The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Rava*a (adj. -- nt.) [fr. ravati] roaring, howling, singing, only in cpd. ˚gha&a a certain kind of pitcher, where<br />

meaning of rava*a is uncertain. Only at identical passages (in illustration) Vism 264=362=KhA 68 (reading<br />

pe)! -- gha&a, but see App. p. 870 rava*a˚)= VbhA 68 (where v. l. yavana˚, with?).<br />

Ravati<br />

Ravati [ru: Idg. *re & *reu, cp. Lat. ravus "raw, hoarse," raucus, r(mor "rumour"; Gr. w)ruo/mai to shout,<br />

w)rudo/n roaring, etc.; Dhtp 240: ru "sadde"] to shout, cry, make a (loud) noise Miln 254. -- aor. ravi J<br />

i.162 (baddha -- r!va' ravi); ii.110; iii.102; PvA 100; ar!vi Mhvs 10, 69 (mah! -- r!va'); and aravi Mhvs<br />

32, 79. pp. ravita & ruta. -- Cp. abhi˚, vi˚.<br />

Ravi<br />

Ravi [cp. Sk. ravi] the sun J ii.375 (taru*a˚ -- va**a- ratha). -- inda "king of the sun," N. of the lotus D!vs<br />

iii.37. -- ha'sa "sun -- swan," N. of a bird J vi.539.<br />

Ravita<br />

Ravita [pp. of ravati] shouted, cried, uttered Miln 178 (saku*a -- ruta˚).<br />

Rasa<br />

Rasa1 [Vedic rasa; with Lat. ros "dew," Lith. ras! id., and Av Ranh! N. of a river, to Idg. *eres to flow, as<br />

in Sk. ar+ati, Gr. a)/yorros (to r(e/w); also Sk. %+abha: see usabha1. -- Dhtp 325 defines as "ass!dane" 629 as<br />

"ass!da -- snehanesu"; Dhtm 451 as "ass!de." -- <strong>The</strong> decl. is usually as regular a -- stem, but a secondary<br />

instr. fr. an s -- stem is to be found in rasas! by taste A ii.63; J iii.328] that which is connected with the<br />

sense of taste. <strong>The</strong> defn given at Vism 447 is as follows: "jivh! -- pa&ihanana -- lakkha*o raso, jivh! --<br />

viññ!*assa visaya -- bh!vo raso, tass' eva gocara -- paccupa&&h!no, m(la -- raso khandha -- raso ti !din!<br />

nayena anekavidho," i. e. rasa is physiologically & psychologically peculiar to the tongue (sense -- object<br />

& sense -- perception), and also consists as a manifold object in extractions from roots, trunk etc. (see<br />

next). -- <strong>The</strong> conventional encyclopaedic defn of rasa at Nd1 240; Nd2 540, Dhs 629 gives taste according<br />

to: (a) the 6 -- fold objective source as m(la -- rasa, khandha˚, taca˚, patta˚, puppha˚, phala˚, or taste (i. e.<br />

juice, liquid) of root, trunk, bark, leaf, flower & fruit; and -- (b) the 12 -- fold subjective (physiological)<br />

sense -- perception as ambila, madhura, tittika, ka&uka lo*ika, kh!rika, lambila (Miln 56: ambila), kas!va;<br />

s!du, as!du, s"ta, u*ha, or sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, salt, alkaline, sour, astringent; pleasant, unpleasant,<br />

cold & hot. Miln 56 has the foll.: ambila, lava*a, tittaka, ka&uka, kas!ya, madhura. -- 1. juice [as applied in<br />

the Veda to the Soma juice], e.g. in the foll. combns: ucchu˚ of sugar cane, extract of sugar, cane syrup Vin<br />

i.246; VvA 180; patta˚ & puppha˚ of leaf & flower Vin i.246; madhura˚ of honey PvA 119. -- 2. taste as<br />

(objective) quality, the sense -- object of taste (cp. above defns). In the list of the !yatanas, or senses with<br />

their complementary sense -- objects (sentient and sensed) rasa occupies the 4th place, following upon<br />

gandha. It is stated that one tastes (or "senses") taste with the tongue (no reference to palate): jivh!ya rasa'<br />

s!yitv! (or viññeyya). See also !yatana 3 and r(pa. -- M iii.55 (jivh! -- viññeyya r.), 267; D iii.244, 250; Sn<br />

387; Dhs 609; PvA 50 (va**agandha -- rasa -- sampanna bhojana: see below 5). -- 3. sense of taste, as<br />

quality & personal accomplishment. Thus in the list of senses marking superiority (the 10 !dhipateyyas or<br />

&h!*as), similar to rasa as special distinction of the Mah!purisa (see cpd. ras -- agga) S iv.275 =Pv ii.958; A<br />

iv.242. -- 4. object or act of enjoyment, sensual stimulus, material enjoyment, pleasure (usually in pl.) Sn<br />

65 (rasesu gedha, see materialistic exegesis at Nd2 540), 854 (rase na anugijjhati; perhaps better rasesu, as<br />

SnA); A iii.237 (puriso agga˚ -- parititto: perhaps to No. 2). -- 5. flavour and its substance (or substratum),<br />

e. g. soup VvA 243 (kakka&aka˚ crabsoup), cp. S v.149, where 8 soup flavours are given (ambila, tittaka,<br />

ka&uka, madhura, kh!rika, akh!rika, lo*ika, alo*ika); Pv ii.115 (aneka -- rasa -- vyañjana "with<br />

exceptionally flavoured sauce"); J v.459, 465. gorasa "flavour of cow, i. e. produce of cow: see under go.<br />

Also metaphorically: "flavour, relish, pleasure": Sn 257 (pariveka˚, dhamma -- p"&i˚, cp. SnA 299 "ass!d'<br />

a&&hena" i. e. tastiness); PvA 287 (vimutti˚ relish of salvation). So also as attha˚, dhamma˚, vimutti˚ Ps ii.89.<br />

-- 6. (in grammar & style) essential property, elegance, brightness; in dramatic art "sentiment" (flavour)

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