The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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disv!" (the others: sota>sadda, gh!na>gandha, jivh!>rasa, k!ya>pho&&habba, mano> dhamma), cp. cakkhu -<br />

- viññeyy! r(p! i&&h! kant! etc. D i.245; M i.266; cakkhun! r(pa' passati i&&ha -- r(pa' kanta -- r(pa' etc. S<br />

iv.126; -- see further: Vin i.34 (sabba' !ditta': cakkhu' !ditta', r(pa !ditt! etc. with sequence of other<br />

!yatanas); D ii.308 sq., 336 sq.; M iii.18 (ya' kho r(pa' pa&icca uppajjati sukha' somanassa', aya' r(pe<br />

ass!do; cp. Ps ii.109 sq.), 291 (ye te cakkhu -- viññeyyesu r(pesu av"ta -- r!g! etc.); Ps i.79; ii.38 (r(p"<br />

r(p!ni passat" ti vimokkho); Dhs 617, 653, 878; Tikp 28. 2. (metaphysically) as the representative of<br />

sensory or material existence: (a) universally as forming the corporeal stratum in the world of appearance<br />

or form (r(pa-bhava) as compared with the incorporeal (ar(pa -- bhava), being itself above, and yet<br />

including the k!ma -- bhava. (<strong>The</strong> k!mabhava is a subdivision of r(pabhava, which has got raised into a<br />

third main division.) This triad is also found in combns with loka or dh!tu (see dh!tu 2 a & d), or avacara.<br />

See e. g. D i.17; iii.215 (˚dh!tu), 216 (˚bhava); Kvu 370 sq. (˚dh!tu); Dhs 499 (˚âvacara), 585 (˚dh!tu); Vbh<br />

17 (˚!vacara), 25 (as garu -- pari*!ma & dandha -- nirodha compd with ar(pa). A similar sequence r(pa<br />

ar(pa & nirodha (i. e. nibb!na) in old verses at Sn 755; It 45, 62 (r(pehi ar(p! santatar!, ar(pehi nirodho<br />

santataro). On indriya -- r(pa "faculty as form" see indriya B. -- (b) individually in the sphere of sa's!ra as<br />

one (i. e. the material quality) of the substrata of sensory individual existence or the khandhas. <strong>The</strong>y are the<br />

5: r(pa -- kkhandha, vedan!˚, saññ!˚, sankh!r!˚, viññ!*a˚; otherwise called r(p' ûp!d!na -- kkhandha etc.<br />

(e. g. D iii.223, 278; Vism 443). See khandha ii. B. -- In this property r(pa consists of 28 subdivisions, viz.<br />

the 4 (great) dh!t(s (mah!bh(t!ni or else bh(ta -- r(pa primary matter) and 24 up!d!r(p!ni (i. e. derivative<br />

forms or accidentals). <strong>The</strong>se are given in extenso in the r(pakkhandha section of the Vism (pp. 443 -- 450),<br />

also at Dhs 585; the 24 consist of: cakkhu, sota, gh!na, jivh!, k!ya, r(pa, sadda, gandha, rasa, itthindriya,<br />

purisindriya, j"vitindriya, hadaya<br />

-- 575 --<br />

vatthu, k!ya -- viññatti, vac" -- viññatti, !k!sa -- dh!tu, (r(passa) lahut! mudut! kammaññat!, upacaya<br />

santati jarat! aniccat!, kaba)ink!r' -- !h!ra; cp. defn at Nett 73: c!tu -- mah!bh(tika' r(pa' catunna' ca<br />

mah!bh(t!na' up!d!ya r(passa paññatti. <strong>The</strong> r(pakkhandha shares with the others the qualities of<br />

soullessness, evanescence and ill (anatt!, anicca, dukkha); e. g. r(pañ ca h' ida' att! abhavissa, na y' ida'<br />

r(pa' !badh!ya sa'vatteyya Vin i.13, cp. similarly M iii.282 sq.; S iii.66; quoted and expld in detail at<br />

