The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Rosan! (f.) [abstr. fr. rosati] making angry, causing anger, being angry Vbh 86 (hi'san!+), expld at VbhA<br />

75 by gha&&an!. Cp. BSk. ro+a*" Av- i.178.<br />

Rosaneyya<br />

Rosaneyya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. rosa] apt to be angry or cause anger; neg. a˚ not to be angered, not<br />

irritable Sn 216.<br />

Rosita<br />

Rosita [pp. of rus, to smear: Sk. r(+ita; given as root rus at Dhtm 442 with meaning "!lepa"] smeared<br />

(with), anointed J iv.440 (=vilitta C.).<br />

Roseti<br />

Roseti [Caus. of rosati, ru+; see rusita] to make angry, to annoy, to irritate S i.162; A ii.215 (so read for<br />

rosati); iii.38; Sn 125, 130, 216; J i.432; iv.491.<br />

Rohañña<br />

Rohañña (adj.) [fr. roha=rohita] red J v.259 (rohaññ! pungav'(sabh!; C. expls by ratta -- va**!). Kern.<br />

Toev. s. v. proposes rohiñño=*rohi*yah, (cp. pokkhara*" for ˚i*") red cows.<br />

Rohati<br />

Rohati: for the Sk. rohati of ruh to grow we find the regular P. correspondent r(hati: see r(hati1. <strong>The</strong> Caus.<br />

of this verb is ropeti (to make grow): see ropeti! -- Another root, restricted to the P!li, is seen in r(hati2<br />

(with pp. r()ha) and is equal to rundh (rudh, rumbh) to break. <strong>The</strong> Caus. of this root ( ropeti2) is either an<br />

indirect formation from it or (more likely) a direct representative of rup=lup as in P. lumpati. To the latter<br />

belong the prep. cpds. oropeti & voropeti.<br />

Rohicca<br />

Rohicca [fr. rohita, perhaps directly fr. Vedic rohita ewe, lit. the red one] a kind of deer J vi.537 (˚sarabh!<br />

mig!).<br />

Rohi*"<br />

Rohi*" (f.) [cp. Vedic rohi*" red cow or mare] 1. a red cow A i.162=iii.214. -- 2. N. of a nakkhatta or<br />

constellation ("red cow") SnA 456; Mhvs 19, 47. -- 3. N. of a river SnA 357.<br />

Rohita<br />

Rohita (adj.) [Vedic rohita; cp. the usual P. word lohita red & blood. See also rudhira & ruhira] red, as<br />

attribute of fishes at J v.405 (i. e. a special kind of fish), and of deer at J v.406 in same passage (i. e. a<br />

special kind of deer). Otherwise only in standing term rohita -- maccha the "red fish," viz. Cyprinus Rohita,<br />

which is freq. mentioned in the "J!taka" literature, e. g. J ii.433; iii.333; DhA ii.132 (four), 140; KhA 118.<br />

-- 578 --<br />

L. La

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