The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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R(piya<br />

R(piya2 see ruppa.<br />

R(peti<br />

R(peti [Caus. Denom. fr. r(pa] 1. to put into shape, to make appear, to make grow (?) SnA 132, 143 (v. l.<br />

ropeti). -- 2. to be formed, to appear, to come to notice, in defn of r(pa at VbhA 45: "r(payat" ti r(pa'."<br />

R()a<br />

R()a [doubtful spelling; perhaps for r()ha, evidently identical with rudda, as Trenckner suggests in Notes<br />

6319] awful, terrible Miln 275 (synonymous with bh"ma).<br />

R()ha<br />

R()ha1 [pp. of rohati; of ruh; Sk. r(.ha] 1. grown Sn 20 (˚ti*a). -- 2. (see r(hati) healed up Miln 291 (˚va*a<br />

one whose wound has healed): cp. r(han!.<br />

R()ha<br />

R()ha2 at Miln 217 & 218 is a by -- form of ruddha, pp. of rundhati (rumbhati) to obstruct; thus meaning<br />

"obstructed, difficult" (of a road, together with lugga palugga). Kern, Toev. s. v. trsls (as r()ha1) by<br />

"overgrown."<br />

R()hi<br />

R()hi (f.) [fr. r()ha, pp. of rohati, cp. Sk. r(.hi] lit. ascent, growth see vi˚. -- fig. what has grown by custom,<br />

tradition, popular meaning of a word (˚sadda). <strong>The</strong> fig. meaning is the one usually found in P!li, esp. in<br />

Abhidhamma and Commentary literature; e. g. r()hiya' by tradition, usually, commonly, VbhA 1 (as<br />

category with the 3 other: r!si, gu*a, pa**atti); r()hito id. VbhA 2; r()hiy! id. SnA 430; PvA 163; also r()hi<br />

-- vasena VvA 42; or with sadda: r()hi -- sadda usual meaning Vism 333; DhsA 205; ˚saddena in popular<br />

-- 576 --<br />

language, in ordinary speech, customarily, commonly speaking Tikp 253; Vism 310; DA i.239, 294: SnA<br />

135, 400.<br />

R(hati<br />

R(hati1 [the specific P. form of the usual Sk. P. rohati (q. v.). <strong>The</strong> root ruh is given at Dhtp 334 with<br />

meaning "janana" i. e. causing, which refers more to the compounds with prefixes] 1. to grow, spread It 67;<br />

J iv.408 (akkh"ni r(hi'su; also ppr. med. ruyham!na); v.368; vi.360. -- 2. to heal (of a wound), close up Vin<br />

i.206 (va*o na r(hati); -- 3. to have effect in (loc.), to be effective Vin ii.203=It 87 (v!do tamhi na r(hati). -<br />

- pp. r()ha2. See also r(hita (pp. of Caus. r(heti=roheti).<br />

R(hati<br />

R(hati2 [for rundh (rumbh, rudh) or Pass. rujjh˚; see also rumbhati & ropeti2] to be broken or (fig.) to be<br />

suspended Vin ii.55 (dhammatt! r(hati the liability is cancelled). -- pp. r()ha1.<br />


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