The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary


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Y(sa [Vedic y(+an, later Sk. y(+a; fr. base Idg. *i!(s, cp. Lat. j(s soup, Gr. zu/mh yeast, ferment, zwmo/s<br />

soup; Obulg. jucha=Ger. jauche manure; Swedish 0st cheese; an enlargement of base *i!eu to mix, as in Sk.<br />

yu to mix: see yuta, to which further *i!e9e, as in yuñjati] 1. juice Vin i.206 (aka&a˚ natural juice); Mhvs 28,<br />

26; VvA 185 (badara˚ of the jujube); Vism 195 (seda˚ sweaty fluid). -- 2. soup, broth. Four kinds of broths<br />

are enumd at M i.245, viz. mugga˚ bean soup, kulattha˚ of vetch (also at Vism 256), ka)!ya˚ (chick -- ) pea<br />

soup, hare*uka˚ pea soup; Miln 63 (rañño s(do y(sa' v! rasa' v! kareyya).<br />

Yebhuyya<br />

Yebhuyya (adj.) [ye=yad in M!gadh" form; thus yad bh(ya=yad bhiyya "what is more or most(ly)"]<br />

abundant, numerous, most. Not found as adj. by itself, except in phrase yebhuyya -- vasena mostly, as a<br />

rule ThA 51 and PvA 136, which is identical with the<br />

-- 558 --<br />

usual instr. yebhuyyena occurring as adv. "as according to most," i. e. (1) almost all, altogether, practically<br />

(as in our phrase "practically dead"), mostly D i.105 (addas! dvatti'sa lakkhan!*i y. &hapetv! dve: all<br />

except two)= 109; Vin iii.29 sq.; J i.246 (g!mako y. andha -- b!la -- manussehi yeva ussanno the village<br />

was peopled by mostly foolish folk); v.335 (y. as"ti -- mah!ther!, altogether). -- (2) as it happens (or<br />

happened), usually, occasionally, as a rule, ordinarily D i.17 (sa'va&&am!ne loke y. [as a rule] satt!<br />

4bhassarasa'va&&anik! honti; expld by half allegorical, half popular etym. at DA i.110 as follows: "ye upari<br />

Brahma -- lokesu v! 4ruppesu v! nibbattanti, tadavasese sandh!ya vutta'"); D ii.139: yebhuyyena dasasu<br />

loka -- dh!tusu devat! sannipatit! (as a rule); Sn p. 107 (=bahuk!ni SnA 451); Miln 6 (y. Himavantam eva<br />

gacchanti: usually); DA i.280 (ordinarily); VvA 234 (occasionally), 246 (pihita -- dv!ram eva hoti:<br />

usually); PvA 2 (Sattari tattha tattha viharante y. t!ya t!ya atth' uppattiy!), 46 (tass! kesa -- sobha' disv!<br />

taru*a -- jan! y. tattha pa&ibaddha -- citt! adesu' invariably). -- na yebhuyyena not as a rule, usually not (at<br />

all): nâpi y. ruditena k!ci attha -- siddhi PvA 63.<br />

Yebhuyyasik!<br />

Yebhuyyasik! (f.) [formation fr. yebhuyya like tassa- p!piyya -- sik!. Originally adj., with kiriy! to be<br />

understood] lit. "according to the majority," i. e. a vote of majority of the Chapter; name of one of the<br />

adhikara*a -- samathas, or means of settling a dispute. -- Vin. ii.84 (anuj!n!mi bh. adhikara*a'<br />

yebhuyyasik!ya v(pasametu'), 93 (viv!d' âdhikara*a' dv"hi samathehi sammati: sammukh! -- vinayena ca<br />

yebhuyyasZk!ya ca). As one of the 7 methods of settling a dispute mentioned at Vin iv.207=351 (the seven<br />

are: sammukh! -- vinaya, sati -- vinaya, am()ha˚, pa&iññ!, yebhuyyasik!, tassa -- p!piyyasik!, t"*'<br />

avatth!raka). Expld in detail at M ii.247: if the bhikkhus cannot settle a dispute in their abode, they have to<br />

go to a place where there are more bh., in order to come to a vote by majority. Cp. D iii.254 (the seven<br />

enumd); A i.99; iv.144.<br />

Yeva<br />

Yeva (indecl.) [=eva with accrudescent y from Sandhi. On form and relation between eva & yeva cp.<br />

Geiger, P.Gr. § 66, 1. See also eva 2. -- <strong>The</strong> same form in Pr!krit: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 336] emphatic<br />

particle, meaning "even, just, also"; occurring most frequently (for eva) after palatal sounds, as ': Sn 580<br />

(pekkhata' yeva), 822 (viveka'); DhA ii.20 (saddhi'); PvA 3 (tasmi'), 4 (imasmi'), 13 (tumh!ka'); --<br />

further after o: PvA 39 (apan"to yeva); -- after ! : Sn 1004 (manas! yeva); -- after i: S ii.206 (vuddhi yeva);<br />

PvA 11 (ahosi); -- after e: J i.82 (vih!re yeva; pubba*he y.); VbhA 135 (na kevala' ete yeva, aññe pi "not<br />

only these, but also others"). Cp. Mhvs 22, 56; VvA 222; PvA 47.<br />


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