The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Yodha<br />

Yodha [cp. Vedic yodha; fr. yudh] a warrior, soldier, fighter, champion Vin i.73 (yodh! yuddh' âbhinandino<br />

. . . pabbajja' y!ci'su); J i.180; Miln 293. -- !j"va one who lives by battle or war, a soldier S iv.308=A<br />

iii.94; A i.284; ii.170, 202; iii.89 sq. (five kinds); Sn 617, 652; Pug 65, 69. -- hatthin a war elephant DhA<br />

i.168.<br />

Yodhi<br />

Yodhi=yodhik! J v.420.<br />

Yodhik!<br />

Yodhik! (f.) [a var. reading of y(thik! (q. v.)] a special kind of jasmine Vv 354; J iv.440 (yoth˚), 442;<br />

v.422; VvA 162 (as thalaja and a tree).<br />

Yodhin<br />

Yodhin [=yodha] a warrior; camma˚ a warrior in cuirass, a certain army grade D i.51; A iv.107.<br />

Yodheti<br />

Yodheti [Caus. of yujjhati] to attack, to fight against (acc.) Dh 40 (yodhetha= pahareyya DhA i.317); J<br />

v.183.<br />

Yoni<br />

Yoni (f.) [Vedic yoni] 1. the womb. -- 2. origin, way of birth, place of birth, realm of existence; nature,<br />

matrix. <strong>The</strong>re are four yonis or ways of being born or generation, viz. a*.aja oviparous creation, jal!buja<br />

viviparous, sa'sedaja moisture -- sprung, opap!tika spontaneous: M i.73; D iii.230; Miln 146; Vism 552,<br />

557 sq.; cp. VbhA 203 sq. -- Freq. in foll. combns: tiracch!na˚ the<br />

-- 560 --<br />

class of animals, the brute creation A i.37, 60; v.269; It 92; Pv iv.111; Vism 103, 427; PvA 27, 166; n!ga˚<br />

birth among the N!gas S iii.240 sq. (in ref. to which the 4 kinds of birth, as mentioned above, are also<br />

applied); Vism 102 (niraya -- n!ga -- yoni); pasu˚=tiracch!na˚ Pv ii.1312; pis!ca˚ world of the Pis!cas S<br />

i.209; peta˚ the realm of the Petas PvA 68 (cp. peta). -- kamma˚ K. as origin A iii.186. -- yoni<br />

upaparikkhitabba (=ki'j!tik! etc.) S iii.42. -- ayoni unclean origin Th 1, 219. -- 3. thoroughness,<br />

knowledge, insight Nett 40. -- ayoni superficiality in thought S i.203 ("muddled ways" Mrs. Rh. D.). --<br />

yoniso (abl.) "down to its origin or foundation," i. e. thoroughly, orderly, wisely, properly, judiciously S<br />

i.203 ("in ordered governance" K.S. i.259); D i.118 (wisely); It 30 (!raddha !sav!na' khay!ya); Pug 25;<br />

Vism 30, 132, 599; PpA 31. Opp. ayoniso disorderly improperly Pug 21; DhA i.327; PvA 113, 278. -- Esp.<br />

frequent in phrase yoniso manasik!ra "fixing one's attention with a purpose or thoroughly," proper<br />

attention, "having thorough method in one's thought" (K.S. i.259) Ps i.85 sq.; It 9; J i.116; Miln 32; Nett 8,<br />

40, 50, 127; Vism 132; PvA 63. See also manasik!ra. -- Opp. ayoniso manasik!ra disorderly or distracted<br />

attention D iii.273; VbhA 148; ThA 79. In BSk. the same phrase: yoni$o manasik!ra1 Divy 488; Av- i.122;<br />

ii.112 (Speyer: "the right & true insight, as the object of consideration really is"). See further on term Dial.<br />

iii.218 ("systematized attention"); K.S. i.131; ii.6 ("radical grasp"). -- ja born from the womb Sn 620; Dh<br />

396. -- pamukha principal sort of birth D i.54; M i.517.<br />


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