The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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-- 573 --<br />

ii.218, 224) and ru**a (MVastu iii.116); Prk. ru**a (Pischel § 566). See rudati & cp. !ru**a] 1. (pp.)<br />

crying, in combn ru**a -- mukha with tearful face J vi.525 (C. rudam˚); Miln 148. -- 2. (nt.) weeping,<br />

crying, lamentation Th 1, 554; A i.261; Sn 584 (+soka); Pv i.43; Milo 357. As ro**a at A iv.197, 223; Th 1,<br />

555; J iii.166.<br />

Ruta<br />

Ruta (nt.) [pp. of ravati: see rava & ravati] noise, sound- (ing); cry, singing Th 1, 1103; J i.207 (T. reading<br />

ruda is expld in C. as ruta with ˚da for ˚ta: ta -- k!rassa dak!ro kato); iii.276 (sabba -- ruta -- j!nana --<br />

manta: spell of knowing all animal -- sounds; T. reads r(ta; cp. sabbar!va -- j!nana J iii.415); vi.475<br />

(rudaññu=ruta -- jña C.; same meaning); Miln 178 (saku*a -- ruta -- ravita); VvA (karav"ka˚).<br />

Rutta<br />

Rutta in du˚ & su˚ at DhsA 396 is to be read as dur -- and su(r) -- utta (see utta).<br />

Ruda<br />

Ruda stands for ruta (cry) at 2 J!taka passages, viz. J i.207; vi.475 (ruda -- ññu knowing the cries of all<br />

animals, expld as "ruta -- jña, sabba -- r!va' j!n!ti" C.).<br />

Rudati & Rodati<br />

Rudati & Rodati [rud, the usual Sk. pres. being rodati, but forms fr. base rud˚ are Vedic and are later found<br />

also in Prk. (cp. Pischel Prk. Gr. § 495): ruyai besides royai & rodasi. -- <strong>The</strong> Idg. root is *reud, being an<br />

enlargement of *reu , as in ravati (q. v.). Cp. cognates Lat. rudo to cry, shout, bray; Lith. raudà wailing;<br />

Ohg. riozan= Ags. reotan. -- <strong>The</strong> Dhtp expls rud by "rodane" (144), the Dhtm by "assu -- vimocane" (206)]<br />

to cry, lament, weep, wail. -- Forms I. rud˚ (the older form): pres. rudati (not yet found); ppr. rudanto D<br />

i.115; Sn 675, 691; rudam!na M i.341; A ii.95; Pug 62; Miln 275; Sdhp 281; and ruda' Pv i.84; also in cpd.<br />

rudam -- mukha with weeping face J vi.518 (assu -- netta+); Pv i.112; ger. ruditv!na Mhvs 35, 24; fut.<br />

rucchati J v.366 and rucchiti J vi.550 (=rodissati C.; see also rujati). II. rod˚ (the younger form & the<br />

one peculiar to prose): pres. rodati J i.55; iii.169 (socati+); Pv i.87 (socati+); i.124; PvA 17, 18; Pot. rode<br />

Pv i.85 (=rodeyya' PvA 64); ppr. rodanto J i.65; f. rodant" PvA 16; med. rodam!na PvA 6; DA i.284. --<br />

aor. rodi J i.167; DhA ii.17 (+hasi); fut. rodissati J vi.550; ger. roditv! Mhvs 9, 7; inf. roditu' J i.55. --<br />

Caus. ii. rod!peti to make someone cry DhA ii.86. -- pp. ru**a, rudita & rodita.<br />

Rudita<br />

Rudita (nt.) [pp. of rudati, equivalent to ru**a] crying, weeping PvA 18 (+assu -- mocana, in expln of<br />

ru**a), 63 (=paridevita).<br />

Rudda<br />

Rudda (adj.) [cp. Sk. raudra & Vedic rudra (a fierce demon or storm -- deity; "the red one," with Pischel<br />

from rud to be ruddy. See Macdonell, Vedic Mythology 74 -- 77). <strong>The</strong> usual P!li form is ludda. At Dhtp<br />

473 & Dhtm 135 a root ru&h (or lu&h) is given in meaning "upagh!te" i. e. killing, which may represent this<br />

rud: see lu&hati] fierce, awful, terrible J iv.416 (so luddako rudda -- r(po; v. l. ludda˚); v.425, 431 (su --<br />

ruddho, spelling for su -- ruddo, very fierce, expld as su -- luddo supharuso); Mhvs 12, 45 (rudda --<br />

rakkhas", prob. with ref. to the demon Rudra; trsln "fearsome female demon"; vv. ll. ruda˚, ruddha˚,<br />


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