The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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dha'sati, whereas Vin ˚! padha'sati); It 9, 27 (abhabbo ˚ssa adhigam!ya); Th 2, 6; Sn 79 (˚adhiv!hana),<br />

425; Dh 23 (anuttara, cp. DhA i.231); Ps i.39; ii.81; Vbh 247 (kul!ni y -- kh -- k!m!ni, which VbhA 341<br />

expls: cat(hi yogehi khema' nibbhaya' icchanti); ThA 13. -- kkhemin finding one's rest, peace, or<br />

salvation; emancipated, free, an Arahant S iii.13 (accanta˚); iv.85; A ii.12; iv.310 (patta˚); v.326 (accanta˚);<br />

DhA iii.233, 234 (=sabba -- yoga -- visa'yutta); neg. a˚ not finding one's salvation A ii.52 (in verse)=Ps<br />

ii.80; It 50. -- ññu knowing the (right) means Miln 169 sq. -- bahula strong in exertion A iii.432. -- yutta<br />

(M!rassa) one who is tied in the bonds (of M!ra) A ii.52 (so read for ˚gutta; the verse also at Ps ii.80, 81,<br />

and It 50). -- vibh!ga dividing (division) of the relation (in grammar: to yoga 2) SnA 266.<br />

Yogan"ya<br />

Yogan"ya (adj.) [fr. yoga; grd. formation] of the nature of trying, acting as a bond, fetter -- ish Dhs 584;<br />

DhsA 49 (cp. Dhs. trsl. 301). <strong>The</strong> spelling is also yoganiya, cp. oghaniya.<br />

Yogin<br />

Yogin (adj. -- n.) [fr. yoga, cp. Class. Sk. yogin] 1. ( -- ˚) applying oneself (to), working (by means of),<br />

using Vism 70 (hattha˚ & patta˚ using the hand or the bowl; but trsln p. 80: "hand -- ascetic" & "bowl --<br />

ascetic"). 2. one who devotes himself to spiritual things, an earnest student, one who shows effort (in<br />

contemplation), a philosopher, wise man. <strong>The</strong> word does not occur in the four Nik!yas. In the older verses<br />

it is nearly synonymous with muni. <strong>The</strong> oldest ref. is Th 1, 947 (pubbake yog" "Saints of other days" Mrs.<br />

Rh. D.). Freq. in Miln, e. g. pp. 2, 356 (yogi -- jana); at pp. 366, 393, 404, 417, 418 in old verses. Combd<br />

with yogâvacara Miln 366, 404. -- Further passages are Nett 3, 10, 61; Vism 2, 14, 66, 71 (in verse), 150,<br />

320, 373, 509, 620, 651, 696; DhsA 195, 327.<br />

Yogga<br />

Yogga1 (nt.) [Vedic yogya; a grd. formation fr. yoga in meaning of yoga 1] "what may be yoked," i. e. 1. a<br />

coach, carriage, waggon (usually large & covered, drawn by bullocks) J vi.31 sq. (pa&icchanna), 368<br />

(mah!˚); DhA ii.151 (mah!˚ & pa&icchanna). -- 2. a draughtbullock, ox Vv 848; Pv ii.936 (=ratha -- yuga --<br />

v!hana PvA 127); J vi.221. yogg!ni muñcati to unharness the oxen PvA 43, 100.<br />

Yogga<br />

Yogga2 (nt. & adj.) [same as last, in meaning of yoga 7] 1. (nt.) a contrivance J iv.269 (yogga' karoti, may<br />

be in meaning "training, practice" here: see yogg!); VvA 8 (gaha*a˚). -- 2. (adj.) fit for (=yutta), adapted to,<br />

suitable; either -- ˚ or with inf.: VvA 291; PvA 25 (here spelt yogya), 135 (bhojana˚), 152 (kamma -- vip!k'<br />

ânubhavana˚), 154 (gamana˚ passable, v. l. yogya), 228 (anubhavana˚).<br />

Yogg!<br />

Yogg! (f.) [Vedic and Epic Sk. yogy!; same as yogga2, fr. yoga] training, practice J ii.165 (yogga' karoti<br />

to practise); iv.269 (id.); DhA i.52 (lakkha -- yogga' karoti to practise shooting). -- adj. ( -- ˚) katayogga<br />

well-practised, trained S i.62, 98 (neg.). Only at these passages, missing at the other da)ha -- dhamma --<br />

passages, e. g. at S ii.266; M i.82; A ii.48. -- !cariya a groom, trainer S iv.176=M i.124; M iii.97, 222; Th<br />

1, 1140; J i.505.<br />

Yojana<br />

Yojana (nt.) [Vedic yojana] 1. the yoke of a carriage J vi.38, 42 (=ratha -- yuga). -- 2. a measure of length:<br />

as much as can be travelled with one yoke (of oxen), a distance of about 7 miles, which is given by Bdhgh.<br />

as equal to 4 g!vutas (DhA ii.13). It occurs in descending scale of yojana -- tig!vuta -- usabha at DhA<br />

i.108. Dh 60; J v.37 (yojana -- yojana -- vitthat! each a mile square); SnA 194. More favoured combns

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