven years old Mhvs<br />

5, 61; satta -- a&&ha˚ 7 or 8 years old PvA 67. -- See cpd. ˚sata. -- 3. semen virile, virility: see cpds. ˚kamma<br />

& ˚vara. -- agga shelter from the rain, a shed (agga=ag!ra) J i.123; DhA iii.105=VvA 75. -- !v!sa vassa --<br />

residence A iii.67. -- !v!sika belonging to the spending of the rainy season, said of food (bhatta) given for<br />

that purpose J vi.71; DhA i.129 (as one of the 4 kinds: sal!ka˚, pakkhika˚, navacanda˚, vass' -- !v!sika˚),<br />

298; iv.129 (˚l!bha a gift for the r. s.). -- upagamana entering on the vassa -- residence PvA 42. --<br />

upan!yik! (f.) the approach of the rainy season, commencement of Vassa residence [BSk. var+opan!yik!<br />

Divy 18, 489; Av- i.182, where Ep. of the full moon of 4s!)ha]. Two such terms for taking up the<br />

residence: purimik! & pacchimik! A i.51; i. e. the day after the full moon of 4. or a month after that date.<br />

See upan!yika. -- vass' ûpan!yika -- divasa the first day of Lent Vism 92; DhA iv.118; ˚ûpan!yika'<br />

khandhaka' the section of the Vinaya dealing with the entrance upon Lent (i. e. Vin i.137 sq.) Mhvs 16, 9. -<br />

- odaka rain -- water Vism 260=VbhA 243. -- kamma causing virility D i.12 (=vasso ti puriso, vosso ti<br />

pa*.ako iti; vossassa vassa -- kara*a' vassa -- kamma', vassassa vossa -- kara*a' vossa -- kamma' DA<br />

i.97). -- k!la time for rain J iv.55. -- dasa (& ˚dasaka) a decade of years: see enumd at J iv.397. -- p(g!ni<br />

innumerable years J vi.532, cp. Sn 1073. -- vara a eunuch J vi.502. -- val!haka a rain cloud A iii.243<br />

(˚dev!). -- vassana shedding of rain, raining DhA ii.83. -- v!sa Vassa residence S v.326; PvA 20. -- vu&&hi<br />

rainfall SnA 34, cp. 224. -- sata a century Sn 589, 804; A iv.138; Pv ii.115; PvA 3, 60, 69. -- satika<br />

centenarian Miln 301.

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