Vism 610; r(pa' anicca' Vin i.14; M i.228; iii.18 (also expld at Vism 610); S iii.48, 66, 88; r(pe anicc'<br />

ânupassan! Ps ii.186 sq. -- See also D ii.301; iii.233; Ps i.23, 53, 104; ii.96, 102, 109 (r(passa !d"navo);<br />

Vbh 1. sq., 12 sq. (in detail); Kvu 11 sq.; Vism 443 sq.; Tikp 33; VbhA 2, 3, 32 sq.=S iii.142 (with var.<br />

similes); DhA iv.100. -- (c) in the making up of the individuality as such (n!ma -- r(pa), where in contrast<br />

with n!ma (as abstract, logical, invisible or mind -- factor) r(pa represents the visible (material) factor,<br />

resembling k!ya (cp. phrase n!ma -- k!ya in same sense). <strong>The</strong> foll. are current defns of n!ma -- r(pa: n!ma<br />

-- (k!ya)=vedan!, saññ!, cetan!, phassa, manasik!ra (otherwise citta -- sankh!r!), r(pa( -- k!ya)=catt!ro<br />

mah! -- bh(t! catunna' m -- bh(t!na' up!d!ya r(pa' (otherwise k!ya -- sankh!r!) S ii.4; iii.59 sq.; Ps<br />

i.183; with explns at Vism 558 & VbhA 169. Defined at Nett 15: "ye phassa -- pañcamak! dhamm!: ida'<br />

n!ma', y!ni pañc' indriy!ni r(p!ni: ida' r(pa', tad ubhaya' n!mar(pa' viññ!*a -- sampayutta'."<br />

Discussed in detail also at Vism 562 (=VbhA 173, 174), 587 -- 597; cp. DhsA 392 (Expos. 500, where<br />

"mind -- matter" is given as corresp. couple in trsln, do. Cpd. 271 sq. "mind and body"). See also under<br />

pa&icca -- samupp!da. -- 3. various references: D iii.102, 212, 225, 244, 273; M i.84 (Gotamo k!m!na'<br />

pariñña' paññ!peti, r(p!na', vedan!na'); S ii.198; iii.11 (eva' -- r(po siya', eva' vedano etc.), 101 (id., &<br />

the khandhas); Sn 867, 874, 943, 1037, 1121; Nd1 425; Tikp 36, 38, 54, 262; Vism 625 (uppajjanaka˚). --<br />

!ramma*a a visible thing as object Dhs 146, 365; DhsA 310 (cp. Expos. 407). -- âvacara world of form,<br />

sphere of matter (cp. Expos. 67, 216n, 264) PvA 163. -- ûpaga (satta) (a being) living in (bodily) form It 62;<br />

Sn 754. -- (paj"vin" f. a woman living on her beauty, i. e. a harlot PvA 46, 201. -- ññu knowing (var.)<br />

bodily forms M i.220=A v.347. -- ta*h! craving after form D ii.309; iii.216, 244, 280; VbhA 179 (in det.). -<br />

- dakkha one clever in forms, viz. an artist (accountant?) Miln 344 (in the Dhamma -- nagara). -- dh!tu the<br />

element of form, material element Vism 486; Nett 32, 97. See above D 2. -- nimitta sign of form Ps i.92. --<br />

patta beautiful J i.61. -- pam!*ika measuring by form (outward appearance), one of the 4 kinds of<br />

measurements which the world takes of the Tath!gata (see A ii.71 & Pug 53), viz. r(pa˚, ghosa˚, l(kha˚,<br />

dhamma˚ DhA iii.113; the same four similarly at SnA 242. -- p!tubh!va appearance of form (also as<br />

˚antara˚ intermediate form) SnA 245. -- bhava material existence: see above D 2. -- r!ga lust after rebirth in<br />

r(pa D iii.234 (+ar(pa˚); Nett 28 (pañc' indriy!ni r(p"ni r(pa -- r!gassa pada&&h!na'. -- r(pa material form

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