The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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gems"); and at DhA i.274, where it is said of a ratana -- ma*.apa that in it there were raised flags<br />

"sattaratana -- may!." On ratana in similes see J.P.T.S. 1909, 127. -- 2. (fig.) treasure, gem of ( -- ˚) Sn 836<br />

(et!disa' r.= dibb' itthi -- ratana SnA 544); Miln 262 (dussa˚ a very fine garment). -- Usually as a set of 7<br />

valuables, belonging to the throne (the empire) of a (world -- ) king. Thus at D ii.16 sq.; of Mah! --<br />

Sudassana D ii.172 sq. <strong>The</strong>y are enumd singly as follows: the wheel (cakka) D ii.172 sq., the elephant<br />

(hatthi, called Uposatha) D ii.174, 187, 197; the horse (assa, Val!haka) ibid.; the gem (ma*i) D ii.175, 187;<br />

the woman (itthi) ibid.; the treasurer (gahapati) D ii.176, 188; the adviser (pari*!yaka) ibid. <strong>The</strong> same 7 are<br />

enumd at D i.89; Sn p. 106; DA i.250; also at J iv.232, where their origins (homes) are given as: cakka˚ out<br />

of Cakkadaha; hatthi from the Uposatha -- race; assa˚ from the clan of Val!hassar!ja, ma*i˚ from Vepulla,<br />

and the last 3 without specification. See also remarks on gahapati. Kern, Toev. s. v. ratana suspects the<br />

latter to be originally "major domus" (cp. his attributes as "wealthy" at MVastu i.108). As to the exact<br />

meaning of pari*!yaka he is doubtful, which mythical tradition has obscured. -- <strong>The</strong> 7 (moral) ratanas at S<br />

ii.217 & iii.83 are probably the same as are given in detail at Miln 336, viz. the 5: s"la˚, sam!dhi˚, paññ!˚,<br />

vimutti˚, vimutti -- ñ!*adassana (also given under the collective name s"la -- kkhandha or dhamma --<br />

kkhandha), to which are added the 2: pa&isambhid!˚ & bojjhanga˚. <strong>The</strong>se 7 are probably meant at PvA 66,<br />

where it is said that Sakka "endowed their house with the 7 jewels" (sattar. -- bharita' katv!). -- Very<br />

frequent is a Triad of Gems (ratana -- ttaya), consisting of Dhamma, Sangha, Buddha, or the Doctrine, the<br />

Church and the Buddha [cp. BSk. ratna -- traya Divy 481], e. g. Mhvs 5, 81; VbhA 284; VvA 123; PvA 1,<br />

49, 141. -- !kara a pearl -- mine, a mine of precious metals Th 1, 1049; J ii.414; vi.459; Dpvs i.18. -- k(&a a<br />

jewelled top DhA i.159. -- palive&hana a wrapper for a gem or jewel Pug 34. -- vara the best of gems Sn<br />

683 (=vararatana -- bh(ta SnA 486). -- sutta the Suttanta of the (3) Treasures (viz. Dhamma, Sangha,<br />

Buddha), representing Sutta Nip!ta ii.1 (P.T.S. ed. pp. 39 -- 42), mentioned as a paritt! at Vism 414 (with 4<br />

others) and at Miln 150 (with 5 others), cp. KhA 63; SnA 201.<br />

Ratana<br />

Ratana2 [most likely=Sk. aratni: see ratani] a linear measure (which Abhp p. 23 gives as equal to 12<br />

angula, or 7 ratanas=1 ya&&hi: see Kirfel, Kosmographie, p. 335. <strong>The</strong> same is given by Bdhgh. at VbhA 343:<br />

dve vidatthiyo ratana'; satta r. ya&&hi) J v.36 (v"sa'r -- sata'); vi.401 (˚matta'); VvA 321 (so given by<br />

Hardy in Index as "measure of length," but to be taken as ratana1, as indicated clearly by context & C.);<br />

Miln 282 (satta -- pati&&hito a&&ha -- ratan' ubbedho nava -- ratan' !y!ma -- pari*!ho p!s!diko dassan"yo<br />

Uposatho n!gar!j!: alluding to ratana1 2!).<br />

Ratanaka<br />

Ratanaka ( -- ˚) (adj.) [ratana+ka, the ending belonging to the whole cpd.] characteristic of a gem, or a<br />

king's treasure; in phrase aniggata -- ratanake "When the treasure has not gone out" Vin iv.160, where the<br />

chief queen is meant with "treasure."<br />

Ratani<br />

Ratani [Sk. aratni "elbow" with apocope and diaeresis; given at Hal!yudha 2, 381 as "a cubit, or measure<br />

from the elbow to the tip of the little finger." <strong>The</strong> form ratni also occurs in Sk. <strong>The</strong> etym. is fr. Idg. *ole (to<br />

bend), cp. Av. ar8pna elbow; Sk. ar!la bent; of which enlarged bases *olen in Lat. ulna, ond *oleq in Lat.<br />

lacertus, Sk. lakuta1=P. lagu)a. See cognates in Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. lacertus] a cubit Miln 85 (a&&ha<br />

rataniyo).<br />

Ratanika<br />

Ratanika (adj.) [fr. ratana] a ratana in length J i.7 (a..ha˚); Miln 312 (a&&ha˚).<br />


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