The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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R!gin<br />

R!gin ( -- ˚) [fr. r!ga] one who shows passion for, possessed of lust, affected with passion Sn 795 (cp. Nd1<br />

100); S i.136; Vism 193, 194 (with var. characterisations).<br />

R!jaka<br />

R!jaka (adj.) ( -- ˚) [r!ja+ka, the ending belonging to the whole cpd.] characteristic of the king, king -- ; in<br />

cpds. ar!jaka without a king J vi.39 (ra&&he); sar!jaka including the king Tikp 26; f. sar!jik! Vin i.209<br />

(paris!). Also in phrase anikkhanta -- r!jake (loc. abs.) when the king has not gone out Vin iv.160.<br />

R!jañña<br />

R!jañña [fr. r!j!, cp, Vedic r!janya] "royalty"; a high courtier, a khattiya (= r!jabhogga, cp. Fick, Sociale<br />

Gliederung 100) D i.103 (Pasenadi r!j! . . . uggehi v! r!janiyehi v! kañcid eva mantana' manteyya); DA<br />

i.273 (=anabhisitt! kum!r!, i. e. uncrowned princes); Miln 234; VvA 297 (P!y!si r.).<br />

R!jat!<br />

R!jat! (f.) [abstr. fr. r!j!] state of being a king, kingship, sovereignty J i.119 (anuttara -- dhamma˚ being a<br />

most righteous king).<br />

R!jati<br />

R!jati [r!j, cp. rajati & rañjati] to shine VvA 134 (=vij- jotati). Cp. vi˚.<br />

R!j! (R!jan)<br />

R!j! (R!jan) [cp. Vedic r!j!, n -- stem. To root *reg, as in Lat. rego (to lead, di -- rect, cp. in meaning Gr.<br />

h(gemw/n): see etym. under uju. Cp. Oir. r" king, Gallic Catu -- r"x battle king, Goth reiks=Ohg. r"hhi=rich<br />

or Ger. reich. Besides we have *reig in Ags. r!/cean= reach; Ger. reichen. -- <strong>The</strong> Dhtp only knows of one<br />

root r!j in meaning "ditti" i. e. splendour] king, a ruling potentate. <strong>The</strong> defn at Vin iii.222 is "yo koci rajja'<br />

k!reti." <strong>The</strong> fanciful etym. at D iii.93= Vism 419 is "dhammena pare rañjet" ti r!j!" i. e. he gladdens others<br />

with his righteousness. -- At the latter passage the origin of kingly government is given as the third stage in<br />

the constitution of a people, the 2 preceding being mah! -- sammata (general consent) and khattiya (the<br />

land -- aristocrats). -- Cases. We find 3 systems of cases for the original Sk. forms, viz. the contracted, the<br />

diaeretic and (in the pl.) a new formation with -- ( -- . Thus gen. & dat. sg. rañño [Sk. r!jña1] Vin iii.107;<br />

iv.157; J ii.378; iii.5; Vv 744; and r!jino Sn 299, 415; Th 2, 463; J iv.495; Mhvs 2, 14; instr. sg. raññ! Vin<br />

iii.43; J v.444; DhA i.164; PvA 22; VbhA 106; and r!jin! [Sk. rajña] Mhvs 6, 2; acc. sg. r!j!na' Vin<br />

iv.157; loc. raññe PvA 76; voc. r!ja Sn 422, 423. pl. nom. r!j!no A i.68; gen. dat. rañña' [Sk. r!jña'] D<br />

ii.87; Mhvs 18, 32; and r!j(na' Vin i.228; Ud 11; J ii.104; iii.487; SnA 484; PvA 101, 133; instr. raññ!hi A<br />

i.279 r!j(hi Ud 41; M ii.120; J i.179; iii.45; Mhvs 5, 80; 8, 21; and r!jubhi D ii.258. Cp. Geiger, P.Gr. §<br />

921. -- 1. r!j! is a term of sovereignship. <strong>The</strong> term r!j! as used in Buddhist India does not admit of a<br />

uniform interpretation and translation. It is primarily an appellative (or title) of a khattiya, and often the two<br />

are used promiscuously. Besides, it has a far wider sphere of meaning than we convey by any trsln like<br />

"king" or even "sovereign," or "prince." We find it used as a designation of "king" in the sense of an elected<br />

or successory (crowned) monarch, but also in the meaning of a distinguished nobleman, or a local chieftain,<br />

or a prince with var. attributes characterizing his position according to special functions. From this we get<br />

the foll. scheme: (a) [based on mythological views: the king as representing the deity, cp. deva= king. Note<br />

that r!j! never takes the place of deva in the meaning king, but that mah!r!ja is used in voc. equivalent to<br />

deva] a world -- king, over -- lord, a so -- called cakkavatti r!j!. This is an office (as "Universal King")<br />

peculiar to the Mah!purisa or the (mythol.) "Great Man," who may become either the Saviour of men in the<br />

religious sense, a Samm! -- sambuddha, or a just Ruler of the earth in the worldly sense, a King of

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