The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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yakkh!na' hi nett!ni ati -- lohit!ni honti); J vi.180. -- upp!da (the crime of) wounding A Tath!gata, one of<br />

the anantariya -- kammas VbhA 427; cp. Tath!gatassa lohita' upp!deti Miln 214. -- upp!daka one who<br />

sheds the blood of an Arahant Vin i.89, 136, 320; v.222.<br />

-- 590 --<br />

-- kumbhi a receptacle for blood Ud 17 (with ref. to the womb). -- do*i a bloody trough Vism 358; VbhA<br />

62. -- pakkhandik! (or ˚pakkhandik' !b!dha) bloody diarrhoea, dysentery M i.316; D ii.127; Ud 82; J<br />

ii.213; Miln 134, 175; DhA iii.269. -- homa a sacrifice of blood D i.9; DA i.93.<br />

Lohitaka<br />

Lohitaka (adj.) [fr. lohita] 1. red M ii.14; A iv.306, 349; Ap. 1; Dhs 247, 617. -- ˚upadh!na a red pillow D<br />

i.7; A i.137; iii.50; iv.94, 231, 394; ˚s!li red rice Miln 252. -- 2. bloody Pv i.78 (p(ti˚ gabbha); Vism 179,<br />

194.<br />

Lohitanka<br />

Lohitanka [lohita+anka] a ruby A iv.199, 203; Ap 2; Vv 363; VvA 304. See mas!ragalla for further refs. Note. <strong>The</strong> word is not found in Vedic and Class. Sk.; a later term for "ruby" is lohitaka. In the older<br />

language lohit!nga denotes the planet Mars.<br />

^. ^"yati<br />

^"yati is given at Dhtp 361 as a variant of ." to fly (see .eti), and expld as "!k!sa -- gamana." Similarly at<br />

Dhtm 586 as "veh!sa -- gamana."<br />

V. V<br />

-- V -- euphonic (sandhi -- ) consonant, historically justified after u (uv from older v), as in su -- v -- !naya<br />

easy to bring (S i.124); hence transferred to i, as in ti -- v -- angika threefold (Dhs 161), and ti -- v -- angula<br />

three inches wide (Vism 152, 408); perhaps also in anu -- v -- icca (see anuvicca).<br />

Va<br />

Va1 the syllable "va" KhA 109 (with ref. to ending ˚v! in Bhagav!, which Bdhgh expls as "va -- k!ra'<br />

d"gha' katv!," i. e. a lengthening of va); SnA 76 (see below va3).<br />

Va<br />

Va2 (indecl.) [the enclitic, shortened form of iva after long vowels. Already to be found for iva in RV metri<br />

causâ] like, like as, as if; only in poetry (as already pointed out by Trenckner, Miln 422): It 84 (t!lapakka'<br />

va bandhan!), 90 (chav!l!ta' va nassati); Dh 28; Sn 38 (va'so vis!lo va: see C. expln under va3); Pv i.81<br />

(ummatta -- r(po va; =viya PvA 39); i.116 (na)o va chinno); Miln 72 (ch!y! va anap!yin"); J iii.189<br />

(kusamuddo va ghosav!); iv.139 (aggîva suriyo va); DhA iii.175.<br />

Va<br />

Va3 (indecl.) [for eva, after long vowels] even, just (so), only; for sure, certainly Dh 136 (aggi -- da..ho va<br />

tappati); J i.138, 149 (so pi suva**a -- va**o va ahosi), 207; SnA 76 (vak!ro avadh!ra*' attho eva -- k!ro<br />

v! aya', sandhi -- vasen' ettha e -- k!ro na&&ho: wrong at this passage Sn 38 for va2= iva!); PvA 3 (eko va<br />

putto), 4 (ñ!tamatt! va).

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