The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Lekhana<br />

Lekhana (nt.) [fr. likh] scratching, drawing, writing Dhtp 467.<br />

Lekh!<br />

Lekh! (f.) [fr. likh; Vedic lekh!. See also rekh! & lekha] 1. streak, line VvA 277 (=r!ji); canda˚ crescent<br />

moon [cp. Epic candralekh! Mbh 3, 1831] Vism 168; DhsA 151. -- 2. a scratch, line A i.283; Pug 32; J<br />

vi.56 (lekha' ka..hati). -- 3. writing, inscription, letter Vin iii.76 (˚' chindati destroy the letter); J i.451 (on<br />

a phalaka); Miln 349 (˚!cariya teacher of writing); PvA 20 (˚pa**a, letter so read for likh!˚). -- 4. the art of<br />

writing or drawing [=lipi Hemacandra], writing as an art. It is classed as a respectable (ukka&&ha) profession<br />

(sippa) Vin iv.7; and mentioned by the side of mudd! and ga*an! Vin iv.7, 128=i.77; cp. Vin iv.305.<br />

Lekhita<br />

Lekhita [pp. of lekheti] drawn (of lines), pencilled Th 2, 256.<br />

Lekheti<br />

Lekheti [Caus. of likhati or Denom. of lekha] to (make a) scratch J iv. 402. -- pp. lekhita.<br />

Le..u<br />

Le..u [dial. Sk. le+&u>*le&&hu>*le&&u>le..u; also Prk. le.u & le&&hu: Pischel, § 304; cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 62]<br />

a clod of earth S v.146=J ii.59 (˚&&h!na); J i.19, 175; iii.16; vi.405; Miln 255; SnA 222 (!k!se khitta, in<br />

simile); Vism 28 (trsln "stone"), 360 (˚kha*.'!d"ni), 366 (containing gold), 419; VbhA 66 (˚kha*.!); VvA<br />

141; PvA 284. -- <strong>The</strong> throwing of clods (stones?) is a standing item in the infliction of punishments, where<br />

it is grouped with da*.a (stick) and sattha (sword), or as le..u -- da*.'!di, e. g. at M i.123; D ii.336, 338<br />

(v. l. le*.u); J ii.77; iii.16; vi.350; Vism 419; DhA i.399 (v. l. le*.u); iii.41; iv.77; VvA 141. -- Note.<br />

le..(paka in cu**a' v! tela' v! le..(pakena etc. at DhsA 115 read as v!la*.upakena, as at Vism 142. --<br />

p!ta "throw of a clod," a certain measure of (not too far) a distance Vin iv.40; Vism 72; DhsA 315 (trsln "a<br />

stone's throw").<br />

Le..uka<br />

Le..uka=le..u; Vism 28.<br />

Le*a<br />

Le*a (& lena) (nt.) [*Sk. layana, fr. l" in meaning "to hide," cp. Prk. le*a] 1. a cave (in a rock), a mountain<br />

cave, used by ascetics (or bhikkhus) as a hermitage or place of shelter, a rock cell. Often enumd with ku&i &<br />

guh!, e. g. Vin iv.48; Miln 151; Vbh 251 (n.). At Vin ii.146 it is given as collective name for 5 kinds of<br />

hermitages, viz. vih!ra, a..hayoga, p!s!da, hammiya, guh!. <strong>The</strong> expln of le*a at VbhA 366 runs as<br />

follows: "pabbata' kha*itv! v! pabbh!rassa appahonaka&&h!ne ku..a' u&&h!petv! v! katasen!sana'," i. e.<br />

opportunity for sitting & lying made by digging (a cave) in a mountain or by erecting a wall where the cave<br />

is insufficient (so as to make the rest of it habitable). Cp. Vin i.206=iii.248 (pabbh!ra' sodh!peti le*a'<br />

kattuk!mo) Mhvs 16, 12; 28, 31 sq. (n); Miln 200 (mah!˚). -- 2. refuge, shelter, (fig.) salvation (sometimes<br />

in sense of nibb!na). In this meaning often combd with t!*a & sara*a, e. g. at D i.95; S iv.315 (ma' -- le*a<br />

refuge with me;+ma't!*a); iv.372 (=nibb!na); A i.155 sq. (n); J ii.253; DA i.232. Cp. Vin iii.155.<br />

le*'attha' for refuge Vin ii.164 (n); J i.94. -- ale*a without a refuge Ps i.127; ii.238; Pv ii.25 (= asara*a PvA

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